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City of Toronto naming policy (including for parks)

Apologies if this is very large (9 page doc), but I could not figure out how to post the pdf as an attachment. (Emphasis added.)




1.1 The City of Toronto honours and promotes the heritage and identity of the City in a number of ways, including through the naming or renaming of civic properties and streets, which is the subject of this policy.


2.1 The purpose of this policy is to establish a naming protocol that:

 provides guidelines and a consistent process for the naming of civic properties and streets;

 protects the reputation and integrity of the City of Toronto and its assets;

 ensures alignment with the City’s programs and services.


3.1 This policy does not apply to individual or to corporate naming rights which are covered by a separate policy.

3.2 Gifts or donations to such initiatives as the Commemorative Tree and Bench Program are not covered by this policy. Such philanthropic contributions are governed by the City's Donations Policy.

3.3 For purposes of corporate consistency, this policy shall apply to all City divisions and to those agencies, boards and commissions (ABCs) which are by law subject to the policies of City Council by requiring that those ABCs adopt policies which are consistent with this policy. Approval of proposals would continue to be by the ABC or, if such authority is not delegated to the ABC, by City Council. All other ABCs are requested to adopt policies which are consistent with this policy. The authority for street naming under this policy shall remain solely with the City.

3.4 This policy does not apply retroactively. Naming arrangements that pre-date this policy are not subject to its terms.

3.5 Subject to existing arrangements and this policy, any property or street may be considered for naming. Naming proposals will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


4.1 For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:

 “Corporate Naming Rights” shall mean a mutually beneficial business arrangement wherein an organization provides goods, services or financial support to the City in return for access to the commercial and/or marketing potential associated with the public display of the organization's name on a City property for a finite period. Examples include the City-owned Sony Centre for the Performing Arts and the Scotiabank Nuit Blanche arts event.

 "Duplicate" as used in this policy refers to the name of a street, including its type designation and other qualifiers.

 “Honourific Naming” shall mean the honourific or commemorative naming of property or streets without the receipt of consideration by the City. It is bestowed by the City to recognize the outstanding service, commitment or contribution of an individual or group. The J.J. Piccininni Community Centre is but one example. Furthermore, an honourific or commemorative naming may be conferred on an organization that has made such a substantial donation that naming is considered to be an appropriate acknowledgement.

 “Individual Naming Rights” shall mean the naming of City property in return for a financial or in-kind contribution from an individual or their
estate. Typically, such support is given to enhance the community and to help sustain the property in question for a negotiated period of time. An example is the Martin Goodman Trail.

 “Properties” refers to City assets. These include, but are not limited to, events, services, programs, activities, real property, facilities, parks, features (e.g. rooms, ice pads, bridges, playgrounds, etc.), and other assets.

 "Streets" as used in this policy shall refer to City streets or lanes and shall include private streets which the City has the legal jurisdiction to name or rename.


5.1 General

5.1.1 This policy repeals and supplants all existing in-force City policies and guidelines on naming, including the City of Toronto Street Naming Policy, as amended, and th eNaming and Renaming of Parks and Recreation Facilities Policy.

5.1.2 The names of properties and streets honouring individuals or organizations cannot be altered without the express authorization of the relevant Community Council. The re-naming of properties and streets will only be pursued in exceptional circumstances and be considered within the context of the historical and/or community significance of the existing name.

5.1.3 The cost and impact of changing existing signage, rebuilding community recognition and updating records must be considered before a property or street is re-named.

5.1.4 Property and street namings are at the sole discretion of City Council.

5.1.5 All ward-specific property and street namings in compliance with this policy require the approval of the relevant Community Council.

5.1.6 The City shall retain ownership and control over any named property, unless another party has explicit lawful rights to the property.

5.1.7 The City will consider naming proposals, but is under no obligation to accept them or to present them for consideration.

5.1.8 The duration of the property or street naming is at the sole discretion of the City and may be revoked and the property or street re-named at any time.

5.1.9 In considering the naming of a property or street after an individual, priority will be given to those who have made a sustained and lasting contribution to the local community or to the City in general.

5.1.10 The physical display of the name shall be at the purview of the City.

5.1.11 The City does not endorse the products, services, or ideas of any named party.

5.1.12 The local councillor shall be notified at the outset with respect to ward-specific property or street naming proposals.

5.1.13 Councillors may introduce honourific naming proposals affecting their wards at Community Council

5.1.14 Division Heads have overall responsibility for oversight and control of property and street naming and renaming in their units.

5.2 Eligibility and Criteria

5.2.1 The City shall not grant a naming without the informed written consent of the named party (i.e. individual, group or organization) or the named party’s representative (e.g. estate or next-of-kin).

5.2.2 Honourific names shall normally be awarded posthumously to those individuals who have been deceased for at least two years, with exceptions to be approved by City Council.

5.2.3 Named parties are prohibited from implying that their products, services or ideas are sanctioned by the City.

5.2.4 The naming must not result in, or be perceived to confer, any competitive advantage, benefit or preferential treatment to the named party.

5.2.5 There shall be no actual or implied obligation on the City's part to purchase the product or services of the named party.

5.2.6 Subject to the agreement, the naming must not impair the City’s ability to manage the property, if the City has rights to manage the property.

5.2.7 The naming must not unduly detract from the character, integrity or aesthetic quality of the property or unreasonably interfere with its enjoyment or use.

5.2.8 The naming must not confer a personal benefit to any particular City employee or City official.

5.2.9 Naming must not result in additional costs for the City. Any costs associated with an unsolicited naming proposal will be the responsibility of the applicant.


The following process has been established to ensure that the naming or renaming of a City property or street is approached in a consistent manner. Issues regarding the interpretation or application of this policy and process are to be referred to the Toronto Office of Partnerships, with the exception of matters respecting the naming of streets, which shall be referred to the City Surveyor.

6.1 Naming of Properties and Streets

6.1.1 In line with current practice, for the naming of ward-specific properties and streets, division staff shall only recommend names that:

after consulting with the local community and councillor, are determined to have general public support;

engender a strong positive image;

have historical, cultural or social significance to the community, City or nation;

are unique, to avoid confusion;

• do not lend themselves to inappropriate abbreviations or acronyms; and

• comply with this policy;

6.1.2 Streets should generally be named after people, places, events and things related to the City and citizens of Toronto. Proposed names should meet one of the following criteria:

a. to honour and commemorate noteworthy persons associated with the City of Toronto;

b. to commemorate local history, places, events or culture;

c. to strengthen neighbourhood identity; or

d. to recognize native wildlife, flora, fauna or natural features related to the community and the City of Toronto.

6.1.3. Consideration should be given to names of local area or historic significance.

6.1.4 Names of living persons should be used only in exceptional circumstances.

6.1.5 Only a person’s last name should be used as a street name unless additional identification is necessary to prevent a duplication with an existing street name in Toronto and surrounding municipalities.

6.1.6 Upon concluding its due diligence, the division will report to the relevant Community Council with the recommended name.

6.1 Requests for the Honourific Naming/Renaming of City Properties (Other than Streets)

6.2.1 Any individual, group or organization may submit an honourific naming proposal to name or rename eligible City property.

6.2.2 Ward-specific honourific naming proposals will be considered by the appropriate Community Council.

6.2.3 Honourific naming proposals that are city-wide in scope will be considered by the Mayor's Office and will require City Council approval.

6.2.4 All requests for the honourific naming or renaming of a City property shall be made in writing to the appropriate Division Head (or designate) or the Toronto Office of Partnerships, which will then refer the request to the appropriate division.

6.2.5 In considering a naming request, divisions may, at their discretion, utilize additional criteria beyond those noted in this policy and may assess fees for the purposes of cost recovery.

6.2.6 Requests should contain the following minimum information:

The proposed name;

Reasons for the proposed name, including documentation of that person or entity’s significance and contribution to the community, city or

Written documentation indicating community support for the proposed name. For a proposal to be eligible for consideration, the applicant must secure the endorsement of at least two community organizations, as defined by the applicable division;

• Description/map showing location and boundaries of the property; and

If proposing to re-name a property, include justification for changing an established name. Names that have become widely accepted by the community will not be abandoned unless there are compelling reasons and strong public sentiment from the broader community for doing so.

6.2.7 Upon receipt, community and other relevant stakeholders, including the local councillor, shall be consulted on all naming/renaming proposals.

6.2.8 Each proposal will then be considered by a staff-led review that, as part of its due diligence, shall at a minimum:

• review the proposed request for its adherence to this policy.

• ensure that supporting information has been authenticated, particularly when an individual’s name is proposed.

conduct an independent background check on the individual, group or organization presented for naming.

consult with, and take into consideration the comments of, all interested stakeholders.

6.2.9 Staff will then present, within 90 days of the submission, a recommendation to the Division Head (or designate) who may either accept or reject the proposal. The Division Head may also seek to convene a public meeting to gain additional information prior to making a decision.

6.2.10 The Division Head/designate shall communicate the recommendation and its reasons to the applicant.

6.2.11 Where a proposal is recommended, the division shall report it to the appropriate Community Council for consideration.

6.2 Requests for the Naming/Renaming of Streets Names may be proposed for the naming or renaming of streets, subject to the following: Similar sounding names such as Beach Avenue and Peach Avenue, or Apple Hill Road and Apple Road shall be avoided. Corrupted or modified names, or names which are discriminatory or derogatory from the point of view of race, sex, colour, creed, political affiliation or other social factors shall not be considered. The re-use of former street names shall not be permitted to avoid confusion in property records management.

6.3.2 All applications for naming or renaming streets shall be made in writing to the City Surveyor. The application should include the proposed name, the specific street location and brief but complete background information on the proposed name. The City Surveyor shall determine the appropriate street type designation (e.g. avenue, boulevard, trail, terrace, crescent, etc.) and/or qualifier (e.g. east, west, etc.) for a proposed name.

6.3.3 In the case of a name change, the application should also include a petition with name, address and signatures of the persons who reside on, or own property that fronts on or is adjacent to the subject street.

6.3.4 The City Surveyor shall circulate proposed names to the affected Councillors, Fire Services, Toronto Police Services and Emergency Medical Services, and preservation panels.

6.3.5 Where the name is proposed to be established by registration of a plan of subdivision, the following shall apply: Should the proposed names of the new streets be acceptable to all parties referenced in 6.3.4, the City Surveyor may, where the name is to be established by registered plan of subdivision, authorize inclusion of the names on the plan of subdivision; and If the proposed street names on a draft plan of subdivision application do not have approval from all parties concerned, the City Surveyor shall report on the recommended names to the Community Council for its consideration.

6.3.6 Where the name is proposed to be established by by-law, the City Surveyor shall report to the Community Council for consideration and approval. Note that Municipal Code Chapter 162, "Notice, Public", requires that notice be given of the Community Council meeting at which a by-law to name or rename a street will be considered.

6.3.7 Recommendations by City staff for naming or renaming proposals which are initiated by staff or are requests for the approval of property or street naming which are not within the scope of this policy shall be referred to Community Council for appropriate action, which may include recommendation to City Council for approval.


7.1 The City’s Donations Policy can be found at:

7.2 The Code of Conduct for Members of Toronto City Council is available at:

7.3 Lobbyist Code of Conduct, Municipal Code Chapter 140, Article VI

7.4 Lobbying and Donations to Council member-Organized Community Events Joint Interpretation Bulletin


W. Kowalenko, City Surveyor
City of Toronto, Technical Services
Survey and Mapping Services
18 Dyas Road, 4 th Floor, Toronto ON M3B 1V5
Fax: 4163920081

Phyllis Berck
Director, Toronto Office of Partnerships
Phone Number: (416) 392-6119
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And then there's this:

"Councillor Doug Ford is praising the Ontario Provincial Police after the Star reported the force is stepping back from its investigation of his brother, Mayor Rob Ford, until new information is provided.
“I just want to thank the OPP for doing a proper investigation,” Ford said Thursday at Toronto City Hall."

The OPP didn't investigate jack shit, did they? They were brought in on an 'oversight' capacity. The investigation was still, in the hands of Giroux, Schertzer, etc. What's he on about here?

Grades of horse shit:

My little pony (with sparkles)
Miniature horse
Doug Ford Jr.
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And then there's this:

"Councillor Doug Ford is praising the Ontario Provincial Police after the Star reported the force is stepping back from its investigation of his brother, Mayor Rob Ford, until new information is provided.
“I just want to thank the OPP for doing a proper investigation,†Ford said Thursday at Toronto City Hall."

The OPP didn't investigate jack shit, did they? They were brought in on an 'oversight' capacity. The investigation was still, in the hands of Giroux, Schertzer, etc. What's he on about here?
I watched the video of Rob thanking the OPP. He definitely didn't look relieved. More like he knows he's still knee deep in this.
The way I see it, there hasn't been an official statement regarding an arrest until now. The key phrase is there isn't grounds for a charge "at this stage". I'm thinking the OPP was forced to respond to the growing talk of Ford getting arrested. At this point, they might not have enough. But there's more investigating to be done. After watching Kevin Donovan's interview I am definitely feeling a lot less deflated.
May I remind everyone that, a little unusually among all the regular visitors/whatever to this thread, I did *not* offer an arrest pool prediction. Something about arrest-pooling seemed to me like putting a cart before the horse. My attitude's always been a looser, more open-ended: "come what may".

However--once again, from a very early date, I've been of a "this will not end well" frame of mind re the Ford mayoralty. And, that still holds. But not in a manner that defaults into "woe is us, I guess we'll have to move to Hamilton or whatever". That's a wimp's cop-out. Yes, there are times when political events lead to demographic and/or "brain drains"--think of Detroit under Coleman Young's war on whitey, or of Montreal under Levesque--but Toronto doesn't seem on that kind of precipice, unless a reelected Ford decrees himself a strong-mayor dictator figure.

If any of this continues unabated, it won't be stagnation we'll be facing. It'll be warfare. Maybe a "preemptive" kind of warfare--but warfare all the same.

But in the meantime, there are still factors to look out for by election day...

(1) arrest/charges for crimes not yet committed (Rob mowing someone down in his Escalade, Doug beating the pulp out of reporters, etc)

(2) death by natural/self-generated causes,

(3) death by un-natural/outsider-generated causes (yes, the old "assassination thing"--and remember re those who fear the Fords: an assassin, a real or metaphorical "suicide bomber", knows no fear).

In the end, none of this *should* be necessary (duh)...but the Fords, in their cops'n'robbers delusion, are practically beckoning it...
Perhaps the police should do what they normally do to someone they don't like nut has done nothing wrong: Beat him up and charge that he assaulted an officer, then when the court date happens the Crown simply "drops" the charges.

Normally I don't support such tactics, but it may teach him a valuable lesson...

So you want to turn him into Scott McIntyre and yourself into him? Don't sell your soul, man.
This was funny:

Adam Barnett ‏@shallimus 8m
The infinite cosmos; billions of years of evolution; vast human struggles & triumphs, and yet suddenly: @joe_warmington Such a pity.
I'm not really a big fan of the Guns N' Roses but that just gave me an idea for Rob N' Doug - Appetite for Destruction album cover photoshop / t-shirt


Funny how the headline to the article reads "...not likely to face charges," despite Donovan emphasizing Brazen 2 is still ongoing.

Yep, I don't know who started the crap... wait, it was the anonymous source in the Star. Hmmm... didn't the Ford's say that an anonymous source is meaningless concerning proof? I guess an anonymous source counts if it supports their agenda... bunch of flip-floppers, they shouldn't be allowed to consort will people who can make their minds up, and then stick with it, people like that are so disgusting, it just makes me sick.;)
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Lisi threatens to bring heat to the neighbourhood. Others are recorded talking about dirty cops, and ...

“Buddy, I am going to talk to the Crown and police and get you arrested.†— Bruno Bellissimo, to a reporter

Peter Kordas warned the Star about printing any information about his TTC records. “If you do that, I am going to go on CFRB and tell (radio host) John Tory everything.â€

Source: Police probe Mayor Rob Ford friends who sought crack video, August 16, 2013
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What do you mean by warfare Adma?

I think he means that if by some fluke Ford is re-elected the people will flip their lids. I think the election night would make the G20 look like a tea party, and Ford may not make it out in one piece. There is only so much that people can take.
Where's the evidence that anyone tried to extort Ford? Anything in the ITO/wiretaps to support that? Siad (or Siyad) made a video and wants to sell it. He's not threatening or extorting anyone -- he's willing to sell to the highest bidder. If that happens to be Rob Ford, so be it.

If I have a rare old watch and I put it on eBay, is it extortion if I don't sell it to you but choose to see who bids the highest? Maybe it belonged to your great-granddad and has his name inscribed on the back. But I came to own it legally and I will sell to whomever bids the highest, regardless of how emotionally connected to it you are. Who says Siad ever said "Pay me $X or else" -- maybe he simply wanted to sell to the highest bidder, and if that's the media, so be it. No extortion in that.
What do you mean by warfare Adma?

Well, think anything from Belfast to Kyiv. Or something that'd lead to the Fords strung up like Mussolini.

Oh, as far as "crimes not yet committed": don't forget the possibility of *domestic* unrest (y'know, that old Rob/Renata/the kids issue)
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