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but wasn't there a (i believe) sun article that stated the law suit was dropped, but then later the same day, that part of the sentence was removed? i think the sun article was more recent than the israel national news one, but i wonder if it's based on the same source.

so can we somehow verify if this is true?

Yes. You can verify all of this as a matter of public record. Just go to the courthouse and ask to read the file (you have to figure out the docket number, but in my experience, they often have computers to help with that). Once you get the docket, you'll find the statement of claim by the plantiff, statements of defence from the respondents and, possibly, an assortment of affadivits and motions, depending on how far the case has moved.

As far as I know from news reports, the case is still active. The fact that the Sun cut a sentence from a Joe Wormington column proves that case hasn't been dropped. A report from a small Israeli news website (look at the number of reporters) is not going to have current info because the reporters aren't here. I'm quite sure they are reporting that the respondents in the case have filed statements of defence that say the issues put forward in the statement of claim are full of crap. A statement of defence is an official document, and its job is to say that a statement of claim is full of it. Then either the court makes a decision (eventually), the parties settle out of court or the plantiff fades away because it's not worth pursuing the issue.

ETA: You don't have to actually go to the courthouse. We have a lot of reporters in T.O. who are doing that for us.
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how's this for a segue? :p

How can we stop the next Rob Ford? By asking the right questions.

We’re relying on the media to do the difficult work of digging up privileged material without first asking the question: Is there anything else we ought to know?


Some highly qualified leaders — politicians included — will tell us that it’s none of our business to pry into people’s affairs or ask sensitive questions about, say, substance use — questions that are common on pre-employment tests. If we think our politicians and companies can do better, it’s probably time to rethink that attitude.

Good managers hire in a consistent manner based on as many reliable facts as possible, and don’t discount a person’s inner qualities. We deserve to have fully informed dialogue about who our political candidates really are. As long as we don’t demand it, we may just be getting the kind of leadership we deserve.

but yeah... i don't see myself going through the effort of checking at a courthouse. maybe there will be an update soon.


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North Bay business allows you to drive a golf ball at Rob Ford

rob ford golf .jpg

FORE ROB, FORE! There's no way the Toronto Mayor can get out of this line of fire at Lakeshore Driving Range.


"They have a picture of Rob Ford with a hole in his mouth and if you sink a ball you get a free bucket. Me and some guys I was with had a blast. I think a ton of people would love to go hit a golf ball at Rob," said a BayToday Reader who sent us this photo.


  • rob ford golf .jpg
    rob ford golf .jpg
    11.1 KB · Views: 628
Getting Back In The Ring But Still Punch Drunk

The Mayor Ford re-election campaign is doomed, in other words. Dead incumbent walking. It will be great when everyone recognizes it. Then, we can’t stop writing about the man as anything other than what he was. An ugly footnote in this city’s history. A novelty gift that quickly wore out its welcome.

In 20, 19, 18, 14, 12, 11…

but yeah... i don't see myself going through the effort of checking at a courthouse. maybe there will be an update soon.

i found this though...

MacIntyre injuries from fight over newspaper, gov't says

A statement of defence filed by the Ministry of the Attorney General says Scott MacIntyre was fighting over a newspaper and was not the recipient of a jailhouse beating orchestrated by Mayor Rob Ford.

The 14-page legal document filed with the Superior Court of Ontario Monday denies MacIntyre’s claim that he was the victim of a March 22, 2012, attack in the Metro West Detention Centre allegedly masterminded by the mayor.

Instead, government lawyers say MacIntyre, Ford’s ex-brother-in-law, fought with another inmate in a shower and broke his leg. The pair were fighting over who would read a newspaper first.
but wasn't there a (i believe) sun article that stated the law suit was dropped, but then later the same day, that part of the sentence was removed? i think the sun article was more recent than the israel national news one, but i wonder if it's based on the same source.

so can we somehow verify if this is true?

The only way that a civil claim can be ended iin our system is by being withdrawn by the person making it or dismissed by the court. The article uses terminology foreign to our system and almost certainly is based on misinformation compounded by misunderstanding.

ETA: The terminology fits Israel, which has a civil code type of system that is more inquisitorial and sees a civil claim as something more like a charge. it is plausible that an Isreali reporter without legal training could come to the false conclusion that a mere statement by the Crown is some sort of official report and leap to the false conclusion that it could result in McIntyre's suit being ended.
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I was thinking the same thing the last couple of times people here brought up the IHTWORF people. I've never really been interested in paying attention to them -- nor in making my brain bleed by reading those comments -- but I looked recently on their twitter and they have... 542 followers. This is not a lot, is it? And it's not like they're all supporters. There are reporters there, probably keeping informed (Don Peat & others) and Ford parody accounts like RoFo's Escalade.

I don't know about the facebook group, I don't have an account so I don't see things the same way.

If anyone knows how many supporters these sites had a year ago, maybe they can let us know if it there's been drop or what. Maybe someone screencapped a page from before or knows how to get stats on followers who have since unfollowed/unliked, etc. ( I think these kind of data metrics are only available to users re their own accounts, but maybe I'm wrong).

I have no recorded data, but IHTWOMRF has plateaued at under 3900 Facebook likes since at least the beginning of the year. In fact, they've started slowly dropping followers here and there.

They saw a massive spike just after the crack allegations arose, but that seemed to be the solidification of their emergence as the mouth of FordNation. Neil Flagg's requirement of group membership in order to post also seemed to increase the number. Their ranks jumped so fast that Neil started making silly predictions of "10,000 likes by Christmas", which of course were never realized.

Many of the likes don't have any "skin in the game". A lot of conservatives with semi-hidden bigoted views from outside of Toronto who seem to like Ford because he has the gall to say the hateful, spiteful and racist things they believe but won't themselves say when amongst the general public.

In his posts, Neil has gone from just plain crazy to batshit crazy, making claims like Hudak lost the election because he turned his back on Ford, and that Karen Stintz is really not running for Mayor, but is trying to shore up votes for Tory so she can endorse him when she drops out (?!).

Because everyone who questions Ford is considered a troll and banned (they will even devour their own kind), it's become a huge echo-chamber-slash-circle-jerk of "validated" bigotry, general ignorance and insane deification.

I shudder to think how some of these people will deal with the shattering of their worldview come the morning of October 28th. Many already seem perplexed by Hudak's loss.
In other words, little or none.

Yup. That's the way it's looking, with very little donated money this time, and Doug as camping manager, a winning combination for sure. Next they'll be charging for magnets alongside the bubbleheads:rolleyes:
In other words, little or none.

So the only actual campaign office, with the only paid full-timer of the campaign is only responsible for east of University and who gets out 75 to 100 volunteers 'on the ground' every day, could only manage to get maybe 30 of them to turn up for free cake for RoFo's B-day? Okay, then. Carry on.
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