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You understand that if he refuses to do things as simple as that, that maybe it's fair to refer to the Mayor of Toronto as homophobic?

Yep, I'd say that's a fair assessment. It'll be interesting to see just how long he can dodge actual face time with the gay community.

Like them or not, as the Mayor he should pay them some form of acknowledgement.
I thought women homosexuals were called lesbians, while the term gay (as used above) was for male homosexuals. Is gay being used by both genders now? Of course having one's sexuality associated with a Greek island makes no sense, though neither does the term gay, meaning happy. What a wacky language we have.
You thought wrong. Gay can be used for both genders, but lesbian is more commonly used for woman. Obviously, lesbian is never used for gay men though.
Even if I were to have a wedding, I'd only invite close family and friends and it'd be in our backyard, too. Perhaps we'd splurge and spend a few grand on catering and decorations, but not much more.
I did mine as a big picnic in the park. We got Longos to cater (well, deliver all the food about hour in). We had about 70 people ... and probably enough food for 120 ... and the cost was well under $1,000. Shamefully cheap ... however we insisted on no presents on the invitations, so I felt no guilt. One of my brothers wasn't there BTW ... was in Asia somewhere. That's life ...

I thought it was much more fun than a stuffy suburban banquet hall ... which I guess the kind of wedding you expect in Rob Ford's Toronto (got to bring this on-topic somehow!).

Obviously, lesbian is never used for gay men though.
But what if the man self-identifies as a lesbian?
I'd be shocked if anyone didn't think he was homophobic.

Of course, we all know the cottage excuse is a load of horse shit. He could have went to the many other Pride events and clearly stated his support but he chose not to. He knows what message he is sending out to Toronto. If you don't know what that message is, just read the readers comments in all the newspapers. The homophobes are coming out in droves, encouraged by their belief that their boy Ford, is with them. All Torontonians are getting the message that Ford is standing up for what he believes, yet he won't come out and clearly state what that is, so people are reading between the lines. He could state clearly, that he is not a homophobe but he prefers to have people believe he hates gays.

Ford is making us all look bad with his outdated views on just about everything. I'm becoming more and more disgusted with this clown, every day. I hope the 24% of Torontonians who elected him, are happy.
I voted for Rob Ford’s platform, Rob came with it. I can live with his rather awkward public image because it is the opposite of slick which is what I voted against.

The Mayor is obviously getting some bad advice, as Mayor there are some compromises he must make but they don’t include rolling over in response to the Pinkmail campaign to shame him into marching in the Gay Pride parade, an event that he finds repulsive as do I and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear most of Toronto’s homosexual citizens who do not consider themselves part of the “Gay community”.

Mayor Ford should have indicated that he found the parade an embarrassment for his city and he would not empower the organisers with his attendance but would recognise the week long event in a less controversial way. Offering up a very weak excuse about family traditional week end get togethers was a mistake.

FWIW, CFRB 1010 reported today that a poll states that 90% of those contacted agree with the Mayor’s stance on this question.
I wonder who CFRB contacted -- if it was their regular listeners, that 90% is no surprise. If it was Jerry Agar, I'd have thought it would be more like 95% :p

I'm a straight female, and none of my circle of family/acquaintances agrees with the Mayor's stance, but then again, none of them voted for him.
Did it occur to anyone that maybe Ford just wasn't interested in attending the parade?

He's never expressed interest before and there are no rules that say the mayor has to attend. So this doesn't make him a bigot. Just indifferent. If he'd rather not go then why guilt him into participating and faking it to appease some special interest group? Predictable was the quick call by the usual suspects that Ford hates gays and wishes them all misery and blah, blah, blah.

But Ford haters will look and find anything to justify their demonizing of the man.
I have a hard time understanding people who expect you to board a plane to attend their wedding, even if they are close family members. I would never make my parents fly all the way to Toronto when I see fit for any given reason.

We can celebrate in private next time life brings us closer together.

This is part of the tragic reality and attitude towards family these days.

People want justification for making efforts to visit family even for special occasions because actually getting on a plane is too much of a bother. But people don't even hestitate to hop on a plane to fly down to Mexico or Cuba. These same people in their later years will then wonder why their children will never visit them in the nursing home as it's really just too much effort for the kids with their busy lives.

The "me, me, me" gen never fails to disappoint.
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Heh, this really pisses you off doesn't it? :D Does it piss you off as much as Ford not going to Pride?

It did really irritate my sister, but c'est la vie. Weddings are not a big deal for me, and she knows that. Yeah, I could have made arrangements, but quite frankly, as you and I have already pointed out, it just wasn't important for me as I value other things such as my education way, way more than somebody else's party.

Similarly, Pride supporters: Ford doesn't want to attend the party, so just deal with it. I don't understand why you want him there in the first place anyway. I personally support Pride Week, but I definitely do not support the whining about Ford not wanting to attend.

P.S. I'm shocked anyone would recommend taking the bus across long distances in Canada. It's a pretty big country. Taking the bus from western Canada to just Montreal would take 3-4 days.

But can they dance? ;) j/k

I'm just surprised that she still talks to you. I suspect that family really doesn't matter to you. Or others' feelings for that matter.

You're practically bragging about not only dissing your sister's wedding, hurting her feelings in the process and showing no remorse at all, you actually seem pleased with yourself. With some weak excuse that your education was more important than some silly waste of time like a sibling's wedding. This speaks volumes on the type of person you are. As for Ford? I support his decision not to attend Pride.

Why should he? He's never been interested before so why fake interest now? The Ford haters need to get a life.
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In the spirit of the original post of this thread "What does a Rob Ford Toronto look like", today's Jarvis bike lane reversal as a second example of a Ford alley on a small committee going over the head of the local councillor is an indication of what Ford's Toronto will be like.

You voted for your councillor to deal with your local issues. Now, your vote and your councillor no longer matter if a single member on a tiny committee unrepresentative of Torontonians can simply pull out a surprise objection without consulting the stakeholders, the councillors, and perhaps most importantly without talking to the people who actually understand that issue.

Kristyn Wong-Tam should be furious that a project she was working on that would soon improve traffic flow as a follow up to the bike lane addition and beautify the street was simply swept from under her feet without any indication. This is disrespectful of councillors and definitely disrespectful of democracy and Toronto's citizens who don't have an opportunity to have their say.

Mike Layton was hit first with this strategy in the last minute cancellation of the Fort York Bridge. Now Kristyn Wong-Tam. Every councillor should be concerned that the same will happen to them in their own wards. It's time for some serious action on making Torontonians aware of this dirty strategy which is robbing citizens of advanced projects they thought were coming to their ward, and which is throwing away city money already invested. In both cases, significant time and money have been spent and these projects already had funds earmarked. In both cases, these projects will end up costing the city much more money for no gains.
Yep, I'd say that's a fair assessment. It'll be interesting to see just how long he can dodge actual face time with the gay community.

Like them or not, as the Mayor he should pay them some form of acknowledgement.

I'm interested..Are you gay or bi-sexual cgguy?
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