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I just revisited the Sandro Lisi/Bruno Bellissimo/Peter Kordas story from 10 days ago,, and I noticed this has been added: "Note: This article is subject to legal complaint by Peter Kordas". (Warning: the video at the bottom of the page plays automatically. I wish The Star would stop doing that!)

That's par for the course with these kinds of stories. Rarely do they go beyond the sabre-rattling stage.
Holyday endorses Peter Leon.

As continuation-of-the-Holyday-status-quo goes, seems inoffensive enough. And I doubt Council at large, let alone Etobicoke-York Community Council, would be so silly as to stunt-parachute in an Adam Giambrone type--you don't fight Ford using inverse Ford-esque deck-stacking techniques...
My understanding is that it's Etobicoke community council that get's first crack at appointing someone. Presumably city council would simply rubberstamp whoever is chosen, unless they are grossly unsuitable.

I think that horse left the barn about three years ago.
Does anyone know the voting record of Councillor Rob Ford had concerning previous council seat vacancies, before he became Mayor?
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My wife and I were in the car when we heard that council had voted to appoint a replacement for Mr. Holyday. We looked at each other and said in perfect unison "Adam Giambrone". Please. Bring it on.


It would be a small disaster. If anything, would fuel the divisive politics. I think they really need to appoint someone that is either a centrist, or an educated, reasonable fiscal conservative. Any wacky appointment like Giambrone and you would see an electoral revolt in the general election.
Holyday endorses Peter Leon.

As continuation-of-the-Holyday-status-quo goes, seems inoffensive enough. And I doubt Council at large, let alone Etobicoke-York Community Council, would be so silly as to stunt-parachute in an Adam Giambrone type--you don't fight Ford using inverse Ford-esque deck-stacking techniques...

Peter Leon is probably the best of the lot, even though there's some partisan politics going on if he's selected. But he's retired and he likely won't run in the next election. John Nunziata? He's a slimy lobbyist. Sarah Thomson? That's a laugh. And there's no way Adam Giambrone would be seriously considered for Ward 3.
Hahah people still think these are a real thing and not just bullshit marketing

It's funny, yesterday Mark Towhey tweeted this article he authored and said "In elections, candidates make promises to win over voters. In appointments, who do they make promises to?" - all I could think was, what does it even matter? What politician is held accountable to keep the promises they make in elections - aren't election promises just a reflection of what people want to hear, rather than a commitment to take action?
It's funny, yesterday Mark Towhey tweeted this article he authored and said "In elections, candidates make promises to win over voters. In appointments, who do they make promises to?" - all I could think was, what does it even matter? What politician is held accountable to keep the promises they make in elections - aren't election promises just a reflection of what people want to hear, rather than a commitment to take action?

Accountability through elections, ha!

I think it's interesting that Councillors seem to agree it is better to appoint somebody who will not run again. It's like there admitting that there is this massive incumbency advantage - once you are on Council it is very easy to stay there. They're fine with their own incumbency advantages, but they'll be damned before they give it to somebody else for nothing!
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