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Well my bro was a fairly big time dealer, so lots of money to burn. And it all went to hookers, nice cars and he made the mistake of using his on stash. Then he got reckless, got caught and did a year in Milton.

Yeah I knew a guy like that, we were close. Don't talk anymore, don't care to know what he's up to. Depressing how people change so quickly.
Doubtful that 'The Cops' proper would even consider doing anything of the sort (The TPA is another story). And maybe DeMatteo is grasping. But Tory is probably as plugged into the Toronto legal community as one can be, if only by virtue of the family firm. There's apparently a good deal of chatter amongst the city's lawyers about all of this, so he may have a bit of an ear on the inside. If so, such info would surely factor into any decision he'll make.

It really is just a game of connecting the dots at this point. The legal community knows how it works and the dots all connect to form a picture of the TPS and Crown confident in their findings, being granted warrants on Ford with little resistance and putting together a case that they can take to court. There will be charges.

Tory knows this (which is why he'll run). Doug knows this (which is why he's been shot down by the Conservatives and had to announce he won't run). Rob Ford doesn't know this. He thinks everything will be fine if he closes his eyes really hard.
Rob Ford doesn't know this. He thinks everything will be fine if he closes his eyes really hard.

Doolittle seems to think Ford is smarter than he looks, at least with regards to political strategy. It's not much of a strategy, but he sure plays his character well - and it's gotten him this far. He's still mayor. He still has a base.
In considering all the MANY reasons the PCs and Hudak would have told Doug to take a hint and move on, it's important to consider that he didn't just say he wants to be an MPP, he has made it clear he wants to be PREMIER. No doubt there are others in the party with the same ambitions but you don't tell Tim Hudak you want the job he has and expect his support. Especially not when his leadership is already being questioned and it's clear that if there were a party convention, Doug would happily run for leader without even putting in a day in Queen's Park.

Fact is that provincial politics is an entirely different game; everyone is whipped and must stay on the party message. If you know anything all about Doug you know that staying on message is one of his least-developed personality traits. It's actually kind of depressing in a way but there's no room for mavericks in Queen's Park or Ottawa these days. He wouldn't survive at all in cabinet and less still as a back-bencher. You don't need to be a pol-sci major to see that, putting aside all the criminal and other issues that surround him.

He's not MPP material at all, except in the illusory sense that, for a brief time, he was an apparent Golden Boy in a single riding.

Same goes for Rob and his ridiculous dream of being PM. All the qualities that allowed him to buck the odds and slip into this current position won't get him 10 feet at a party convention. He'd never win on a ranked ballot, he'd never get the support of rural Albertans given his inability to even get the support of downtown Torontonians. His appeal is just too focused and, again, that's even if you totally throw out the crack and drinking and all that. These two have such a stunning lack of both self-awareness and understanding of how the system works, I don't even know how they get out of bed in the morning.
I wonder how it works with big cases like this. Are lawyers/judges like any other workers in that they share stories about their cases at the "watercooler"? If so Tory must've heard something as he's highly respected and connected in the legal community.

Well, just one example: Warren Kinsella, a lawyer by degree and bar (though mostly non-practicing outside of his zeal for litigation when affronted) always drops tidbits he's heard through the legal grapevine. Another: A friend, a now retired (at 43!) corporate M&A lawyer said, when asked, "Oh, yeah. Word is he's f@##ed."

So, yeah, there's that chatter on the down-low within the profession here in the city. One imagines that less is shared within the ranks of the 'serious' press as there is glory in scoops and a ton of competitive pressure on the bottom line of the papers, etc.
In considering all the MANY reasons the PCs and Hudak would have told Doug to take a hint and move on, it's important to consider that he didn't just say he wants to be an MPP, he has made it clear he wants to be PREMIER. No doubt there are others in the party with the same ambitions but you don't tell Tim Hudak you want the job he has and expect his support. Especially not when his leadership is already being questioned and it's clear that if there were a party convention, Doug would happily run for leader without even putting in a day in Queen's Park.

Fact is that provincial politics is an entirely different game; everyone is whipped and must stay on the party message. If you know anything all about Doug you know that staying on message is one of his least-developed personality traits. It's actually kind of depressing in a way but there's no room for mavericks in Queen's Park or Ottawa these days. He wouldn't survive at all in cabinet and less still as a back-bencher. You don't need to be a pol-sci major to see that, putting aside all the criminal and other issues that surround him.

He's not MPP material at all, except in the illusory sense that, for a brief time, he was an apparent Golden Boy in a single riding.

Same goes for Rob and his ridiculous dream of being PM. All the qualities that allowed him to buck the odds and slip into this current position won't get him 10 feet at a party convention. He'd never win on a ranked ballot, he'd never get the support of rural Albertans given his inability to even get the support of downtown Torontonians. His appeal is just too focused and, again, that's even if you totally throw out the crack and drinking and all that. These two have such a stunning lack of both self-awareness and understanding of how the system works, I don't even know how they get out of bed in the morning.

100% spot on IMO. They don't get it, at all. I even think on some level they know they don't get it and just don't care, secure in the assumption that "the people" want them to piss all over everything instead of playing the game.
The Ford brothers are getting a little too confident...

DavidNickle 6:06pm via Web
Speaker Nunziata reminds the Fords to please stop threatening their colleagues with defeat October 27. It is distracting, apparently.
I wonder how it works with big cases like this. Are lawyers/judges like any other workers in that they share stories about their cases at the "watercooler"? If so Tory must've heard something as he's highly respected and connected in the legal community.

From what I've heard, he's been given a head's-up.
Interesting exchange between Daniel Stein and Enzo DiMatteo on twitter this a.m. about Brazen II and the prospect of charges. Are the cops/Crowning nailing down their case with the latest warrant applications, or just shaking tree in hopes something — anything — will come loose? DiMatteo is optimistic, Stein, thinks the moment has passed. What's mood around here?

Here's a link (I hope) to the basics of the exchange. There's more, but it kind of deteriorates as it goes along.

I'm inclined to side with the Enzo and MetroMan camp on this one. If the TPS were merely engaging in a fishing expedition, I wouldn't expect them to trot out the lead detective to do media essentially confirming their purpose has been the investigation of the Mayor. It sets the TPS up for a much bigger backlash if they in fact had nothing, but were hoping to shake the bushes.
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I don't want to see buck naked men running across Church Street. Do I condone buck naked men biking across to the streetcar? Absolutely not. Crosswalks are for cars to drive on. Subways.
So this is how Rob makes his decisions:

Matt Elliott ‏@GraphicMatt 20 mins
That really did happen. Rob Ford explained that he got nailed by a red light camera so voted against a motion about red light cameras.
The Ford brothers are getting a little too confident...

DavidNickle 6:06pm via Web
Speaker Nunziata reminds the Fords to please stop threatening their colleagues with defeat October 27. It is distracting, apparently.

Hmmm. Maybe there is something to all our speculation about time running out for the Fords.

We all know cornered animals are the ones to fight the hardest. So, is this confidence? Or is it just their typical bluster cranked up to even higher levels than usual because the boys are beginning to feel the walls slowly closing in? If their behavior was obnoxious enough that Nunziata told them to can it, they must be feeling stressed out indeed.
Hmmm. Maybe there is something to all our speculation about time running out for the Fords.

We all know cornered animals are the ones to fight the hardest. So, is this confidence? Or is it just their typical bluster cranked up to even higher levels than usual because the boys are beginning to feel the walls slowly closing in? If their behavior was obnoxious enough that Nunziata told them to can it, they must be feeling stressed out indeed.

I believe this has been the status quo since 2010. Any time a councillor disagrees with them they threaten them in the elections.
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