I wonder if the TPS is still listening to RoFo's phone calls. Wouldn't it be hysterical if they had record of the Mayor directing his Service Board minions to dump the Chief.
If I recall correctly, RoFo's phone wasn't being listened to -- however, he was discussed by other other people whose phones were tapped.
And of course, Lisi's text messages were a major source of evidence cited in the Brazen 2 ITO.
These wiretaps picked up thousands of conversations until they were ended in mid-June, documents reveal. While “the mayor’s name was mentioned in the wiretap conversations,” the documents state, referencing police sources, “the mayor himself was not captured on these recordings.”
In the Information to Obtain (ITO ) search warrants, police requested to see text messages between Lisi and the following; Mayor Ford, former Ford staffers David Price and Thomas Beyer, Elena Basso, Fabio Basso, Mohamed Siad, Liban Siyad and Mohamed Farah.
“On May 17th, 2013, there is a flurry of telephone activity between Lisi’s cellular telephone and telephones associated to Rob Ford, the Basso residence, and Price,” the document states. May 17 is the day after the crack video’s existence was first reported by Gawker and the Toronto Star.