Greg Banks
Active Member
You guys are out of your minds if you think Rob does not have a chance of winning. Thanks to the sheer volumes of dummies in this city he stands an excellent chance of winning. Brand speaks volumes and the Ford brand is huge. He is top of the news everyday and people like celebrity over substance. It's the reason why McDonalds is packed when there are better eateries empty.
Chow needs to drop out. She's a carpetbagger and irrelevant. Tory needs to keep what he's doing.
As long as R Ford continues his ground game particularly in Etobicoke and Scarborough it would be foolish to write him off...He still has two days to hit TCHC buildings and have it not considered campaigning, he has still two days to do ribbon cutting and not have it considered campaigning.....
Even after Aug 1 the door knocking is going to continue...he'll chase Jane/Finch Crescentown/Lumsden and high density areas (other than Downtown) in other words looking for the big bang....
Policy is backburnered until absolutely necessary....remeber 2010 R Ford waited for other candidates to show their hands before he came out with his Transportation Plan, Financial Plan paraphasing here "A Plan that Makes Sense for Toronto"...and if they are smart they are going to finetooth Soknacki's declarations (outside of subways) and adapt to Ford National feed.....