The idea that Ford is a serious candidate has been overblown by everyone, including his fellow candidates who want to use anti-Ford sentiment to their advantage. But the idea he will be re-elected mayor is laughable. The Forum polls used are also heavily skewed to the elderly, and the make up of the next election is likely going to be non-traditional and turnout will be abnormally high.
Well, that was also the sentiment during the last Federal election, and Harper returned with a majority, with voter turnout not being as high as expected.
I think people who are interested in politics and the issues sometimes overestimate how interested in disintersted majority are, which is understandable because we tend to congregate, either online or inperson, with likeminded people.
I think the best thing for the other contenders to do (beyond having solid platforms, of course) is get out and meet as many people in the city as they can, and work to connect on them one-on-one. Whatever his weaknesses, Ford is pretty good at this. They also need to memorize the facts on the multitude of lies he spews in debates, and use them to counter them when he repeats them. Beyond that, I think the credible candidates should ignore him, like a 5 year old sitting at the kids' table who tries to interrupt their nice family dinner. They correct him, then ignore him because they don't want to reward the bad behaviour by giving him attention.
I had posted a picture of Drunk Rob on my FB on the weekend, and a friend commented that Rob "was still better than the last guy, and better than most of the people gunning for his job". It's important not to underestimate him or discount him, nor expect something like charges to keep him from forging ahead.