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Things I learned today:

- Brazen 2 is about to wrap up. The TPS source is growing skeptical that Ford will be charged since he hasn't been yet but agrees that police didn't bust him when they had the opportunity because they're on to something bigger. The source allows for the possibility that they're waiting on a key piece of evidence. If that doesn't pan out, the source agrees that the optics are going to be terrible and the operation will have been a failure given the minor charges laid via a vis the resources expended and the inevitable public opinion hit.

- Charges against Ford rely heavily on Lisi's case going to trial. The source believes that Lisi will take a plea bargain or plead guilty outright to avoid a trial. The source doesn't have insight into Lisi's council but like me understands that he can't afford the legal team defending him and so isn't the one calling the shots on his own defence.

This gels with my assumption they are trying to tie Ford to the extortion and, presumably, assumed Lisi would give up the big guy. Apparently he hasn't yet but it sounds like he's looking at (rough guess?) a decade in jail and to the untrained eye it seems weird he'd be so fanatical about trying to get the video back if his old pal, who happens to be featured in it and who staked his career on saying it didn't exist, didn't ask. (If Lisi is using Ford-funded lawyers....well, that's sure interesting. I hope he doesn't have The Best Criminal Lawyer in Canada!)

Given what a dolt he is, it's hard to imagine the mayor insulating himself so well. I strongly defend not pulling him over on a nothing possession charge but, as the cop says, if they come away with NOTHING that gets harder to justify.
Seriously? I'm no fan of Conrad Black but that was the best commentary on the matter I've read.

OK, I went and read it. You owe me 5mins & about 5000 brain cells. A convicted fraudster thinks admitted criminal behaviour shouldn't keep someone from being Mayor. Funny that.

Also, the sliming of the Star was positively Blackian in its bloviating & completely Off-topic ranting. You need to read more widely, methinks.
If this ends, Brazen II wraps and Ford doesn't go down, the right will have a field day. Ford will be given a martyr narrative that he'll try to ride to re-election (and may just succeed). This is a huge disaster, but I'm inclined to agree it is looking more and more like it will be the case.

Deeply depressing news...
If this ends, Brazen II wraps and Ford doesn't go down, the right will have a field day. Ford will be given a martyr narrative that he'll try to ride to re-election (and may just succeed). This is a huge disaster, but I'm inclined to agree it is looking more and more like it will be the case.

Deeply depressing news...

This *terrifies* me.
If this ends, Brazen II wraps and Ford doesn't go down, the right will have a field day. Ford will be given a martyr narrative that he'll try to ride to re-election (and may just succeed). This is a huge disaster, but I'm inclined to agree it is looking more and more like it will be the case.

Deeply depressing news...


The past three years with Ford as mayor have been scary enough for us in non-Ford nation. Ford has succeeded in inflaming divisions within Toronto, divisions that existed pre-election. Not smart at all, for the whole of us.

I seriously don't believe that former Ford supporters will be there for him, now that his ways and means are known to all. There may be a small percentage of purposely destructive people out there willing to cast a vote for him, but I think that a great proportion of the right will park their vote with another candidate.

Further, I still can't be as jaundiced and pessimistic as some of the people I've been reading here. Ford as martyr? Only a small percentage will buy that. Most will realize that he is callous, petty, vile, transparently willful, and probably criminal to boot. (Well, yes, I do realize that some people will vote for those qualities because it fits in with how they want to picture politicians).

People such as myself are already mobilized to help in the fight for centrist values, come next election time. For the time being it makes sense to keep the powder dry, and consider our approach to campaigning. But we'll be here, and we're smarter from the last time around. There is so much at stake.
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Like Jesus on the cross, the sainted Rob Ford will rise again and take his rightful place as the planet's best mayor, return for another term and then demand the province to extend his term limit so that he can remain the much-loved mayor of his beloved city for another eight years. The Ford century is upon us, all rise! :(
If this ends, Brazen II wraps and Ford doesn't go down, the right will have a field day. Ford will be given a martyr narrative that he'll try to ride to re-election (and may just succeed). This is a huge disaster, but I'm inclined to agree it is looking more and more like it will be the case.

Deeply depressing news...

I've already accepted that Ford is probably going to be re-elected.

Have you been watching the online comment forums? Particularly the Sun and NP. When the TPS announced they had the video and then Rob admitted to crack smoking it appeared to rock Ford Nation back on their heels. It seemed we had turned a corner and people were finally seeing behaviour they couldn't justify or defend any longer from an elected official. Lately though (the last week or so) it's returned completely to normal. People screaming about the left, smearing the Toronto Star for garbage reporting, parroting factual inaccuracies and of course moving the goal posts to "Who cares if he smokes crack we don't care what he does on his OWN time". When all else fails blame the "Lieberals". Now that Rob's completely fabricated and impossible 1.75% tax increase has been shot down it's only going to get worse. I can see the screams of "left wing pigs at the trough" already. "Rob was undemocratically toppled and now the socialists are back to steal all the tax money!!"

There's no arguing or debating with these people. Discussing this issue rationally is almost completely impossible with the solid 30%-40% that makes up Ford Nation.

The bottom line is Ford's supporters believe he saved them lots and lots and lots of money and anything you say to contradict that is clearly an elitist lie. Nothing else really matters.
OK, I went and read it. You owe me 5mins & about 5000 brain cells. A convicted fraudster thinks admitted criminal behaviour shouldn't keep someone from being Mayor. Funny that.

Also, the sliming of the Star was positively Blackian in its bloviating & completely Off-topic ranting. You need to read more widely, methinks.

That's why I said it was just a Doug Ford speech pimped up with Conrad Black verbosity. Left wing conspiracy, everyone are being hypocrites, Rob's a good guy, the Star are bastards and Council is acting illegally.
I've already accepted that Ford is probably going to be re-elected.

Have you been watching the online comment forums? ...

Surely you don't take online comment forums to be in any way representative of the general population. Most folks would not take the time to leave comments on news sites. Comment trolls are either retiree shut-ins with too much time on their hands, or paid shills of the Queen's Quay Karen variety. Keep some perspective.
Surely you don't take online comment forums to be in any way representative of the general population. Most folks would not take the time to leave comments on news sites. Comment trolls are either retiree shut-ins with too much time on their hands, or paid shills of the Queen's Quay Karen variety. Keep some perspective.

New guy here, been watching this thread for a couple of weeks, a hell of a lot more informative than our media. The comments in the Sun and the NP are just ridiculous, There's enough material on those comment boards to keep Gary Larson busy for years. I really don't think the posters on those boards are representative of TO as a whole, the level of stupidity out there is mind boggling tho.
If this ends, Brazen II wraps and Ford doesn't go down, the right will have a field day. Ford will be given a martyr narrative that he'll try to ride to re-election (and may just succeed). This is a huge disaster, but I'm inclined to agree it is looking more and more like it will be the case.

Deeply depressing news...

I don't see him riding to re-election because he was never charged for any crime. His admission to crack smoking and drunk driving are damaging to his reputation to centrist voters who don't count themselves as part of Ford nation. Only the Nationites will cry persecution if Ford is never charged.
Surely you don't take online comment forums to be in any way representative of the general population. Most folks would not take the time to leave comments on news sites. Comment trolls are either retiree shut-ins with too much time on their hands, or paid shills of the Queen's Quay Karen variety. Keep some perspective.

Of course I don't think they're perfectly representative of the general population. But do I think they're indicative of society's opinion and mood on a given issue in very general terms? Yes.

They don't represent the opinions of the people I debate with in real life on a daily basis but I work with educated people and live downtown. However, I do get the feeling that they represent the opinions of large swaths of the "masses". I think writing them off as shills and shut-ins is overly simplistic (and optimistic).

Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle.

(For what it's worth - I'd like to hope that you're right and I'm completely wrong)
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