Why do you say he "clearly harassed women"? Have you seen his tweets? If not you can read them here:
What does it tell you that his account with over 50,000 tweets is still active? It tells you that nothing in his tweets constituted a threat or a violation of Twitter's terms of service. If his tweets were in any way threatening Twitter would not waste one minute disabling the account!
Notice the last day before he was lead out of his house in hand-cuffs he engages in a back-and-forth exchange with "@soapboxingreek (aka "Lady snarks alot). He calls her an "
idiot" and says
"Facebook has a lot more space for you and your criticism". He ends his back and forth exchange with a conciliatory "
The day after GAE arrest "@soapboxinggeek would contact the Toronto Police detective in charge via twitter:
Officer Bangild replied...................
So we have a woman who willingly engaged in a back and forth twitter exchange with GAE contacting Toronto Police to say she had been "harassed". Stop and think about how ridiculous a situation this is. This woman - whoever she is - should be charged with public mischief.
As for the "victim" what drove her to "fear for her life" and contact police is GAE had started using spamming using a hashtag she created after she blocked him. She said :
Would you go to police because someone started spamming a twitter group you created?
Stop and think about this. If police can break down you door and arrest you in a pre-dawn raid because you "spammed" a twitter group what freedom of speech do you have? I find it amazing that all of the "progressives" who piled on GAE have no clue that their own freedom's are being undermined every day.