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I think a good rule of thumb when Rob Ford is out and about is if there's a stain on his shirt then he's most likely inebriated. He looked pretty clean last night.
From my employment, I learned to loathe those dives and the drunken mayhem that went along with them. Women passed out, boyfriends ( or maybe a stranger? ) dragging them away.

Agreed, to a point.

I have a much different perspective than yours, but in another time & place, I worked the door for a couple of years at a similar establishment. While lots of people are just there for a good time, a couple of drinks, some dancing/flirting or whatever, around 10% of the clientele were the type who would turn belligerent at the drop of a hat. They varied: students on Wednesdays, army types allowed off-base for the night on Thursdays, a representative sampling of the whole town on Friday & Saturday.

Lots of friendly types, but as part of a [nice & well-behaved] door team, I also disrupted date-rapes, broke up fights, got covered in blood a couple of times (not my own), saw a guy take a glass ashtray to the back of the head (scalps bleed!), called in the military police to cart away a couple of biting/spitting squaddies when I only had 40 people in the bar on a quiet night and even helped physically haul off brawlers who were outnumbering and attacking cops during a couple of full-blown street riots which happened outside the bar on consecutive Saturdays (all the bars were on the same strip). Anything can happen.

One lesson I took away is that cheap signalling like tattoos or badass clothing is just that: cheap. Not everyone with a fake tan is a douchebag, and not every douchebag has a tribal tattoo. Douchebaggery comes from within.

In any full-to-the-brim bar/club of 700 people, there'll always be a few with a knife and probably one or two with a gun, no matter how you search. There'll always be drug dealers, and there will always be some coked-up idiot who is willing to spend a night in the cells just for the chance to throw a couple of punches at some perceived slight. There'll always be a couple of would-be rapists lounging around, and there will always be one or two people with downright mental health issues thrown in as a sort of wildcard.

Still, as I said, the majority of people are decent enough, if you just talk to them. Turns out that was 98% of the job: tedium broken up with chatting while keeping an eye on things.

Toronto is no different. Luckily in this case you knew who at least a couple of the aggressive drug abuser types were as soon as they walked in the door, although the Fords would surely immediately set off anyone's spidey sense.
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I think a good rule of thumb when Rob Ford is out and about is if there's a stain on his shirt then he's most likely inebriated. He looked pretty clean last night.

LOL, I was thinking the same thing myself. Also the openness of his eyes, as measured in millimetres, is inversely proportional to the amount of mind-altering substances he's consumed. He totally gives himself away - hmmmm, a subconcious need to get caught? He's just a walking (rather, stumbling) bad cliché.
I think a good rule of thumb when Rob Ford is out and about is if there's a stain on his shirt then he's most likely inebriated. He looked pretty clean last night.

Yeah, but this is what we saw a few weeks ago. Take him out to a club ,where everyone expects him to be drunk, and make sure he publicly drinks only water etc. Then go to Coquitlam and when (apparently!) no one is looking, tie one on. Have, in the words of one great philosopher "a few pops in the basement."

It seems pretty transparent to me and I don't care if it makes me sound judgemental or snippy or sexist but, holy cow, some of those people are...oh, what's the least offensive word? Let's just say "not-classy."

I get the sense - and I know I'm going on a limb here - Doug is no campaign managment genius. Like Rob and his phone call returning, he knows how to work the "ground game." the problem is that you need a "passing game" (or in Kuwait-invasion terms, air support and armour) to win a war. They think they can win a fistfight or wrestling match but, especially if Tory and/or Chow get involved, they're going to look like the guys who brought a knife to a gunfight. (That's enough mixed metaphors for now.)

So let them go to clubs and churches and film sad youtube videos and continue to pretend Rob has no substance abuse problem and, hey, let them ignore the inevitability of police charges too, since they have Canada's Best Criminal Lawyer on staff and all. (And, really, what family doesn't have Canada's Best Criminal Lawyer as their regular family lawyer?)

I don't see them winning ANYONE new over. They have the people they have and those people are a rump. As per those pictures, it may be a big rump but it's a rump. I can't imagine there is anyone who is just undecided on the guy at this point and certainly not that Doug has the ability to generate the interest of anyone outside Ford Nation. Nayshunese is the only language in which he is fluent. Forum Polls be damned, I stand by my belief the man doesn't hit 20% when all is said and done, and that's assuming he's not out on bail or (and this I really do not want) dead or otherwise medically incapacitated.
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Is it just me... or does Randy, ridiculous hat/boots and all, actually look the most approachable of the three?

Yes, I'm aware of the kidnapping/basement thing.

If so, I think it says more about Rob & Doug than it does about Randy.
I don't like the way just any drunk can throw their arm around the Mayor.

In 36+ years of service with the City I was only photographed once with the Chairman when I was sworn in, and once with the Mayor when I retired.

Both were very formal and special occasions to me. This mayor makes a mockery of that. I am so happy that I retired before he was elected.
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I think a good rule of thumb when Rob Ford is out and about is if there's a stain on his shirt then he's most likely inebriated. He looked pretty clean last night.


i dunno... vodka in the water bottle, oldest trick in the book boys

and this...


looks like the house dealer to me.


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Pretty pathetic for Doug when his campaign management strategy at this point consists only of babysitting and damage control.
Is it just me... or does Randy, ridiculous hat/boots and all, actually look the most approachable of the three?

Yes, I'm aware of the kidnapping/basement thing.

If so, I think it says more about Rob & Doug than it does about Randy.

He definitely looks like a guy that has had his struggles. It's human nature to feel compassion for those kinds of faces, even if it's against our better judgement. He also is increasingly looking like an old man.
i don't think this has been mentioned yet...

Complaints about city services spike
Rob Ford threatens "pink slips" for employees, but critics say his budget cuts have left city woefully understaffed

"It was this administration that came in saying they had an agenda of shrinking government, smaller government, lower taxes. And the only way to achieve that agenda of cuts is by getting rid of people," she said. "Now it's become abundantly clear to everyone that the people who are no longer here were actually performing services."
Is it just me... or does Randy, ridiculous hat/boots and all, actually look the most approachable of the three?

Yes, I'm aware of the kidnapping/basement thing.

If so, I think it says more about Rob & Doug than it does about Randy.

It's not just you, although I can't really explain it.
New topic: anyone else suspect that this Sam Sotiropoulos idiot burning up Twitter right now is just providing a smokescreen?
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