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If evvabeing's last post didn't just kill it.

Interesting reaction Roy's Square. One of Rob's "charms" has been that people have a strong visceral reaction to how he presents himself and how far he has pushed the limits of acceptable behaviour. He can talk any kind of off-color, degrading, misogyny and for the most part we just shrug it off. What's that? "Boys will be boys"? The reports by Twohey and Filion of how he talked about Renata was OK to sell books? And a lot of people here have somehow concluded that its OK to trash her on the basis of Rob's shocking hateful, aggressive, bullying (very possibly) lies. Or maybe they're Rob's fantasies.

That stuff reminds me of Ghomeshi's dismissing his "hate-fuck" proclivities, and denying his verbal and probably physical assaults as minor "personal preferences". Same thing for the 'debate' about men verbally assaulting female journos on air, then defending their behavior as "funny".

Sadly men's sexual fantasies in a world that provides them with ample opportunities to act on them is not shocking. I pulled up the link and read the comments, including the writer's responses. Dreams are the unconscious mind's attempts to resolve issues and conflicts. And the post was under the site's Pissing Contest section (hint, hint). This was not a "fantasy" the writer ever intended to act on, but based on the kind of male hostility many women have to deal with from bosses, neighbours, associates, and strangers in the street, I didn't read it as a fantasy, but rather, possibly a nightmare, quite possibly based on real life situations she may have experienced and was trying to resolve in her dreams by putting herself in the reverse role of being the initiator? And the buzz upon waking was the sense of empowerment she took from it.

Obviously some women find Rob "attractive" in ways I can't understand. But he seems to be most attractive to a certain male demographic who instinctively relate to his dumb schmuck "loser-ness" as "empowering" to themselves.
Obviously some women find Rob "attractive" in ways I can't understand. But he seems to be most attractive to a certain male demographic who instinctively relate to his dumb schmuck "loser-ness" as "empowering" to themselves.

And particularly when said demo has its own "issues": legal, financial, "woman-related", etc. As I've said before, RoFo's a symbolic get-out-of-jail-free card: he represents a "last hope remaining" to those who squandered everything else through stupidity and/or (both/and?) illegality. Or, conversely, who are *risking* everything else (who knows what Flagg's up to behind his sports-poster front?), in which case the Fordosphere serves as "cover" because they *know* they're at risk of being "found out" or otherwise by the nattering-nervous-nellie powers-that be.

Yeah, it's the male demo where he most exudes that power. But don't forget certain female Ford Nationals--as I've suggested, Penny Morrison of "defeat of Ford = invasion by ISIS" infamy seemed to have a "insurance fraudster's crocodile tears" thing going...
My dad thinks that by the time 2018 rolls around, there won't be a significant Ford factor in the municipal elections.

And all the more so if (pray be) RoFo's demise triggers a familial chain reaction a la the fall of Communist regimes during Perestroika: Deco's assets seized, DoFo + RaFo in handcuffs, etc etc.

Not that it'll happen--but if *anyone's* set up for that happening, it's them...
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My dad thinks that by the time 2018 rolls around, there won't be a significant Ford factor in the municipal elections.
Never mind 2018. They aren't a "factor"" now at any level of government. We haven't heard a peep out of Doug for how long now? Maybe Patrick Brown may feel some loyalty but he'll be told in no uncertain terms not to go near them by whatever's left of the Cons. And Federally they hate the Ford name. I'm sure he's been told to keep his fundraising skills the hell away from what's left of the party donors at all levels. If Mikey's got any political ambitions this is the worst possible time to be a Ford and attempts to distance himself from them wouldn't go over well @ the Bank of Ford. Its kinda funny how when they thought they were Big Stuff they couldn't stay out of any level of politics. Now they will be kept out, one way or another, by "their" party.
Never mind 2018. They aren't a "factor"" now at any level of government. We haven't heard a peep out of Doug for how long now? Maybe Patrick Brown may feel some loyalty but he'll be told in no uncertain terms not to go near them by whatever's left of the Cons. And Federally they hate the Ford name. I'm sure he's been told to keep his fundraising skills the hell away from what's left of the party donors at all levels. If Mikey's got any political ambitions this is the worst possible time to be a Ford and attempts to distance himself from them wouldn't go over well @ the Bank of Ford. Its kinda funny how when they thought they were Big Stuff they couldn't stay out of any level of politics. Now they will be kept out, one way or another, by "their" party.

The federal election proved just how toxic the Ford brand is for conservative politics. I posted a story from the Sun about how a safe CPC seat ended up being a recount thanks to the Ford event.

and mayoralty candidate Doug Ford at 8 per cent
Polling at 32 to 34 per cent on this question, Bernier, Chong and Leitch would seemingly not expand the Conservatives' base of support, while Doug Ford would reduce it to just 25 per cent.
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I had a thought about the 'Night Shift' and its influence on the Fords (my kid asked me who I thought the worst mayor ever was and I used that and the Stephanie sandwich delivery service as examples of the absurd degree to which Ford's personal life intruded on his 'work').

Were these influential people calling Rob and Doug at home, or did they sometimes call City Hall looking for either of them?
Now that Rob Ford is penning op-ed Specials for Paul Godfrey, you may not see that follow piece in the National Post. Ford, by the way, used his Post platform to criticize Toronto mayor John Tory for turning into the typical politician. What Rob, no crack-pipe, no gangland connections, no boozing behind the wheel, what? On the other hand, who knows better who has been naughty or nice than the former mayor?
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