Senior Member
just because there was an investigation doesn't mean there were any conclusive results. I imagine it's very hard to track down anonymous threats.The city hall bomb threats stick in my craw in a big way. The union representing workers at city hall was supposed to be doing an investigation into those threats. Never heard a thing afterwards. How many resources were spent on that little stunt? Does anyone think Towheys book will shed any light on things? Or just muddy things up even more? Fecking Fords.
From what I've heard about Towhey, he'll tell the truth when pressed in private but then lie about the same stuff publicly and denounces people who tell the truth. Makes me wonder how upfront he'll be in his book.
I expect zilch from his book. He will spill a few "drunk/stoned Rob" stories -- different from the ones we all know but not revealing anything new -- and the rest will be him defending himself and Rob's conservative policies. The title might suggest that it's some kind of "tell-all" on Ford but he will spend most of it defending Rob (poor out-of-control addict) and the rest of the Ford staffers and taking potshots at dysfunctional City Hall and tax-and-spend lefties.
He certainly doesn't want to contradict anything he said to police in the interviews (in the ITO) so it'd be hard to reveal things now if he said something different to police.
I think he delayed the book when the cancer announcement came out, because he didn't want to look like he was kicking a dying man when he's at his weakest (I wouldn't be surprised if the publisher saw it the same way -- just bad timing, not good for sales). Then he got involved with this Patrick Brown campaign, and it wouldn't be good for Brown if Towhey became the story -- especially if that story was about Rob Ford, drinking and the crack video scandal. His job is to be in the background and draw positive attention to Brown, not to be a distraction.
Towhey may be angling for a permanent position with Brown if he becomes PC leader. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he (Towhey) wishes there was no book, but it's too late, the book's been announced, the publisher has paid him and it has to come out. If he ever intended to reveal anything, it has probably been way watered down in subsequent re-edits. This story is old news and a lot of people in the city have moved on.
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