1.0 Policy Statement
Under the Ontario Human Rights Code, every person has a right to equal treatment in the provision of services and facilities, occupation of accommodation, contracts and in employment. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, all employers are required to have a policy, program, information and instruction regarding workplace harassment.
The City of Toronto, its Agencies, Corporations and citizen advisory committees/bodies are committed to respectful, equitable service delivery and employment practices. The goal of this Policy is to recognize the dignity and worth of every person (whether resident, service recipient or employee) and to create a climate of understanding and mutual respect.
The City condemns harassment, denigration, discriminatory actions and the promotion of hatred. The City of Toronto will not tolerate, ignore, or condone discrimination or harassment and is committed to promoting respectful conduct, tolerance and diversity at all times. All employees are responsible for respecting the dignity and rights of their co-workers and the public they serve. The City's Human Rights and Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Complaint Procedures provide a range of dispute resolution options for employees, service recipients and Members of Toronto City Council who believe that they may have experienced discrimination and/or harassment.
2.0 Application
This policy applies to all City of Toronto employees, volunteers, Accountability Officers and their staff, elected officials and their staff and to all aspects of the employment relationship. Toronto Public Service (TPS) staff are expected to abide by this policy, the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Occupational Health and Safety Act and any other relevant City Policy and legislation.
Citizen advisory committees/bodies, members of the public, service recipients, visitors to and users of City facilities/public space and individuals conducting business with, for or with support from the City of Toronto, are expected to adhere to this policy. This includes refraining from discriminating and/or harassing City of Toronto employees, elected officials and persons acting on behalf of the City of Toronto. If such discrimination and/or harassment occur, the City of Toronto will take action to ensure a harassment/discrimination-free workplace, facility and service provision, including barring a harasser from its facilities, limiting services, discontinuing business and/or revoking contracts with consultants or contractors.