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I spend a 5-10 hours a week in cafes near the Ford family bunker and am stunned at some of the reasons given for still supporting him.

The craziest, from a senior who usually rants against immigrants and druggies, is that even if Ford has a drug problem or bought drugs from the alleged video makers, he was just helping them out by giving them monet y to keep them from bugging other people into using drugs.
The best way of explaining Ford's hard-core support is to think of him as a theory, not a politician. Then it sort of starts to make sense how he can do no wrong. It's not about the man, it's about what he espouses.
I am fascinated how (if) Ford will react to this. How's he going to brush this off? I can't imagine even him thinking he can get out of this.

Here's my answer, I guess:

Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 4m
Tweet from Ford's executive assistant on Friday: "@kianejatian "Business as usual at City Hall.""

Don't look behind the curtain, people
I want to see the media collectively say "no Doug Ford", "we want the Mayor to speak on his own behalf". More than anything I'm sick to death of Doug handling all of the Mayor's media scrums and problems. Sick of it. He is not the Mayor's staff.
What he confirmed is that there are security cameras at the complex. What I'd like confirmed is that Ford or his associates were caught on camera there.

Agreed. While that may indeed be what Cook is getting at, lets hear it actually said and from some additional sources.

By the way, has anyone else been having an exceptionally difficult time concentrating at work these past few weeks?

The Equalizer ‏@TheFIXER12 5m
Brian Johnston the staffer that is on Drug Squad surveillance tape Buying Crack from Dixon rd Complex. Now escorted from city hall #topoli

The Equalizer ‏@TheFIXER12 5m
Brian Johnston the staffer that is on Drug Squad surveillance tape Buying Crack from Dixon rd Complex. Now escorted from city hall #topoli
Maybe we can stop quoting this person? That's being stated as fact and seems way premature in my opinion.
Premier Wynne is apparently monitoring the situation
Ashley Csanady ‏@AshleyCsanady 1m
"I believe what is happening right now at city hall is interrupting the busineas of city hall" Premier Wynne says #onpoli #topoli

No shit, Kathleen.
Plausible until the same kid says "what? I don't know anyone at don bosco" and another whole fiasco ensues about why he's lying about the circumstances. Good thing you aren't his press secretary ;)

Isn't the guy who the photo was taken dead? Likewise, when the pic with the second guy's face unblurred started making the rounds (who is in hospital with a gunshot wound ATM), if he said anything Ford could say that this person's face was photoshopped in. It certainly adds more closure to this photo than I get my photo taken with lots of people. You think I can't get my photo taken with Black people? Are you racist or something?!

The problem with your theory is that it puts Ford in a known hang out for pot smokers from Scarlett Heights.

Not necessarily. In high school the route I took home was along a forest pathway, which was a popular spot for pot smoking. Ford could just say he was out for a walk and happened to run into some kids who wanted his photo taken. The things which seems least plausible in that story is that Ford is actually out for a walk (not necessarily a fat joke, just that he spends so much time condemning the pedestrian realm that the idea of him transporting himself without a motorized vehicle seems surreal).
Agreed. While that may indeed be what Cook is getting at, lets hear it actually said and from some additional sources.

By the way, has anyone else been having an exceptionally difficult time concentrating at work these past few weeks?

Oh jesus, have I ever. I still get my time in, but it seems to take a few hours more from my day.
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