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So how can you make a call on if it was busy or not?
The drop-off facility was in a nearby park, that I frequently the streetcar went past. I didn't see any pickets or cars backed up ... and heck, anyone could have walked up the fence near the parking lot they were using and heave a bag over if they wanted.

Anywhere from Christie pits to the Unwin/leslie dump. Both were picketed, I was at both. They were militant also and obstructed individuals:
I'm just saying what I observed ...

And what other's observed. If you recall, in the thread about the strike Urban Shocker documented 4 trips to the temporary drop-off facility at Moss Park and never noted any delays, but did document picketers there on 3 out of 4 occasions, commenting how nice and polite they were. See posts 142, 300, 440, and 531 in that thread.
Before Google Streetview's most recent update, the images for my neighbourhood (Junction Triangle) were taken during the strike. Overflowing streetside garbage bins and pickets at the Campbell Park Rink/Dump.

There were some theatrics involved there too....but it was a small group of local residents who were doing the blockade, not the pickets!
Seriously, somebody needs to Photoshop/caption this!!!

reporterdonpeat Don Peat 3h
Mayor Rob Ford reacts to several reporters asking questions at once (& possibly me shouting a question) #TOpoli

Toronto Life trolls UT

Kinda fun read -- his second half obliterates his lede, and then he says that Ford is our best mayor since God created mayors of Toronto. Also, uses the 'operating budget' graph from Ford that Graphic Matt pithily took down on his 'Ford for Toronto' blog.

But other than those minor errors, and his hand-waving about the Mayor's circus act, a powerful defence of the Mayor...

This is going to be a hundred times better than watching Ford get kicked out of office from his trial.

In other news, it looks like this thread is going to end up covering his entire pre-election, his tumultuous term in office and his ouster by a humiliating margin. Hopefully then, we can mercifully close this thread and forget about Rob Ford.
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I was talking with a friend about this on the weekend. We were talking about polls, namely those on Ford and the discussion evolved into how fanatical are Ford supporters these days. Do they still love him despite all of his obvious failures, scandals and embarrassments? Maybe some of them support him but how many are still true 'Ford Nation' supporters? When challenged by other candidates running for the position next year will the average Ford voter re-think voting for him even though they voted for him last election? We're not convinced that aside from the hard core supporters that Ford is going to get the support that he is hoping for, or expecting.

The Star is so intent on seeing Olivia elected next Mayor that they keep wasting money commissioning these irrelevant polls. This latest one was conducted just days after the sob-story bio-pic "Jack" aired on the CBC. The TV movie was nothing but a taxpayer funded campaign ad for Olivia Chow(for which Chow was a paid consultant!). No doubt Chow still enjoy's a certain amount of sympathy votes after Jack's untimely death but by the time the next election roles around there won't be much of the sympathy vote left for Chow to milk. When (if) Chow steps into the arena it will be a different story when she has to defend her record, specifically her lack of any accomplishments. What has Chow - or for that matter Jack ever accomplished as politicians (other than rack up monumental living expenses in Ottawa) ?
...a hell of a lot more than ford.

Oh really? Look what Rob Ford did with the Budget since taking office. He has flat-lined it saving taxpayers $100's Millions. This MAJOR accomplishment gets lost in the circus being created by his detractors on the left.


Graphic National Post.
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Debunking Ford Nations' favourite budget chart

Oh really? Look what Rob Ford did with the Budget since taking office. He has flat-lined it saving taxpayers $100's Millions. This MAJOR accomplishment gets lost in the circus being created by his detractors on the left.

As I referred to above in the Toronto Life article post, a thorough analysis of the budgeting of Ford and Miller show you that the gross operating budget is not the be-all and end-all. But I post this for others, Peepers, since I know I cannot convince you.

Here's an interesting thought: Now that the RE bubble is going in reverse, the LTT is going to go in reverse, too. (Even if prices just stabilize, transactions are down significantly.) So, given that Ford is planning on cutting the tax as well, what part of the budget is he going to hammer once, after all his cutting, he still comes in light on revenues? The ONE thing that Ford could have done as a 'only Nixon can go to China' act would have been the police budget. And he's squeezing everyone else to the pips because he gave them a cushy raise! Does he rip up that contract when his revenues drop? Because that's where his 'gravy' lies. His self-imposed gravy.
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