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"Torontians" heh

Yes, Torontonians do say "Toronto" in a slurred way, but not with a "ch" sound at the beginning, and there is usually a vowelly thing going on between the first t and the o.

Sometimes Ford also works in a bit of a u sound at the end, too. Ugh.
I think you're splitting hairs. I hear that "ch" all the time and it doesn't hurt my ears at all. These kinds of sloppy contractions are common with urbanites, who tend to speak faster than rural folk. It's all about getting the point across in minimal time, diction be damned.

I think there's room for a variety of expressions in... Rob Ford's Toronto. You know, with regular folks and Torontians 'n all.
Apple was very close to naming their current Mac OS X "Maverick." They named it "Mavericks" after the location in California.

I cannot find a single reference to Apple thinking about ever calling OS X 10.9 "Maverick" (singular). However, I will point out:

The location Mavericks is less than 40kms from Cupertino, and very near Half-Moon Bay, where several Apple execs (including Phil Schiller) live.

Apple takes great pride in being from California ("designed in California").

Many tech companies have used place names as codenames for products. Early Macs were codenamed Maui, Malibu, Paris, Milwaukee; Intel has used almost exclusively place names for their chips (, Microsoft has used them (Fiji, Detroit, Nashville, Memphis) and AMD too (Santa Rosa, Santa Anna, Barcelona).

Apple's codenames started becoming actual product names starting with OS X 10.0 Cheetah.

It's pretty apparent to me that "Mavericks" was always the intended name.
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I cannot find a single reference to Apple thinking about ever calling OS X 10.9 "Maverick" (singular). However, I will point out:

The location Mavericks is less than 40kms from Cupertino, and very near Half-Moon Bay, where several Apple execs (including Phil Schiller) live.

Apple takes great pride in being from California ("designed in California").

Apple ran out of "big cats" names so from OSX 10.9 onwards, they will be naming them after prominent landmark/locations in California, starting with Mavericks.
Many tech companies have used place names as codenames for products. Early Macs were codenamed Maui, Malibu, Paris, Milwaukee; Intel has used almost exclusively place names for their chips (, Microsoft has used them (Fiji, Detroit, Nashville, Memphis) and AMD too (Santa Rosa, Santa Anna, Barcelona).

Apple's codenames started becoming actual product names starting with OS X 10.0 Cheetah.

It's pretty apparent to me that "Mavericks" was always the intended name.

Apple ran out of "big cats" names. So from 10.9 onwards, they have begun using prominent locations/landmarks in California, starting with Mavericks.
Does anyone have a list of staffers that have left Rob Ford's office?

I was at a bar last night, and talking to my friend about Rob Ford, when this woman next to me started telling me about her brother who used to work for Rob Ford. I was trying to get more detail out of her, but she was kind of drunk.

She said her brother was assaulted in a strip club by Rob Ford, but that he was keeping it quiet. I wish I could remember the name she gave -- stamkovich? Something like that. It was pretty loud, and hard to hear, and I was a bit drunk. She said he was a junior staffer in his office and left when "the shit hit the fan." She said he was a guy who "got in trouble for coaching football."

I couldn't tell if she was telling the truth at first, she seemed confused about what the recent news was, but after talking to her for a while she seemed pretty genuinely upset about how the whole Ford thing was causing her family nothing but trouble. I'd like to try and confirm a couple more details before calling this an accurate report though.

She said that her brother wouldn't even tell her family what happened. Her family was apparently good friends with the Fords but now they're cutting ties. "How do you tell the mayor of the city you don't want to be friends anymore?" She said.

Anyway, just an interesting lead -- I know there have been lots of rumours around strip clubs and Ford. I heard from someone I trust that he knew someone who's parents had smoked crack in a strip club with Rob Ford and were being paid to keep it quiet. And now this story about him assaulting a staffer at a strip club.

I wonder if the strip club in question is Romeo Di Battista's club that's been "renovated."

reminds me of this post too...

Funny... Just irresponsibly putting this out there (humour me), but, I am 90% certain that I got into an altercation with Rob Ford at a strip club a year or two before the election.

Never shared this publicly before, but, the clients that I was entertaining that night swore/swear that it was him or his exact doppelgänger -- especially as/bc the person was pulling "do you know who I am?" as his line of defence pre-brawl, at first to imply he was a VIP and then more that he was "street" and connected. The Ford lookalike called over one of the bouncers and told them by name that "we're going to knife these fuckers (my clients and I) in the lane-way". That resulted in the house lights coming up, the dancers running away, and us being separated by security before any bloodshed (which would have been inevitable, my sidekick was armed and I was ready for a bottle-smashing good time).

My clients just stood back and let my sidekick and I take care of things. They loved it. Was their best meeting in years. Questions about "was that guy a city councillor??" began the second we started walking away from the strip-club afterwards.

A few months later, when his mug was on the news one night, I recognized him as being the man I nearly clobbered in a peeler. A pot dealer visiting my friend's house, seeing footage of the Ford boys on TV and hearing me remark about the incident, exclaimed "yeah, so, do you know who that is? The 905 just elected my biggest hook-up as the mayor of Toronto. WTF is going on?"

Then, the rumours started coming in about the Fords from stunned friends in Etobicoke who knew the true side to them, stories of fights in strip-clubs and such, and that most of them had bought weed, hash or coke from them back in the day. The whispers and buzz about it obviously hasn't stopped among those circles since they became public figures.

Strip club aside, it's all made me a bit OCD about exposing the outsiders running my home town.
The incident is in the Lisi ITO:
FICKEL has heard that the Mayor assaulted SHIROKOFF. This happened one night when they were out at a strip club and the Mayor was doing cocaine. SHIROKOFF denied this story when FICKEL asked him about it. FICKEL believes SHIROKOFF.

- On one occasion Mayor FORD sought legal advice from his lawyer, Dennis MORRIS, on behalf of one of his players.

Anyone have any info on this, like maybe the date?

One of his players was just charged in a vicious murder.

my guess is it had to do with this...

the then-city councillor Ford was the only person willing to come to court and testify in support of a teenager who along with an accomplice, used a sawed-off shotgun to rob a Toronto taxi driver.
ROFO only really fits about seven (maybe eight) of these, but that's still pretty damning.

While I might even agree that Ford is sociopathic, that's a diagnosis left up to a professional. I write this as a critical thinker:

1) I know it's a logical fallacy to state this (relative to the story), but Natural News isn't a trustworthy knowledge base for information on psychology (let alone unbiased anything, but I digress; a lot of what they publish is pseudoscience bunk).

2) Diagnosis of sociopathy is far more nuanced than these ten statements. There are many other factors (like failure to set/visualize/follow general life plans) that offer further insight.

3) Estimates say up to 10% of the population is sociopathic, and that not all sociopaths exhibit the same behavioral characteristics. Most sociopaths are fully functional and contribute to society and are aware that they are different from those with empathy and moral compasses. Many decide that playing by the rules of society is the most rational choice, even if they may disagree with those rules in principal.

4) Often, non-sociopaths can be made to believe they themselves are sociopaths. "Have you ever done something you feel no remorse for?" is a lousy way of diagnosing someone, because it doesn't differentiate between actually believing you are correct about something and a true lack of remorse.
I am so disturbed that nothing has been done so far to arrest the louse. How is that possible? There is so much condemning
Info out already and more is being outed all the time. I understand the police want to suss out Fords involvement in the deaths potentially connected to the video but come on! Why can he not be hauled off already based on collected evidence?
Why so little discussion about the May 21st shooting of one of the guys connected to the video? It happened the same day as the pipe attack. Two guys behind the video attacked on the same day. Must be a connection!

i posted something about this about a week ago, well not tying in the beating with a baton, but it seems to be missing from the forum, so i will post it again.

are we learning that police sometimes lie to try to not compromise investigations?

at first we were told...

Monday May 21
A man was shot on the 17th floor of 320 Dixon Road.
The same detectives who were reportedly tipped off by Mayor Ford’s staff about other illegal activities on the building’s 17th floor were dispatched to investigate, but police sources have since stated there is no link between the alleged video and the May 21 shooting.

but now...

Concerns that the probe could be compromised were only heightened three days later, on May 21, when one of the Project Traveller accused, Abdullahi Harun, was shot in the leg on the 17th floor of a Dixon Rd. highrise. Harun, a man police believe to be one of two men trying to sell the "crack video," was shot just down the hall from unit 1703. Sources have told the Star that Ford blurted out that unit number as a possible location of the video this spring.

(It's unclear why Harun was shot. Neighbourhood sources say his shooting was an accident. A resident on the floor, who was peering through a peephole that night, told police that he saw a half-dozen young men arguing before hearing two to three shots.)

a slightly clearer picture emerges when tied to the following...

At a morning news conference on Friday, police revealed that Project Traveller led to a previous arrest in Mr. Smith’s slaying and promised more arrests against the now-depleted Dixon City Bloods.

The gang is based along the Dixon Road corridor, but its tentacles stretch from U.S. border crossings in Windsor all the way to Alberta, said Staff Supt. James Ramer, standing next to a display of 40 sub-machine guns, hand-guns, sawed-off shotguns and other firearms seized in the operation. “This is not a low-level street gang,” he said. “They are extremely well organized and extremely violent.”

Among the 300 charges laid on Thursday, two were for attempted murder. Ayanle Omar, who faces a total of 19 charges, is accused of stabbing James Antoine Bedford on May 19. Two days later on May 21, police allege Arafat Mousa tried to shoot and kill Ahmed Siad.

The precise locations of the attempted murders are not listed in the court documents.

but still a lot is murky.

did arafat mousa tried to shoot ahmed siad but shot abdullahi harun instead? and if harun is believed to be one of two people trying to sell the video, was the other mohamed siad? and were they both working through that broker?

what about ibrahim ahmed? ( how does he fit in all of this?

who's james antoine bedford? can anyone find info about his stabbing?

and those promised additional arrests... have they happened?
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I found the comment of the Toronto Star editor - Michael Cooke - interesting. When asked about the upcoming ITO release of redacted information:

"I know whats in them and its stunning.....its more of the same plus it ratchets it up another level.."

that caught my attention too. many of us think that ford should already be arrested... i'm guessing we'll be even more frustrated after we learn whatever it is that takes it up another level.
I think you're splitting hairs. I hear that "ch" all the time and it doesn't hurt my ears at all. These kinds of sloppy contractions are common with urbanites, who tend to speak faster than rural folk. It's all about getting the point across in minimal time, diction be damned.

I think there's room for a variety of expressions in... Rob Ford's Toronto. You know, with regular folks and Torontians 'n all.

I've lived in Toronto for over 20 years, most of my life in fact, and I don't hear "chronno" from anyone other than Ford.

Anyway, at ceremonies and such, one is supposed to speak clearly and more on the formal side.
I've lived in Toronto for over 20 years, most of my life in fact, and I don't hear "chronno" from anyone other than Ford.

Anyway, at ceremonies and such, one is supposed to speak clearly and more on the formal side.

Let's hope no one with an accent is ever elected then, lest your delicate sensibilities be hurt.
i posted something about this about a week ago, well not tying in the beating with a baton, but it seems to be missing from the forum, so i will post it again.

are we learning that police sometimes lie to try to not compromise investigations?

at first we were told...

but now...

a slightly clearer picture emerges when tied to the following...

but still a lot is murky.

did arafat mousa tried to shoot ahmed siad but shot abdullahi harun instead? and if harun is believed to be one of two people trying to sell the video, was the other mohamed siad? and were they both working through that broker?

what about ibrahim ahmed? ( how does he fit in all of this?

who's james antoine bedford? can anyone find info about his stabbing?

and those promised additional arrests... have they happened?

The incident is in the Lisi ITO:
FICKEL has heard that the Mayor assaulted SHIROKOFF. This happened one night when they were out at a strip club and the Mayor was doing cocaine. SHIROKOFF denied this story when FICKEL asked him about it. FICKEL believes SHIROKOFF.

Excellent! Back on track! Less talk of car models and word pronunciations, and more of this!
Let's hope no one with an accent is ever elected then, lest your delicate sensibilities be hurt.

Accents have nothing to do with this. Ford doesn't have an accent. It's just sloppy pronunciation. Small potatoes given the rest of the Ford situation, but still off-putting.
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