Senior Member
Sorry, can't go into detail. Just saying he's not being ignored.
is he a Friend of Dorothy? not that there's anything wrong with it, but i've often wondered about him 'in that way'. something about those gold chains...
Sorry, can't go into detail. Just saying he's not being ignored.
I have to say, it doesn't sit right that all of these private residences are getting mapped out. Yes, you can make the case that the info is publicly available... but still, it almost lends credence to the statements that Doug Ford makes when he says his family is being spied on or is losing their privacy. I'm fine with all of the other stuff being mapped, but starting to put family members on (who have very tenuous connections to the main story) feels like it's crossing the line.
I have to say, it doesn't sit right that all of these private residences are getting mapped out. Yes, you can make the case that the info is publicly available... but still, it almost lends credence to the statements that Doug Ford makes when he says his family is being spied on or is losing their privacy. I'm fine with all of the other stuff being mapped, but starting to put family members on (who have very tenuous connections to the main story) feels like it's crossing the line.
...only difference is that Scott is trying to sell his story to the media for (low) five figures and she isn't.
I thought I knew the side stories quite well, but don't recall this. Is this speculation, or written in the news somewhere?
Given Rob's fuse getting shorter and shorter, I've been whimsically wondering if he'd wind up the first sitting mayor in modern Western democracy to be taken down by a police bullet (that is, if he goes ballistic at reporters and then just plain frothing-at-the-mouth ballistic)
is he a Friend of Dorothy? not that there's anything wrong with it, but i've often wondered about him 'in that way'. something about those gold chains...
-Scarlett Heights Entrepreneurial Academy (formerly Scarlett Heights Collegiate Institute) 15 Trehorne Drive - Rob, Doug and David Price's high school
Why would Blair want to give up on a role in one of the most important busts in Toronto, if not Canadian history, on account of Ron fucking Tavener?
Not that my insider knowledge means anything but I have a friend who works at city hall for a liberal councillor, and apparently almost everyone knows the video exists and has been seen by many non-criminal/journalist types aka lawyers, so I never doubted the police viewed it.
Sure they do. The Sun pays well for it's sources.I know it to be a fact. As far as i know there have been no takers, as Toronto newspapers don't pay their sources....
The Star does pay for some stories but it's not a lot. sometimes 500 bucks, sometimes a thousand. (Doolittle at Word On The Street festival mentioned this).
i think it is more likely he will go out in the spirit of R. Budd Dwyer. The youtube links are not for the faint of heart.
i think it is more likely he will go out in the spirit of R. Budd Dwyer. The youtube links are not for the faint of heart.
If that happened, I'd say "Hey man, nice shot."