Just a thought:
It seems that most of Ford's support comes from people who buy into the myth that he has saved the city and taxpayers a lot of money. While it is easy to point out all his personal problems, and there are LOTS of them, to these people they are just a strawman to distract from the fact that he is fiscally responsible. In many ways, you have to give them credit for keeping focused on what matters.
That said, we really need to drive home his fiscal record. Even I have trouble identifying the places where he has wasted tax dollars due to his incompetence. The three places I can best think of are:
1. Attempting to cancel Transit City
2. The Scarborough subway extension
3. Using city resources to coach football
Surely to goodness there are more places where money has been wasted, right? Even the last one, Ford can brush it off as being a drop in the bucket. In many ways, it feels as if that his personal problems ARE a strawman which has distracted those against him from his professional record.
Shucks, why go to the trouble of bringing up contentious issues with FN...you won't convince them that cancelling Transit City was a bad thing...there has already been enough said about the R-D extension...and the football thing goes right to their wheelhouse
Use facts...use Pennachetti's calculations
R Ford says most people have it better...Is that so...Let us take a look at where some of his 750M savings come from...I'll leave it to you to decide what affects the populus
TTC Conventional service 74,288K all the while increasing fares three of the past four years
Toronto Public Library 11,244K and it took four years to open two new libraries
Toronto Police Service 32,579K
Shelter, Support and Housing 18,410K
Chidren's Services 13,731K
Employment and Social Services 12,942K
Parks, Forestry and Recreation 11,724k while at the same time increasing user fees yearly
Transpotation Services 15,661K
You can bring up TCHC capital repair backlog 612M at the beginning now 872M