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It looks like these images were taken from the Police spy plane

So all we have is Ford supposedly buying drugs from Lisi?

They just got the documents minutes ago. There are hundreds of pages. I'm sure that they're not going to put everything up on twitter immediately, they probably want to save some of the juicy details for when they go to press, or publish online.
Police chief Bill Blair to make announcement at 11:30 AM on Project Brazen 2 - the investigation this search warrant is about @TorontoStar

Mark Towhey on this news "the Chief only speaks when it is BIG"
Blair to speak at 11:30 about Brazen II. (as has been reported three times here already - overlap).
Surveillance photos that do not reveal investigative techniques are likely to survive redaction and be delivered in the documents tomorrow. This explains the reported larger size of the PDF. If any of those photos contain Rob Ford, we may finally have the silver bullet that penetrates Ford's teflon fame. People understand photos better and remember them longer than they do complex written articles.

I don't know the contents of these photos but given the events we do know through witness accounts and were likely spied on by the police in the course of Brazen II, a photo of Ford sitting in his car receiving something from Sandro Lisi will be burned into the retinas of every Toronto voter who sees it. I think that tomorrow we may finally see the now famous Anthony Smith photo displaced from the front pages of newspapers.

These photos are highly incriminating even if nothing is going on. Lisi's face has been plastered everywhere and he's perceived as a criminal. A photo of Ford with Lisi in a police surveillance photo like this one are terrible optics for Ford.

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I believe at one point the documents were released to the media lawyers and they were allowed to share them with their clients but they weren't allowed to be published. I think that's what happened.

The media lawyers have seen all of the ITO documents - the redacted and unredacted parts.* They were not allowed to share what they saw with anyone, including their clients, until the judge ordered yesterday that the unredacted portion ids to be released generally (i.e., to the world) forthwith. As I understand it, they would have become free to start telling their clients about what they saw in the unredacted portion once the order was made yesterday.

*Jacobsen confirmed this in his 1010 interview this morning. He also noted that the media lawyers have not yet seen the intercepts (transcripts of wiretaps) for Brazen 2, which are the subject of a separate argument with the Crown over whether they should be released generally, just as are the intercepts from Project Traveller
From The Star's newest article:

After Ford and Lisi met in person, detectives noticed a pattern. Later in the day, Ford, on his drive home, stopped in at the Esso at Edenbridge Rd. and Scarlett Rd., just a few doors east of the Ford home. While Ford was in the Esso station, which houses his favourite Tim Horton’s, Lisi would drive up in his Range Rover and place a package into Ford’s Escalade, then drive off.
Kevin Donovan's article is pretty damning:

Here's an excerpt:

We also know that a six man Toronto police “spin team” spent hundreds of hours watching and following Lisi and Ford. They used cameras mounted on telephone poles, tracking devices on cars, listening devices and even a Cessna airplane flying low over Etobicoke, so low that people the Star interviewed said there was no doubt the cops were watching.

Lisi displayed countersurveillance techniques (frequently stopping his car, turning into random parking lots and driving the other way, etc.) while police followed him. On many occasions they followed him to meetings with Ford in parks. Detectives searched the area after and found empty vodka bottles.

After Ford and Lisi met in person, detectives noticed a pattern. Later in the day, Ford, on his drive home, stopped in at the Esso at Edenbridge Rd. and Scarlett Rd., just a few doors east of the Ford home. While Ford was in the Esso station, which houses his favourite Tim Horton’s, Lisi would drive up in his Range Rover and place a package into Ford’s Escalade, then drive off.
Would a journalist PLEASE ask Blair to answer the question as to whether or not Ford is allowed to speak on this matter? By saying "this is a matter before the courts", he suggests that he is legally bound to be silent. I suspect this is not the case.
Also from the Star article, and frankly something that I'm surprised by:

Despite witnessing dozens and dozens of interactions between Ford and Lisi, officers never once stepped in to make an arrest. As a result, police lack direct evidence that what Ford and Lisi were trading those many days were drugs and money.
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