Riverdale Rink Rat
Senior Member
You are absolutely correct. In my innumerate rage I actually believed for a moment that by casting a smelly chad in Ford's direction, one might blunt the seemingly juggernauted Tory campaign. And as Cooper said, it's based on a flawed theory. I dislike them all. Tory is slightly less unpalatable than Ford (at least he has a record of civic engagement and, like, giving a shit). Chow has never been my cup o' latte. It's like 2010 all over again.
Full disclosure: In 2003 I was one of those Torontopian airheads who thought something good might happen here. Not that it hasn't. Just that it could be so much more.
Wow. What happened in 2003 to you?
I'm flabbergasted by the number of 'I'd vote Ford rather than X' posts. Is everyone INSANE? Ford is a milion times worse than either!