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I read an ( honest ) politician who was asked why he went into politics. "Because I failed at everything else."

Hmm if you can't do, teach. If you fail at everything, go into politics.

I wonder how messed up poli sci professors are (snickers)
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I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Deco goes down the drain, along with the Ford political dynasty.

If it happens it isn't going to happen quick...Graphic Monthly "Gold List 2013" has Deco at 36M in sales for 2012 #33 in Canada...haven't seen the list for 2014 yet though
I just wish the timeline was a bit speedier

I had been following municipal politics for a while and knew RoFo as the obnoxious buffoon that he is. When he got elected mayor, I expected he would get in the way of city business and not much would get done. Never in a million years could I have imagined what we have gone through in the last four years and with a lot of help from DoFo. It's like a bad dream! So bad that I find myself thinking bad thoughts about FoFam and Deco. So yeah, I too wish the timeline was a bit speedier!:)
Re Deco. A few weekends ago I had a conversation with a client of theirs who said their service/delivery times had sucked for the past few years and that they'd dropped them. Fairly large company but not huge. Maybe indicative of the lack of oversight since Doug went to council.
I remember a few of you posted last week about getting a call re: poll that was Ford slanted. Look at one of the posts from the comment section of Don Peat's latest Sun article (Ford Denies he'll run for Ward 2........)

"The Ford's did an internal last week that had Rob Ford's support below 20%. They are now actively discussing Doug running and Rob returning to his old council seat. Despite what they are saying publicly they are close to the point of acknowledging that Rob has very little chance of victory."

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In this town, this is where the plan falls apart.

Only because he won't talk to the media that would ask the good questions. Jennifer Pagliaro was terrific today at the playground but he wouldn't answer her. There is a small group that I wish could grill him until he told the truth, including the Star people, Jackson Proskow and Doolittle at the Globe. It will never happen because he won't talk to any of them.
Be interesting to see how many will bother to show up for Ford Fest East if there is no free booze.

But I hear there will be free girdles (slightly worn) to the first fifty guys through the gate.
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They are now actively discussing Doug running and Rob returning to his old council seat.

:cool: Oh I so wanna see this happen. :D Epic! I'm not on the Twitter, but I so wanna ask 80s Doug Ford if he's trippin' balls. Kool Aid for everybody! (Maybe they'll have some at the Ford Fest.)

ETA: I wouldn't bet 50 cents on RoFo winning his old seat back. Same guy, same problems, same obstructions. If he's that much in bad odour as mayor, I don't see that translating into support as councillor, even in Etobicoke. Don't forget he doesn't have $60 to give back to you this time. Celebrity mayor is one thing, but celebrity city councillor doesn't work quite so well on Jimmy Kimmel as a WTF story.
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why is anyone surprised that Mohamed Farah's charges were dropped? He went on the CBC and talked in detail about the whole episode with approaching the Star and Gawker about selling the video. He wouldn't have talked to media if he were the least bit worried about those events being a part of a prosecution against him. As for the gun in his unit, well, maybe it was his brother's or whatever but probably has nothing to do with Ford (lots of people in those buildings have guns).

Also, everyone here is really desperate to make something out of nothing. they said Mikey's a pilot!!! Renata is at an event with Rob!!!!! -- something must be going down!!! Probably nothing is going down and these are just everyday events, like Doug lying. Stop obsessing over every little thing and go out for a bike ride or a swim or something! Summer ain't forever!

P.S.: I am on vacation. :p
P.P.S.: I am in Collingwood. No sign of Rob Ford yet, but I haven't yet driven by every house and peered in to see if the lights are on. :p ;)

(don't worry khristopher; Robbie is safe for a few more days...)
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