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Um, hello? Could you be more sexist?

I'm sure the comment is satirical given the current events at city hall, and, well, at least Robbie's protestations.

A pretty decent article from the Spectator. Although I had earlier criticised Mayor McCheese's handling of the crisis, if indeed he did purchase the video and received some sort of assurances that no copies will be made public, then his strategy has been a pretty good one (to the detriment of the city, all ethical standards of conduct, etc...but a good strategy nonetheless).

When two Toronto Star writers reported a few weeks ago that they had repeatedly watched a video showing Rob Ford smoking from a crack pipe, many people thought that, this time, Rob Ford was going down in flames. Every day seemed like another stop on the train wreck waiting to happen.

Then, a week ago Friday, something changed. Ford held a media conference late in the afternoon heading into the weekend. Of course all the media had to be there, waiting for the other shoe to drop in the ongoing gong show.

After a dragged-out message from Ford about public housing that most of the media had heard before, it became obvious to me what he was doing.

Ford has finally learned he can't run away from the media. And why would he want to? Simply control the environment — and that's exactly what he did. Instead of ducking out back doors looking like a schoolboy running from a teacher, someone has told him to take the media time now afforded to him and use it wisely.

What I find interesting is that the Toronto Star … has now downplayed the importance of the video.

If you have made your position known, you don't have to keep talking about it just because the media is asking.

Ford is now taking the media attention that any politician would love, and using it to sell his accomplishments — and therefore himself. The media are all waiting until the end of these news conferences so they can ask, "What about the video?" He answers he has addressed that, and asks "Any more questions?" - and leaves.

He has the entire city's media eating out of his hand, hovering on his every word for what are essentially more Rob Ford PSA nonstories.

The question is: For how long will they do this?

How long can the media keep covering a story without the fundamental evidence for the story, i.e. the alleged video?

Then (the website that broke the story on the video and subsequently raised $200,000 to buy it) reported it had been told by the drug dealers who were peddling the video that it is "gone" and they now just want to be left alone.

Does that mean gone for good? Does it mean there are no more copies of it floating around? Nobody seems to know, but in today's digital world we'd be naive to think that is the end of this and a copy, if the video in fact exists, won't surface sooner or later.

But what I find interesting is that the Toronto Star, whose people have been on my CHML show several times in the past few weeks in regard to this story, has now downplayed the importance of the video.

The Star's Kevin Donovan, one of the reporters who watched the video, is now focusing on the house where a still picture of Ford with known drug dealers was taken, and those who live in it.

As I have mentioned many times, Donovan is a well-respected investigative journalist and I have no reason to think that he didn't see the video in question. However Ford's many distracting embarrassments leading up to this event certainly don't confirm the video exists, or its authenticity, or the allegations made against him. The public simply needs more proof.

Warren Weeks, principal at Eleven Strategic Communications, told me the Ford camp has "changed the tone of the discussion," and on social media we're now "talking about journalism ethics, instead of crack."

The crisis manager insists it's far from over, if this were a "CSI TV series, we're still only 29 minutes in." Anything can happen. He also adds the pressure on the Toronto mayor must be unbearable.

Ford still denies any such video exists. The Star says it is continuing to investigate, but is obviously now shifting its attention off the video — at least until it surfaces.

That leaves the question: Whose crisis is this now? Rob Ford's or the Toronto Star?

Especially if this video never appears.


A massive police raid targeting guns and drugs in Toronto began just before dawn.
Caught up in the investigation, sources have told the Star, is the issue of the video in which Toronto Mayor Rob Ford appears to smoke crack cocaine.
The raid, involving Toronto Police, the OPP and other forces, was focused on the north Etobicoke neighbourhood that is ground zero for the Rob Ford crack video scandal.

It looks like Bill Blair is pulling out all the stops to get his hands on the video. You can guess the reasons why! The video is worth $200,000 to the alleged drug dealer who has possession of the video. The video is worth TEN TIMES as much to Bill Blair if he can make it disappear resulting in another 5 year extension of his contract!!!


Heavy police presence at 320 Dixon Road - alleged location of the alleged crack video.


From the Toronto SUN

An Etobicoke apartment complex linked to the Rob Ford crack cocaine scandal is the subject of a police raid this morning.

Toronto Police blocked off vehicular traffic leading to 320 Dixon Rd. at Kipling Ave. just before 5 a.m. The building is believed to be the same complex where an alleged video of the mayor smoking crack cocaine was being stashed.

Ford has said no such video exists and that he does not use crack cocaine.

A Sun photographer at the scene estimated there was "at least 30" police cruisers and close to 100 officers at the scene


Another picture of police raid outside of 320 Dixon Rd. the Condo connected to the alleged Rob Ford Crack Cocaine video:

The massive Toronto Police operation is dubbed "Operation Traveler" . Could "Traveler" be a reference to the fact that the video owner told reporters he planned to travel to Alberta to start a new life? Could this be linked to the arrest of a Toronto man last week in Alberta in connection with the murder of Anthony Smith?

The plot thickens!


image credit : Toronto Star / Robyn Doolittle
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It looks like Bill Blair is pulling out all the stops to get his hands on the video. You can guess the reasons why! (the video is worth $200,000 to the alleged drug dealer who has possession of the video. The video is worth TEN TIMES as much to Bill Blair if it leads to another 5 year extension of his contract!!!


Heavy police presence at 320 Dixon Road - alleged location of the alleged crack video.


From the Toronto SUN


Another picture of police raid outside of 320 Dixon Rd. the Condo connected to the alleged Rob Ford Crack Cocaine video:

The massive Toronto Police operation is dubbed "Operation Traveler" . Could "Traveler" be a reference to the fact that the video owner told reporters he planned to travel to Alberta to start a new life? Could this be linked to the arrest of a Toronto man last week in Alberta in connection with the murder of Anthony Smith?

The plot thickens!

Here's a photo posted by Robyn Doolittle:

Looks like a pretty serious raid. I'm guessing Elena Basso may find it difficult to score in the coming days... Likewise for Robbie. Also, this:

EDIT: End of the Toronto Star article:
Windsor police confirmed that there is an operation connected to the Toronto raids underway in that city as well.

Interesting - I recall from earlier reports, the dealer that had sold Robbie and Elena their crack had fled to Windsor. Exciting!!!!
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jeez you guys - just because it's in the area that was related to the video, it doesn't mean it's about the video. It was clearly indicated that the raids are related to the gangs and their guns + drugs. Do you really think that in the midst of busting into apartments to seize weapons and drugs they're going through everyone's phones to check for videos?

The rumour around her newsroom is probably as gossipy as this place - one person's "Oooh I bet Bill Blair is looking for the video" turns into "The cops are looking for the video!" which becomes "I bet the found the video!" and "Hey I heard they found the video!"

From the Globe and Mail:

"Police from across Ontario began conducting a series of raids in the Greater Toronto Area early Thursday morning, including an apartment building at 320 Dixon Road, 680 News reported."

If this was a targeted raid on that specific building (and the one in windsor), I'd be a bit more suspicious... but only marginally so.
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jeez you guys - just because it's in the area that was related to the video, it doesn't mean it's about the video. It was clearly indicated that the raids are related to the gangs and their guns + drugs. Do you really think that in the midst of busting into apartments to seize weapons and drugs they're going through everyone's phones to check for videos?

The rumour around her newsroom is probably as gossipy as this place - one person's "Oooh I bet Bill Blair is looking for the video" turns into "The cops are looking for the video!" which becomes "I bet the found the video!" and "Hey I heard they found the video!"

From the Globe and Mail:

"Police from across Ontario began conducting a series of raids in the Greater Toronto Area early Thursday morning, including an apartment building at 320 Dixon Road, 680 News reported."

If this was a targeted raid on that specific building (and the one in windsor), I'd be a bit more suspicious... but only marginally so.

Yup. Maybe it's all a coincidence. Though the Star did mention in its coverage:

Caught up in the investigation, sources have told the Star, is the issue of the video in which Ford appears to be smoking crack cocaine.

So... who knows...?
jeez you guys - just because it's in the area that was related to the video, it doesn't mean it's about the video. It was clearly indicated that the raids are related to the gangs and their guns + drugs. Do you really think that in the midst of busting into apartments to seize weapons and drugs they're going through everyone's phones to check for videos?

Uh, yes? You seen Zero Dark Thirty? What's the first thing they do after they wax OBL? The gather up all the hard drives, computers, documents, and whatever else media they can get their mitts on. Criminals take pictures of themselves and their friends and/or cronies. They write things down. These materials can be used to connect them with larger networks. Ford video or no Ford video, this stuff is gold.

EDIT: from the Star live blog, "Five officers left Muhammad Khattack's home around 7:30 a.m. One officer carried a file-folder type brown box and others carried clear plastic evidence bags. One bag appeared to hold a Toshiba laptop."
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Uh, yes? You seen Zero Dark Thirty? What's the first thing they do after they wax OBL? The gather up all the hard drives, computers, documents, and whatever else media they can get their mitts on. Criminals take pictures of themselves and their friends and/or cronies. They write things down. These materials can be used to connect them with larger networks. Ford video or no Ford video, this stuff is gold.

EDIT: from the Star live blog, "Five officers left Muhammad Khattack's home around 7:30 a.m. One officer carried a file-folder type brown box and others carried clear plastic evidence bags. One bag appeared to hold a Toshiba laptop."

This is obviously no coincidence.
This is obviously no coincidence.

Yes - a drug dealer having evidence taken from his house during a drug raid is certainly out of the ordinary. Remember this and repeat after me: correlation is not causation. Are they raiding his place because he's involved in the drug scene, or because he was in a picture with the Mayor? (hint: it's not the latter)

I just think it should be emphasized that there's no point in getting excited about things because of the phrasing of the papers - if there are 20 places being raided and 320 Dixon Road is one of them, it's not logical to draw the conclusion that it's all about the one building and what may or may not be in one of the rooms.

Uh, yes? You seen Zero Dark Thirty? What's the first thing they do after they wax OBL? The gather up all the hard drives, computers, documents, and whatever else media they can get their mitts on.

Exactly - they gather it up in order to look through it. They don't go through everyone's phone/laptop etc as they get to it. Unless someone offered up "Hey, that's the phone the crack video is on! Here let me show you" to the officers, it's pretty silly to think that anyone would know if they have the video in their possession right now.
It might be worthwhile later today to see if Rob is forced to make an official announcement in support of the TPS in their efforts to get illegal drugs off the streets.
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