Active Member
MM is still holding pretty strong...
I *know* he will get arrested. To believe otherwise you must assume widespread police corruption. I'm not *that* cynical. they're after the bigger fish. I'm convinced that this will go down as the biggest political investigation in Canadian history.
I do think MM could have handled himself better. While he has always been pretty clear that what he writes is speculation/rumour, some of the wording of some of his tweets has been pounced upon by the ravening hordes, desperate for Ford news. He's clearly a bright guy, so he should have been able to put himself in the shoes of a member of said horde reading his tweets and word them a little more carefully. I remain grateful for the insight MM has offered, but like others, I pine for the days when his intel was solid, his messaging cautious and his reputation golden.
The "police cars on Edenbrook" incident was a good example: read as a whole, what he wrote was reasonable, but his incautious wording was way too easy to take out of context, especially given the medium of Twitter. Also, the Dan Brown/Tom Clancy lingo (e.g. "chatter") does sometimes swerve slightly south of sublime and hurtle towards the ridiculous.
That said, I find his harshest detractors equally frustrating. For instance, @PreAmalMan is sort-of funny, but slightly more boorish than funny. I'm sure you don't mind much what I think (hi, @PreAmanMan! I know you read this thread!) but there it is.
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