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Anyone seen Doug Holyday in 2 days? Ever since that Star article, he's vanished from the Mayor's office and interviews.

I think he's quietly quit team Ford as well.......

Title:Mayor Rob Ford
Caption:TORONTO, ON - MAY 30: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford at City Hall. Ford is currently facing allegations that he was recorded on a cellphone video smoking crack cocaine and making offensive remarks. Sources say Ford told senior aides not to worry about the video because he knew where it was. (Rick Madonik/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
Date created:30 May 2013
How about this angle... will he float this one?

In an attempt to take down his worst political enemy, the Toronto Star, Ford and his network of advisors schemed up a plan to attack the credibility of the newspaper by planting a bogus story that he felt the T.O. Star would pay for (something they claim never to do) and after they paid, Ford would publicize the hoax and back up his argument that the T.O. Star is nothing more than a dirty tabloid and, to top it off, he would donate the dirty money he received, by selling the video, to football programs across the GTHA.

To Ford's complete shock, the T.O. Star never took the bait, and furthermore, the part of the video later in the tape where Ford declares (with his arms around the dealers) the hoax and that he is anything but a crack addict, as the Star falsely claimed, went missing. So... The Star never falls for it, the video that proves it was all a hoax is missing, and his advisor can't jump ship fast enough as they can't agree on whether or not to fess up the hoax and exactly which advisor originally came up with the idea.

Of coarse Ford can't come out with the truth now because nobody would ever believe he would ever devise such a masterful setup. Ford knows that he may forever be the laughingstock of Canadian politics and the victim of ridicule and target of jokes like Scott Norwood or Ben Johnson.

Why is Ford avoiding the story? Because he's desperately hoping the missing video shows up so he can get a certain measure of credibility back and begin his ultimate quest to climb the ranks of Canadian politics straight to a seat in the House of Commons.

Ladies and gentlemen. Rob Ford did not smoke crack!!! He's guilty of nothing more than attempting to ruin the image and reputation of a corporation. But, the plan backfired and Ford is in desperation mode as he knows he probably made a critical mistake that he will recover from. Rob Ford has been ostracized by Canadian politics and he knows that the cameras will be there to watch him struggle to fit in to Canadian society as an ordinary citizen. This story is much deeper then it originally appears to be.

Forgot to mention the reverse vampires in cahoots with the saucer people...

Unfortunately, I can't say who this is coming from, but someone I know knows someone investigating the video/murder. He said to my friend today "If you knew what I know today you would quit too".

I think MetroMan's police friend is onto something. I'm going to have a hard time sleeping tonight. It's like Christmas!

I've been on a roll in predicting this, so I am going to hunch that given the evidence in this thread I have a feeling that something BIG is about to break...

Honestly, this is getting so juicy that the climax must be around the corner.
18 Toronto councillors are in Vancouver for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) conference. Sue-Ann Levy and the Toronto Sun call this: Gravy Plane.

I guess this proves two things.

One: Half the members of council really aren't needed. Two: Despite their ridiculous comments in the media over the past two weeks, they're not really worried about leaving behind a city in chaos.

A jam-packed Gravy Train of councillors--18 in total--have already left for, or are jetting out Thursday to, Vancouver to attend the annual lefty lovefest otherwise known as the four-day Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) conference.

The cast of 18 going from Toronto include Gloria Lindsay Luby, Giorgio Mammoliti, Anthony Perruzza, Sarah Doucette, Josh Colle, Mike Layton (following in daddy's footsteps of course), Adam Vaughan, Joe Mihevc, John Filion, Kristyn Wong-Tam, Pam McConnell, Mary Fragedakis, Paula Fletcher, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Shelley Carroll, Michael Thompson, Norm Kelly and Ron Moeser.

Mammoliti and McConnell are currently FCM board members. After this year's annual meeting, McConnell remains on the board but Mammoliti will pass on the torch to Thompson.
Anyone seen Doug Holyday in 2 days? Ever since that Star article, he's vanished from the Mayor's office and interviews.

I think he's quietly quit team Ford as well.......

Holyday is being sensible and figuring out the best way to minimize damage and keep the real business of running Toronto running as seamlessly as possible if/when Ford effectively loses power.

I'm no fan of his politics but he's manages to remain pretty clean during decades in public service.
Ford is going to jail. The only question at this point is who's going with him. PleasebeDougpleasebeDoug...
Yep, I wouldn't mind him replacing ford if he steps down. While I would never vote for him, he certainly seems competent enough to be mayor temporarily.
Since there are a few vacancies in the mayor's office, why not get Krista Ford in as the new policy advisor? It seems there can never too many Fords on the city payroll. Maybe mama Ford can be hired as well to bake cakes and pass them out to reporters.
Ford is going to jail. The only question at this point is who's going with him. PleasebeDougpleasebeDoug...

I'm starting to wonder if Rob and Co. haven't interfered with the murder investigation in trying to get the video back. That's about the worst thing on the menu for the Fords.

If this is the case, I can't imagine any law-and-order conservative standing up for him.
Yep, I wouldn't mind him replacing ford if he steps down. While I would never vote for him, he certainly seems competent enough to be mayor temporarily.

My dog and I are competent enough.
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