In considering all the MANY reasons the PCs and Hudak would have told Doug to take a hint and move on, it's important to consider that he didn't just say he wants to be an MPP, he has made it clear he wants to be PREMIER. No doubt there are others in the party with the same ambitions but you don't tell Tim Hudak you want the job he has and expect his support. Especially not when his leadership is already being questioned and it's clear that if there were a party convention, Doug would happily run for leader without even putting in a day in Queen's Park.
Fact is that provincial politics is an entirely different game; everyone is whipped and must stay on the party message. If you know anything all about Doug you know that staying on message is one of his least-developed personality traits. It's actually kind of depressing in a way but there's no room for mavericks in Queen's Park or Ottawa these days. He wouldn't survive at all in cabinet and less still as a back-bencher. You don't need to be a pol-sci major to see that, putting aside all the criminal and other issues that surround him.
He's not MPP material at all, except in the illusory sense that, for a brief time, he was an apparent Golden Boy in a single riding.
Same goes for Rob and his ridiculous dream of being PM. All the qualities that allowed him to buck the odds and slip into this current position won't get him 10 feet at a party convention. He'd never win on a ranked ballot, he'd never get the support of rural Albertans given his inability to even get the support of downtown Torontonians. His appeal is just too focused and, again, that's even if you totally throw out the crack and drinking and all that. These two have such a stunning lack of both self-awareness and understanding of how the system works, I don't even know how they get out of bed in the morning.