New Member
What happens to transit city if Ford is elected? Is it a done deal the project will be scrapped?
I don't like the idea of Ford getting in but it would be a positive if Toronto got rid of this stupid "union rates" for infastructure. That is why infastructure projects of all kind cost more in Toronto than other cities. No one should be dicriminated against due to not having union wages.
the Allen T-boning into Eglinton (a short 2-lane tunnel just to Bathurst may alleviate that ... though I doubt there is enough money in Ford's pot even for that. Probably relatively small projects.
I don't like the idea of Ford getting in but it would be a positive if Toronto got rid of this stupid "union rates" for infastructure. That is why infastructure projects of all kind cost more in Toronto than other cities. No one should be dicriminated against due to not having union wages.
the Allen T-boning into Eglinton (a short 2-lane tunnel just to Bathurst may alleviate that ...
If Rob Ford has the appetite for an endless strike that will paralyze Toronto for a month or more, maybe he could get the unions to get their wages down. I doubt it, even with the strike. Likely, if a TTC strike went on for more than a week, the province would step in and make the TTC an essential service which would backfire on Ford's goal to reduce spending on wages.
You know, that's actually a great idea. It appears to be possible via mostly cut and cover:
A tunnel boring under that block of houses would get it in to Cedarvale Park. The rest of the way could be done cut and cover. It certainly would resolve a lot of the congestion on Eglinton though I imagine that traffic lights down Bathurst would still create a bottleneck.
If Rob Ford has the appetite for an endless strike that will paralyze Toronto for a month or more, maybe he could get the unions to get their wages down. I doubt it, even with the strike. Likely, if a TTC strike went on for more than a week, the province would step in and make the TTC an essential service which would backfire on Ford's goal to reduce spending on wages.
We already have a couple of tunnels there, called the Spadina heavy rail Subway. Don't need any other tunnel.
And that helps drivers how?
And your question is relevant because?
Because Rob Ford is leading and I suspect he would get a lot of votes from fed up drivers. You reap what you sow.