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A bio of the man in the centre of the media storm--Ford's new communications guy, Jeff Silverstein

Apropos of nothing, really, but I'll put this out there.... It's interesting that part of Silverstein's work focuses on the mining industry. I do a bit of work around the fringes of the business and have a few friends who are involved in the exploration industry. Investment is way down and companies have their belts strapped mighty tight. These are not free-spending days. I wonder if part of Silverstein's reason for joining Team Ford is that he needs the work.
Also claims he is a Hollywood producer

Tempest in a sandlot
A Mexican 'portable beach' is stopping traffic in Montreal
But it's also driving local police mad


Montreal—When it dreamed up the notion of filling a massive glass box with white sand, palm trees and swimsuit models to create a "portable beach" to drive around northern cities, the Mexican government never thought it would need to claim blanket immunity.

But that's what happened in Montreal, says Bob Marier, a Hollywood TV producer hired to truck one of the "portable beaches" around this sun-starved city to promote winter getaways.

"I like to joke my truck now has diplomatic immunity," said Marier, who is driving the vehicle for the Mexico Tourism Board. "The first day, I had a cease-and-desist order from the police. Then this guy came down from the Mexican consulate and waved his diplomatic credentials at the police.

"I'm not sure what he said, but he made the problem go away for me pretty fast," he said. "So it didn't really become a diplomatic incident you'd hear about."

But the police still keep showing up and telling him where to park the beach, er, the truck.

At the moment, two of Montreal's finest ambled up to his white truck, which tends to stick out since it looks like a giant aquarium on wheels — one that happens to be filled with three plastic palm trees, 6,000 kilograms of white sand and three bronzed women wearing bikinis in sub-zero weather.

"You have to turn down the music," one officer ordered Marier, suggesting the salsa beat emanating from the truck was disturbing the peace.

"Maybe you could find another place," added his partner, whose gaze kept roaming toward one of the models waving at him from behind her heated, glass enclosure.

"I can't do that," Marier responded in a friendly but firm manner, dropping coins into two parking meters to ensure he could claim the two spots his truck takes up on rue Ste.-Catherine, Montreal's rough equivalent of Yonge St.

"I had to get up at 6 a.m. to get this spot," he explained. "I can't just give it up now. I won't find another."

Navigating his stretch of beach through Montreal has been decidedly more problematic than doing so in Toronto, Chicago and New York, the three other northern cites that now have the Mexican Tourism Board "portable beaches" driving through their downtowns.

In those cities, the "promo-buses" advertising Mexico's "eternal summer" have been given permits.

Still, complications turn up.

"I've gotten some parking tickets in Toronto, for $40 and $60, when I'm on the road at rush hour," says Jeff Pfeifer, who is driving one of the Mexican beaches around downtown Toronto.

"But they haven't tried to tow me yet. Maybe Toronto's a little more relaxed than Montreal," he mused.

"I think the police really just come by to have an excuse to look at the models. Most people just smile when they see the beach."

Many people, in fact, initially seem to think they are seeing some attempt at performance art, not an advertising gimmick, when they see the glassed-in beach.

And some don't like it, said Marier. One woman was angered by the display, he said, calling the use of women to sell sex and sun offensive.

"She spat on the truck," he said.

Most passersby, however, seem bemused.

"Are they pretending to be animals in a zoo?" asked René Ziegler, who stopped for a few minutes to watch the display before realizing it was what is called "contact advertising."

"It's strange. They sort of seem like fish in a goldfish bowl."

Actually, lizards in a terrarium is more apt.

The sand the models sit on isn't from Mexico, which Marier said would have too many germs, but instead what people buy in pet stores for iguanas.

Like lizards in a northern climate, the models, who are from the Montreal area, also basked under heat lamps to keep warm.

"The sand gets cold," complained Craig Struble, the sole male model with rights to the artificial beach, shivering before he climbed inside and plopped his bronzed body under the plastic palms.

"It's bizarre. But it's a real traffic stopper."

He's right about that.

Yesterday, a group of firefighters repeatedly drove by in their red truck, eventually stopping to turn on the sirens and flash the lights as they waved.

"Oh, look, firemen," said one of the models.

"Let's wave.".
As I've said countless times, his polling will be 10-15% tops.

We should have a wager on this, we pick his % pay $5 or whatever, all proceeds to charity, Griffin Center would be a great idea, does anyone know how to arrange something like this?

Winner get's the satisfaction that their UT name is used for the donation, win win as far as I can see.

I will throw my hat in! I want my bet to go in the "Ford does not finish the race" category. I am not even going to pick a percentage because I think he will 'crack' up, hurt himself, or withdraw before Oct.
I heard Mark Elliot (Newstalk 1010 host/addiction specialist) say that he would charge over $200/hour for work as a sober coach. I am doubting this figure - for a licensed psychologist or other professional sure, but not for merely a sober coach.
the part i bolded pisses me off. if you are media and you took a 2 month break while rob was in "rehab" then you are not doing your job!!! we didn't take a break, and look at the things we learned... and there's still so much more we don't know. say a reporter proved that rob didn't stay at greenestone the whole time, or that he was having lisi run errands for him, etc., then i think at least some of the remaining ford nationals would expatriate themselves.

Or because of their investigative research, the cops could have had more on the Ford cartel to actually make arrests.
I would hope so but it could be a guy he met at greenstone or an old buddy for all we know. Maybe they think he would be considered a professional if he were paid.

I found this weird story it mentions a Bob Marier from Montreal.

i was just about to quote this from that...

But that's what happened in Montreal, says Bob Marier, a Hollywood TV producer hired to truck one of the "portable beaches" around this sun-starved city to promote winter getaways.


edit: and now i have seen that you already posted more. :p
I heard Mark Elliot (Newstalk 1010 host/addiction specialist) say that he would charge over $200/hour for work as a sober coach. I am doubting this figure - for a licensed psychologist or other professional sure, but not for merely a sober coach.

A sobriety coach, or sober companion, is trend in addiction recovery often employed by celebrities and other wealthy addicts. It is literally a person who will travel with the addict to stop him or her from relapsing, often being paid between $1,500 and $3,000 a day.
It is weird, I may be just fishing around looking for things but it seems weird that there is nothing online about this supposed well known sober coach. All I have found online is pretty weird coincidences that could possibly have some meaning if you put the dots together
It would also not surprise me if this sober coach were as qualified as David Price was when he was hired to do whatever he did
A sobriety coach, or sober companion, is trend in addiction recovery often employed by celebrities and other wealthy addicts. It is literally a person who will travel with the addict to stop him or her from relapsing, often being paid between $1,500 and $3,000 a day.

In the 80's John Belushi had hired a former secret service agent, Richard “Smokey†Wendell, to be with him at all times and keep him away from drugs. We all know how that ended.
the part i bolded pisses me off. if you are media and you took a 2 month break while rob was in "rehab" then you are not doing your job!!! we didn't take a break, and look at the things we learned... and there's still so much more we don't know. say a reporter proved that rob didn't stay at greenestone the whole time, or that he was having lisi run errands for him, etc., then i think at least some of the remaining ford nationals would expatriate themselves.

It bothers me that the media just take whatever the Ford says as truth. He is a lying liar who lies. They ought to dig deeper into the backgrounds of the people who are surrounding the Mayor and not take it as face value.
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