Senior Member
With a cancer diagnosis, we might see a full on Terry Fox-ification of the Ford image...
I don't think Wormtongue is clever enough to come up with that.
With a cancer diagnosis, we might see a full on Terry Fox-ification of the Ford image...
Is that headline for real?
Torontos Skandalbürgermeister mit Tumor in Klinik
It sounds like the "German" Benny Hill used to speak on his old show.
But that effort will be overshadowed by 4 years of a Tory led council sitting around campfires singing "Kumbaya", eating Smores and building Subways. Nobody will want to return to what we just came through...
Besides - the highlight real of Rob Ford's court-side testimony has yet to be previewed. Lisi, Brazen 2, Conflict of Interests.... it will be Tory's own Zapruder film.
I love words like this in Germanlol Skandalbürgermeister translates to "mayor scandal" using Google Translate.
Is that headline for real?
Torontos Skandalbürgermeister mit Tumor in Klinik
It sounds like the "German" Benny Hill used to speak on his old show.
What ever happened with the investigation into the city hall bomb threat?
Pure speculation of course, but consider that the tumour was discovered some months ago, and the strategy was to wait and see how the chances for re-election developed. If it looks good, they stay quiet and deal with the health thing after. If it looks bad, as it does now, they use the issue to bail at the last second, not as a way to parachute anyone else in, but just a way to exit the race with no chance of stigma as a "quitter" for pulling out or as a "loser" for when Tory wins, which looks increasingly likely.
This sets RoFo up for the next election without the taint of said failures, gives him four years of complete freedom to criticize, whine, bluster and feed the trolls like Warmington to keep his name well known. Plenty of disgraced politicians have pulled off such come backs and perhaps this seems to FoFam like a good tactical retrenchment.
lol Skandalbürgermeister translates to "mayor scandal" using Google Translate.