I know that poll of Ward 2 was done with a small sample size, but it really does prove his stupid people there are. They have a great candidate in Domise and choose to vote for someone who probably won't be able to do any actual work...
Probabably?! Oh, you mean if he's sick.
But, hey, if he wins he has a much smaller territory for all those "constituent visits," so they probably won't take as long, right?
We've probably beaten to death the whole hubris element of this switcheroo but it really does bug me. There seems to be an unspoken assumption that Doug's candidacy is justified by Rob's illness but it does not logically follow. If he's as bad off as we are being lead to believe, why are they even worrying about this stuff at all? Instead of focusing on the one Ford who pulled out Friday, due to health concerns, let's focus on the fact that Friday saw THREE Fords sign up for elected office, on principle.
Doug signed up because he just HAS to carry Rob's torch.
Mikey signed up because they waited so long all the part-time jobs at the mall are already gone and Uncle Doug PROMISED he could be a councillor and it's no fair, no fair.
Rob signed up because...well, I'm not sure why. If his diagnosis is as terrible as we are being lead to believe, or even just really uncertain, why take on anything like that? I know it's an easy win and he just looooves it so much but I'm not seeing how he justifies staying in by the workload difference. (especially since we know that he wasn't exactly renowned for his 24/7 workload when he was mayor.) Is it to give the big guy something to look forward to while undergoing treatment? There's a weird kind of logic to that, if you think the job is about Rob and not about serving its constituents in a democratic government.
I'm not saying I'd be OK with it but if Doug had signed up and Rob totally dropped out, it would be a lot easier to swallow the terrible situation he must be in. I don't think there's any dispute from anyone reasonable this was a longstanding back-up plan. The question is whether they really had to back to it in a state of panic or actually were looking for the right excuse to pull the trigger. As horrible as they are and have been, jeeze, I hope it's the former.
In the meantime, looking forward to seeing Doug in the debates. Watching a prolonged "exchange of ideas" with him should be fascinating and entertaining, at least.