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My question is who the heck would want to work in that office now? They're hiring... oh ok, ex-footballers friends of the May.... uhhh I mean friends of Rob Ford.

He's going to be without staff by the end of the week I think.
Handcuffs would certainly do the trick. True, he'd still be Mayor, but at that point, they'd appoint an interim Mayor.....At least I would hope.
Actually, I think he has to be declared unable to carry out his job for a specific length of time before they can replace him. Anyone have more details?
Handcuffs would certainly do the trick. True, he'd still be Mayor, but at that point, they'd appoint an interim Mayor.....At least I would hope.

It sounds absurd, but I believe he could still be Mayor. Technically the guy has to miss 3 council meetings before he can be removed from power (I think)... so even if he were to be arrested today, if he was out on bail by tomorrow he could still perform his mayoral duties (and even through trial proceedings!)
Takes too long, and there is something of a special frisson of grassroots at work (citizens! not just taxpayers) instead of being removed by some authority figures. Symbolism matters - you can't challenge the legitimacy of a popular show of force.

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Takes too long, and there is something of a special frisson of grassroots at work instead of being removed by some authority. Symbolism matters.
Sure, but so does rule of law and procedure. Being pushed out by a mob just re-inforces the victimhood narrative that the right so often uses. Being arrested and charged is more difficult to ignore for the law-and-order authoritarian types.
Takes too long, and there is something of a special frisson of grassroots at work (citizens! not just taxpayers) instead of being removed by some authority figures. Symbolism matters - you can't challenge the legitimacy of a popular show of force.


Takes too long, and there is something of a special frisson of grassroots at work (citizens! not just taxpayers) instead of being removed by some authority figures. Symbolism matters - you can't challenge the legitimacy of a popular show of force.


I think I'd be gratified with the image of an angry mob storming Toronto City Hall. That is the message I'd like to see going out to the rest of the world. We need that.
Sure, but so does rule of law and procedure. Being pushed out by a mob just re-inforces the victimhood narrative that the right so often uses. Being arrested and charged is more difficult to ignore for the law-and-order authoritarian types.

Exactly. Ford's supporters will continue to support him until solid evidence and 'official' action is enforced against him.

You are thinking like a logical, rational person - which die hard supporters of Ford Nation (and by that I don't mean those who are Conservatives by persuasion) isn't necessary part of. You've got to speak their language.


They have already demonstrated a remarkable aptitude in suspending reality.


Indeed, besides, we can use a bit of history.

Takes too long, and there is something of a special frisson of grassroots at work (citizens! not just taxpayers) instead of being removed by some authority figures. Symbolism matters - you can't challenge the legitimacy of a popular show of force.


Video of the Mayor being led out in 'cuffs on the 6 o'clock news would be good symbolism, but they may also take him out a backdoor, ruining it.

You NPS protest sounds good, but it still won't get the mayor out. The protest would be a good show for the news though........

Unfortunately, I don't think anything will make Ford resign. He won't give the Star the satisfaction. It's gotten that personal (and petty) for the Fords.......
We're live from the CP24 chopper and Rob Ford's black Escalade has just exited the garage....

This is all starting to get very OJ Simpson'y
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You are thinking like a logical, rational person - which die hard supporters of Ford Nation (and by that I don't mean those who are Conservatives by persuasion) isn't necessary part of. You've got to speak their language.
But shoving him out via a mob isn't going to convince them, and is going to make some of those on the fence queasy. Ford Nation will always have its hard core -- what we're aiming at is to strip off those folks who are inclined that way but have yet to become completely impervious to reason.

Shorter: Either way, the hard core Fordists will be pissed, but removal via legal means will poison him for any fellow travellers.
oh ok, ex-footballers friends of the May.... uhhh I mean friends of Rob Ford.

Not to get nitpicky, but footballers play soccer, football players play football. Sorry for going OT, I get a tad OCD when it comes to sports...
Not to get nitpicky, but footballers play soccer, football players play football. Sorry for going OT, I get a tad OCD when it comes to sports...

Oh please, it's Canada - we're multicultural enough to be able to understand what we are all talking about even if the terms are slightly different, and the colloquial terms for things are just as correct as whatever the european origin is. Are you one of those guys that refuses to to even call it soccer, and then gets annoyed when a friend/colleague gets confused because you're referring to football?
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