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Kat, I don't believe Slob was filmed with his own phone. I just get the sense that people are being led to believe that he wanted his phone back/ Lisi got it back because the video was on it.

I believe Smith recorded Slob on his own iPhone(Smith's) and was whacked for it. Thats my own personal theory.

Di Battista's phone call to Lisi is VERY important as well!!
Doolittle said the video was in HD. That means a modern smart phone which I don't think Ford uses.
He is the definition of a troll. Substantiated evidence that does not fit his agenda is dismissed, while consipiracy theories that fit his agenda are treated like the gospel.

Right on. And defending Peepers' constant obfuscation and twisting of, yes, substantiated facts, as any kind of valid "alternate perspective" is a little trollish too IMHO.
Right on. And defending Peepers' constant obfuscation and twisting of, yes, substantiated facts, as any kind of valid "alternate perspective" is a little trollish too IMHO.
What do trolls do?

They try to attract attention to themselves and derail the conversation. Whether it's by obtuse responses, offensive remarks, disingenuous answers...etc. The techniques are many but the goal is to control the conversation and make themselves the hinge of that conversation.

Sound like anyone here?
So I ask again: Why is Rob Ford’s name in this ITO document?? Because if Ford isn’t charged, then I think the police have a lot of explaining to do.
You're forgetting the extortion charge, based on Lisi trying to acquire a cell phone video of Ford smoking crack. My totally uneducated guess is that in order for the TPS to justify seizing anything related to the video, they have to show cause to believe the video exists. If they had found the video without specifying any of Ford's involvement, the video could be deemed inadmissible.
You're forgetting the extortion charge, based on Lisi trying to acquire a cell phone video of Ford smoking crack. My totally uneducated guess is that in order for the TPS to justify seizing anything related to the video, they have to show cause to believe the video exists. If they had found the video without specifying any of Ford's involvement, the video could be deemed inadmissible.
Whatever the reason Lawyers gave it a good doing over before they filed it.
Tell us why

My thoughts are:

Why is an official from Green for Life, the garbage contractor for the city of T.O, calling a known criminal (Lisi)? I have to recheck the timestamp on that call as well as the date. Important because it creates/ shows a link between Ford and Di Battista via Lisi. If they were just talking GFL garbage business, why would Di Battista contact Lisi??

This article is pretty sobering; a behind-the-scenes look at the amount of chaos and turmoil that the video caused indirectly and/or directly.

A murder, other shootings, woundings, kidnapping, threats, blackmail, extortion, break-ins, beatings, police raids, arrests, roving camera crews and nosy news reporters — seemed to descend on the neighbourhood at the epicentre of the video scandal and all of it, rightly or wrongly, was attributed to the sensational Ford video.
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Curious...why deflated? Wasn't what you expected?

As for the slow response to this story, I honestly think it's because council has effectively taken away most of his power and influence. I think they will be praised later on for trying to defuse the situation and as the reality of Norm Kelly as interim mayor in a lame duck election year will settle in, RoFo will just become a forgotten side show. The problem is Toronto needs to do something to shake off this terrible image. Maybe the Leafs could win the Stanley Cup this year or something (LOLZ!)

Not this year, please. RoFo would try his best to take credit for the win.
I've been trying not to jump to conclusions or armchair quarterback when it comes to Blair and TPS and action vs. inaction. I do realize that justice often moves at the speed of molasses, and that the public's need for closure rarely has any bearing on the pace of an investigation or trial.

THAT SAID, I am getting pretty goddamn sick of Blair's highly message-controlled statement of "All we do is gather evidence and place it before the Crown and they decide what to do." So... zero responsibility, then? Actually, I'm pretty sure the police also arrest people who are in the middle of committing crimes. So is he saying that TPS never once observed Ford committing any crimes? Because I doubt that.

I understand, and probably even agree with, the argument that they were after more than minor drug charges---of course they were. But Blair's constant positioning of the police as this disinterested evidence-gathering squad rings more hollow the more he says it.
What do trolls do?

They try to attract attention to themselves and derail the conversation. Whether it's by obtuse responses, offensive remarks, disingenuous answers...etc. The techniques are many but the goal is to control the conversation and make themselves the hinge of that conversation.

Sound like anyone here?

Sun Media announced today a selloff of 74 community newspapers on top of hundreds of layoffs in the last few months. So, I guess Peepers has a right to be a little cranky...
My thoughts are:

Why is an official from Green for Life, the garbage contractor for the city of T.O, calling a known criminal (Lisi)? I have to recheck the timestamp on that call as well as the date. Important because it creates/ shows a link between Ford and Di Battista via Lisi. If they were just talking GFL garbage business, why would Di Battista contact Lisi??

Ya, hopefully this is the final nail. Good thinking
I noticed that information pertaining to Renata wasn't released yesterday. I thought the only things to be left redacted were details involving sensitive police details like surveillance techniques and whatnot.

Also, Peeper isn't a troll. He's just someone who doesn't happen to share the same opinions as most people here. IMO, I'd much rather read his posts than ones that say nothing more than "Ford is a sociopathic idiot" and blah blah blah. I see no value in that kind of stuff at all, but it seems to be common currency around here. For better or worse, at least Peepers brings something else to the table.

Thank you for your words of support. I can never understand why so many people on here bristle at reading viewpoints that are different from their own. I thought airing differing opinions was the whole purpose of a discussion board like this? If everyone agreed with each other on here this would become an echo chamber and that would be very boring.
He is the definition of a troll. Substantiated evidence that does not fit his agenda is dismissed, while consipiracy theories that fit his agenda are treated like the gospel.

If that's your definition of a troll then I'd argue that the label should be applied to a good percentage of people here as well, especially those who go on about conspiracy theories involving any of the Fords. You know, like the one about how Diane Ford is an organized crime ringleader, or how Rob is on video having sex with an underage prostitute. This place isn't exactly a bastion for reason and objective thinking. It seems no idea is too far-fetched so long as it can somehow fit into whatever storyline some people have running through their heads.
Ya, hopefully this is the final nail. Good thinking
DiBattista might not have been able to reach Ford. His staff said he often went "off the grid" and couldn't be reached. I can see times where Ford would only answer his phone if it was Lisi calling.

That said, I hope there is fire to go with that smoke.
Thank you for your words of support. I can never understand why so many people on here bristle at reading viewpoints that are different from their own. I thought airing differing opinions was the whole purpose of a discussion board like this? If everyone agreed with each other on here this would become an echo chamber and that would be very boring.

Uh, this isn't about "differing viewpoints" and it's once again disingenuous to suggest otherwise. This is about the vast majority of participants pointing out to you that everything you're saying is easily refutable bullshit, and you ignoring them. Consider that, and maybe you'll start to understand what everyone's "bristling" is about.
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