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Well, if he's proven to have done any hard drugs while in office I'd have to say I no longer support him and his agenda. Absent that I still think he's doing a good job.

What exactly do you mean by his agenda. Isn't it strange that if someone does hard drugs you change your politics. It makes perfect sense to not support him, but does this mean that you now support increasing taxes and wasting taxpayers money.
What exactly do you mean by his agenda. Isn't it strange that if someone does hard drugs you change your politics. It makes perfect sense to not support him, but does this mean that you now support increasing taxes and wasting taxpayers money.

Fair point so I'll clarify. If it's shown that he's a hard drug user I will believe that's he's lost control and therefore can't morally support him personally any longer dispute my support of his agenda, in balance of course. I certainly don't approve of every move he makes and I'm as critical and condemning of his bafoonery as most people.
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One thing I wonder: If the mayor was left wing & had the same allegations against him, would folks on UT be getting the dirt on him too?

Would this hypothetical left wing mayor hold the same "hug-a-thug" policy positions as Rob Ford when it comes to dealing with crime and drug users?
I'd imagine we would. I'd be going after the same information if this were Miller

I know I would. "Left" or "Right" is irrelevant.

I will say this - Ford's antics and complete ineffectiveness have certainly made those that bitterly complained about Miller look rather foolish.
Hug a thug? Who cares--there will always be ppl attracted to drugs, dealing, crime. I used to work with plenty of "thugs" some whom even lived in Dixon City.

I think the real question is why the MSM isn't interviewing folks who live on Dixon--very telling imo.

It's RF's birthday tomorrow--those into astrology know that geminis like to say one thing and do another--the twins are always up to no good :p
For those with evidently higher than normal blood pressure right now please hold off from posting until you're breathing normally. We just have to go in and delete the more hyperbolic posts anyway. Let your cooler head prevail.


If the mayor was a left winger but presented himself in a professional way and didn't act like a thug, of course, people would have more sympathy for him. When you have a mayor who is antagonistic and vindictive, expect people to take pleasure in his demise. It's just human nature.
One thing I wonder: If the mayor was left wing & had the same allegations against him, would folks on UT be getting the dirt on him too?

probably not, but a left-winger would never behave the way this loathsome lying idiot is. this guy is so odious even the right wingers are embarrassed, and that is extremely hard to accomplish.
That right there says it all. You have the right to think and say what you want but we also have the right to question your judgement and sanity. Ford's crack nation lives on.

a left-winger would never behave the way this loathsome lying idiot is.

The browbeating and superiority complex the left has when someone doesn't think Rob Ford is the anti-christ is hilarious.
It sounds absurd, but I believe he could still be Mayor. Technically the guy has to miss 3 council meetings before he can be removed from power (I think)... so even if he were to be arrested today, if he was out on bail by tomorrow he could still perform his mayoral duties (and even through trial proceedings!)

The provincial Liberals prorogued parliament and squandered billions in numerous scandals..... but wait, the big issue is missing 3 council meetings?!

The provincial Liberals prorogued parliament and squandered billions in numerous scandals..... but wait, the big issue is missing 3 council meetings?!


I'm not sure why people always compare Ford and municipal politics to the provincial Liberals. It makes no sense to do so. Federal and Provincial politics have some important differences.
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