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The way redactions work, only people who are suspects part of the investigation wont be redacted correct?

if ford was involved but as a witness or mole, will his name get redacted?

Witnesses (including CIs), minors, agents, officers, and for "state" security.

Unless of course, a witness waives the protections, etc.
But the documents have only been released to Media Counsel. in fact, even the media can't see them yet.

Their counsel won't be making arguments until Sept 12th. After that, they can write stories about it.

Exactly. But do we really believe that this legal team will keep it to themselves? Off the record, speaking with their clients (the media) they will advance information to high level staff (editors and executives) so the papers know what to expect. They can't publish anything but they sure will start getting their stories ready.
I think Ford's admission today was meant to set up a defense front for when the crack video comes out. Now he can tell his people that it was just pot he was smoking.

There's a big difference in the design of a crack pipe and a pipe for smoking pot. If the recording is of half decent quality, "I was smoking pot" (with crack dealers) won't fly.
Exactly. But do we really believe that this legal team will keep it to themselves? Off the record, speaking with their clients (the media) they will advance information to high level staff (editors and executives) so the papers know what to expect. They can't publish anything but they sure will start getting their stories ready.

And how long until they CAN publish - is that the Sept 12 date that was spoken of earlier?
And how long until they CAN publish - is that the Sept 12 date that was spoken of earlier?

Ontario court judge Philip Downes ruled Tuesday that the Crown must hand over the documents to media lawyers by Aug. 27 so they can form arguments for having the materials made public.........

The Crown will be allowed to redact sensitive parts of the documents before the full hearing. Then, lawyers will return to court no later than Sept. 12, according to the Star, “to argue which sections should remain redacted before the document is made public.â€’s-ruling-gives-media-lawyers-access-warrants-sought-media-outlets

This suggests to me that September 12 is the latest date that the crown has to argue which parts should remain redacted. What this means is the hearing could actually happen before September 12th. Whatever the date we can be sure that within minutes of the Judge authorizing the final release of the documents the various media outlets will have this information up on their website. We might even see a copy posted on the Courts website.

I doubt that we will see anything leaked before then because that would involve defying a court order. Not going to happen IMO.
If you'll permit me to be pessimistic, aren't we more or less at the point where this whole situation in unsalvageable? I mean, I don't think anyone can seriously entertain the possibility that Ford will get a 2nd term at this point. Which means that he's inching ever closer to serving out his term. Even if he doesn't, I think getting to the January nomination period will be victory enough for him. After that, Ford can be all "Let me serve out my term" if anyone calls for him to quit. Even if he withdraws, his people will insist that he "deserves" the full term. So really, we're getting close to the point of no return here.
Exactly. But do we really believe that this legal team will keep it to themselves? Off the record, speaking with their clients (the media) they will advance information to high level staff (editors and executives) so the papers know what to expect. They can't publish anything but they sure will start getting their stories ready.

I'm sorry, but what kind of lawyers are the media hiring? The kind who communicate through hotmail?
If you'll permit me to be pessimistic, aren't we more or less at the point where this whole situation in unsalvageable? I mean, I don't think anyone can seriously entertain the possibility that Ford will get a 2nd term at this point.

If were a betting man, at this point I'd put money on him winning re-election. The only thing that could derail the bid is if the video surfaces.
If were a betting man, at this point I'd put money on him winning re-election. The only thing that could derail the bid is if the video surfaces.

Honestly I no longer really care whether he gets elected again or not. I just want to video to surface so that it can wipe the smirk off the faces of the Toronto Sun commenters who keep insisting the entire thing is a Toronto Star led left wing conspiracy.
If were a betting man, at this point I'd put money on him winning re-election. The only thing that could derail the bid is if the video surfaces.

I think the video will surface, but if it happens past January the scenario will have changed significantly. As for his re-election chances, the money men that backed him up last time around will find a new pony next year, for obvious reasons. Populism alone only takes you so far.
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