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Hands would be a good symbol. Toronto has held out a helping hand to everyone who has landed here.
A hand can can also be destructive by holding a crack pipe or a vodka bottle. ;)
But we need to focus on a positive vision of Toronto and where we are going (rather than where we have been.)
View attachment 19618

Hands would be fine, but we should avoid colouring them red because of association with the Red Hand of Ulster and Irish loyalism/The Troubles.
Opinions differ on whether crack video can be released:

Prominent criminal lawyer John Struthers asked why — if it’s the case that only the courts can decide on release of evidence — do police stage press conferences where they show guns, drugs and money seized as part of major investigations? They also release videotape surveillance of shootings and evidence of robberies and TTC videos, he noted.
“The only way they couldn’t release it is if they were going to taint witnesses,” Struthers said Sunday. For example, if someone is charged with a robbery, “they’re not going to release the video so all of the witnesses then say: ‘That’s the guy.’”
This is part of the City of Toronto coat of arms:


Could it be incorporated somehow?

The nice thing about the red square is it's so simple to make. It shouldn't require an arts and crafts project.


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I hate this guy (not personally) and everything he represents ... rash / quick to judge / no sense of logic / over simplifies everything ... honestly I have this issue with the general population but he embodies ignorance far beyond anyone I know personally ...

Having said all that; All the comments about ruining our reputation seem silly to me; Why would the MTA not meet with the TTC, that doesn't make any sense ... I think this is simply a case of the left wing media wanting this to look really bad ... which I don't like at all ...

To me the worst part is; I would think if any slightly educated person were to watch just about ANY of the city counsel meetings about a subject of interest, watch Ford, watch the lack of any common sense ... this on its own should be enough for everyone to hate him, even ignoring every other issue in the spotlight today.
If they could find enough councillors they could force an election.

A quorum is often understood to mean the minimum number of members needed
to conduct business at a meeting. Section 237 of the Municipal Act, 2001 sets out
quorum requirements for municipal councils. Usually it is a majority of members. In
addition, you should be aware that:
• If a council is unable to hold a meeting for a period of 60 days or more,
because of a failure to obtain a quorum, the Minister may declare all the
members’ seats vacant and require an election (see section 266 of the
Municipal Act, 2001).

• Members may be ineligible to vote at or participate in a meeting because of
a conflict of interest (see section 5 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act).
• If, because of conflicts of interest, a quorum of members is not constituted for
a meeting, the remaining number of members at the meeting may nonetheless
be deemed by legislation to be a quorum. The remaining number cannot be
less than two (see subsection 7(1) of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act).
• Where, in the above circumstances, the remaining number of members is
less than two, it may be possible to get a court order to authorize a council
or local board to consider and vote on a matter (see subsection 7(2) of the
Municipal Conflict of Interest Act)." Page 32

I keep hearing that we have to wait for 60 days...I don't think that's the case if a majority of councillors were to resign en-masse...which would trigger the ontario government putting one or more people in place until a new election could take place...


Minister’s order
266. (1) If the council of a municipality is unable to hold a meeting for a period of 60 days because of a failure to obtain a quorum, the Minister may by order declare all the offices of the members of the council to be vacant and a by-election shall be held in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. 2002, c. 17, Sched. A, s. 45 (1).
(2) The 60-day period referred to in subsection (1) commences on the day of the first meeting that could not be held because of a failure to obtain a quorum. 2001, c. 25, s. 266 (2).
Interim order
(3) Where the Minister makes an order under subsection (1), or the offices of a majority of the members of a council are for any reason declared vacant, the Minister may by order exercise or appoint one or more persons to exercise the duties and obligations of the council until such time as a by-election is held in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, and the members so elected have taken office. 2001, c. 25, s. 266 (3); 2002, c. 17, Sched. A, s. 45 (2).
You've got to be joking - why wouldn't they meet with the TTC because of our mayor?


Yeah - I see no mention online anywhere of a meeting planned between the TTC and the MTA
Yeah - I see no mention online anywhere of a meeting planned between the TTC and the MTA

I mean... to put Rob Ford in perspective... George W. Bush was the leader of the free world and people were still willing to meet with his Secretary of State etc...

"RoFo you're doing a heck of a job."
Yeah - I see no mention online anywhere of a meeting planned between the TTC and the MTA

Having said all that; All the comments about ruining our reputation seem silly to me; Why would the MTA not meet with the TTC, that doesn't make any sense ... I think this is simply a case of the left wing media wanting this to look really bad ... which I don't like at all ...

This is the only source I've seen (not exactly the "left-wing media").

EDIT: ^ To clarify, this is a repost of a Canadian Press story, not original National Post reporting. (I didn't notice that at first.)

“The fact is that this is getting spread globally. It’s just really bad,” said Coun. Gloria Lindsay Luby, who pointed to a transit authority in New York deciding not to invite Toronto to discussions as just one example of the scandal’s effect.
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Having said all that; All the comments about ruining our reputation seem silly to me; Why would the MTA not meet with the TTC, that doesn't make any sense ... I think this is simply a case of the left wing media wanting this to look really bad ... which I don't like at all ...

Are you referring to the media, or commenters, as you mention both and they are far from the same thing. Also, provided you actually have found a media source for this, how have you inferred the souce is "left wing" if they are simply reporting on something the MTA has done? Unless its an editorial, reporting something relevant to the readers does not make the source left wing unless an opinion is attached.

Edit: wow, just noticed the National Post is reporting this.
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If it were to be used as a site for demonstrations, it would be great to see NPS become a message board of sorts, the way it did after Layton passed away.

Chalk could be given to pedestrians who would be encouraged to write "RESIGN" as many times as they care to. I suggest just the one word because it's more direct and would keep the really nasty statements to a minimum. That one word repeated thousands of times across the square would be quite a poignant symbol, imo. Things like this have a better chance of succeeding because they're based on a simple act that participants are more likely to partake in because it doesn't involve stereotypical organized protest behavior. The words may very well get erased at the end of the day, but so be it. Protesters only tend to hang around for a couple of hours at most before heading back home. I'm willing to bet the words will be there longer.
I don't see any source for the New York transit thingie other than the CP story quoting councilor Luby. So take it with a grain of salt. That's her version. Maybe it had nothing to do with Ford.

But can you imagine in the future Harper announcing anything nice for Toronto (like some subway money)? It would never happen, 'cause he won't be photographed again with Ford, and you don't give money for anything without a photo op.
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