Senior Member
He's in total denial, amazing.Has either interview been posted online? Can't find a link on the CBC or CP24 websites.
He's in total denial, amazing.Has either interview been posted online? Can't find a link on the CBC or CP24 websites.
Yes. Here's how it's done [start at 4:07]:
Yes. Here's how it's done [start at 4:07]:
ddale8 1:37pm via Twitter Web Client
Doug Ford: "This is a curable disease. This is a curable disease, by the way." Rob Ford has insisted that he'll have it his whole life.
I'd like to hear some of the people here who have addressed the addiction/rehab side of all this say what they thought of Ford repeating that jargon and the extent to which he actually got it. It seemed to me he didn't really understand the disease aspect, except as an excuse, for example.
Oh man. Young man who says he was "indoctrinated" as a student of Jogger Joe.
The student says he is "friends" with the Fords. Doug Ford says we twist words. I tell him he lies. He tells me to "let the people decide."
He sounds like a guy who just read up on what rehab is and he memorized some of the key words. He very clearly doesn't actually understand them.
Doug Ford, when I pressed him on what racial slur the jogger uttered: "You can be racist against people who have a drinking problem."