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I was the one who pulled the trigger, but it was not a decision anyone took lightly. The mods were discussing this for a long time. There has been a long history of objectionable posts, and obsessions on such things as Sharia Law and Halal Meats with undertones of Islamophobia, the Island Airport, Rob Ford, deliberately provocative posts. It's been tolerated for a long time.

So when will he be back from his little vacation?
Would Dale not have a libel case even without the pedophile insinuation? Ford has consistently lied and misrepresented the facts about the events and accused Dale of stalking, trespassing, invasion of privacy amongst other things. Are those not libelous claims in and of themselves?

Judging from what Mr. Dale published today,including a list of serial falsehoods he alleges were concocted by the Mayor and plainly directed against him (Dale), it would not be surprising if a whole historical litany of willful defamation were to be the subject of the civil action. Establishing that this is an ongoing pattern, in fact, may well blunt anything Ford's defence might dredge up in an attempt to discredit Dale.

Also, would anyone be surprised if Ford perjures himself if this thing reaches court?
Does anyone know for sure if there is a law against Doug Ford buying votes. I think there must be grounds for a charge here under the elections act.
He is a sitting councillor not a private citizen.

Pretty sure I heard there wasn't. But even if there were, it'd be an elections act violation, and well, that's pretty much a joke. Based on the current upcoming election next fall, you can't even file a formal complaint about it until March 2015. no really.
And with Doug not running (he says), there is no direct election issue conflict anyway.
Oh the freedom of speech straw-man. If you are in my living room and my friends and I decide that you are behaving obnoxiously you will be asked to leave. You are free to continue your obnoxiousness on the street or at your home or at the home of someone who is not annoyed by you. You're freedom of speech has not been denied, just your right to shout in my living room. Shutting down debate at City Hall is an entirely different beast and conflating the two is a symptom of trollishness.

This is not your living room. In my view it is a public place, where speech should be respected, and protected.

My personal bête noir: "Free Speech" refers to the freedom from government censorship of protected speech. Twitter can shut you down, Tumblr can pull your plug, an UT can ban your shiny behind and it has nothing to do with free speech. Freedom of speech does not obligate anyone to provide a platform for you.

Not all speech is protected - the classic example is you can't yell "Fire!!" in a crowded theatre if there is no fire.
Hate Speech, harassment and sedition are also not protected.

Finally, Freedom of Speech does not equate to freedom from criticism, nor freedom from consequences of your speech.

The More You Knowâ„¢

So many things wrong in this post, where do I begin? Suffice it to say, Twitter would NOT shut down this kind of speech. They wouldn't even shut down GAE. And "Free Speech" does not equate to whatever you imperiously pronounce it to be. You're confusing your interpretation of Section 2(b) charter rights with a broader moral right we all acknowledge to exist.

The More You Crow, the less you convince.
I'm ambivalent about Peeper's time out. But the call response was really detailing the thread.

But there are other things that equally distract, including drive by posts that boil down essentially to "Thug and Slob are dumb jerks!"

I was the one who pulled the trigger, but it was not a decision anyone took lightly. The mods were discussing this for a long time. There has been a long history of objectionable posts, and obsessions on such things as Sharia Law and Halal Meats with undertones of Islamophobia, the Island Airport, Rob Ford, deliberately provocative posts. It's been tolerated for a long time.

In other words, he wrote a bunch of things you disagree with?

By the way, Halal Meat is now very much on topic for the Rob Ford thread!

Seriously, mods. You're better than this.

I was the one who pulled the trigger, but it was not a decision anyone took lightly. The mods were discussing this for a long time. There has been a long history of objectionable posts, and obsessions on such things as Sharia Law and Halal Meats with undertones of Islamophobia, the Island Airport, Rob Ford, deliberately provocative posts. It's been tolerated for a long time.

To make it even more succinct, here is a very partial record of said instances:

2012-May-26, 16:12
I am not a religious person either but the christian undertones of the Burger Priest restaurant doesn't really bother me because the owner couldn't be more up front about it. Same with some other famous fast-food restaurants which have christian undertones such as In-n-out burger which has bible verses printed on paper containers and Chik-fil-A restaurants which are closed on Sunday.

What I do not like and find completely unacceptable is the growing practice of certain fast food chains serving HALAL meat without warning their patrons!

For example, I did not know until very recently, that the HERO Certified Burger chains serves ONLY HALAL meat!

There are no signs inside the store warning patrons and yet on their website you will find this!

Now you know why you can't get bacon as a topping at Hero!

Now you know what "Certified" stands for!

Their beef is certified by the Islamic Society of North America "ISNA" - an organization that promotes wahhabism in North America !

How much do they pay ISNA to certify their meat? This cost is passed on to customers as a form of religious tax or in this case a form of "Jizya"

For those who don't know about HALAL it involves inhumane slaughter practices (animals are not stunned beforehand) and discriminatory hiring practices inside the slaughterhouses as non-Muslims are not allowed to be involved in the slaughter process (hard to believe this is allowed in Canada!).

I refuse to knowingly eat HALAL meat and I suspect I am not alone!

What is amazing to me is the fact that we have a HERO Burger at the corner of Church & Wellesley! Right at the very epicenter of Gay Canada is a sharia compliant restaurant! And it is not the only one! If a review in NOW magazine is to be believed (see link below) - the ACME Burger chain is also all-HALAL ! And then of course there are the various mid-east wrap places serving HALAL meat so if you are looking for a snack in the Gay village it is hard to find something that isn't sharia-compliant!

2012-Sep-03, 01:48 #4
Unless there is a very large sandbox nearby these curious water features don't make sense.

They remind me of pictures I have seen of foot washing stations outside of Mosques that are used as part of Muslim ritual ablutions:

If my suspicions are correct this raises a serious question. Will the new Aquatic Centre (or whatever is nearby) be used as a makeshift Mosque?

If so was this built with tax dollars?

2012-Sep-03, 18:09
To all those people calling me nuts it looks like my theory is not so far fetched after-all!

Doing some research - I was surprised to discover that at least two city owned Regent Park TCHC apartment buildings have makeshift Mosque's in their basements complete with wudu facilities for foot washing! Why is this allowed? How is it fair to non-Muslims tenants in these buildings?

TCHC Building - 325 Gerrard Street East

TCHC Building - 260 Summach Street

These above buildings are slated for demolition so perhaps what I am seeing beside the Aquatic centre is a replacement wudu facility? Are similar replacement facilities being incorporated into other the new apartment buildings at Regent Park?

2013-Mar-06, 15:01
With regards to Denmark you cannot describe their immigration system as being "xenophobic". I don't know what you base this snippet on.

It is true that the Danes have tightened their immigration policies in recent years but not as a result of some irrational fear (phobia) but in response to very real and very serious problems resulting from years of very open immigration policies that threatened to destroy Danish society.

A very good article describing the dire situation in Denmark in 2002 was written by Daniel Pipes and Lars Hedegaard "Something Rotten in Denmark". I would urge Canadians to read this article because there are some important lessons for us to learn because currently we are heading down the same path as the old Denmark.

Living on the dole: Third-world immigrants - most of them Muslims from countries such as Turkey, Somalia, Pakistan, Lebanon and Iraq - constitute 5 percent of the population but consume upwards of 40 percent of the welfare spending.
It may seem like we are straying off topic with this discussion of immigration in Denmark but when we discuss public housing solutions this is really at the heart of the problem - this is the "elephant in the room" that no one wants to discuss in fact some consider it a taboo subject that should not be discussed!

Canada, like the Denmark of years past, is a popular destination for third-world asylum seekers. It's easy to get into Canada and once here difficult to get deported. We have very generous social assistance for asylum seekers - in fact they receive better health-care than many Canadians! As a result Canada has been a magnet for asylum seekers who have put enormous pressures on our public housing stock - displacing needy and deserving Canadians in the process.

To put some facts and figures to this problem consider this. The United States - with an economy more than ten time larger than Canada - has admitted 40,000-80,000 asylum seekers on a yearly basis over the last ten years. Based on these numbers Canada should be admitting 4,000 - 8,000 asylum seekers a year. Last year we admitted close to 30,000 and this was a typical year!

2013-Apr-20, 16:32 #47
That said, does Toronto even have a problem with tourists being targeted by criminals? Does a pick-pocketing culture even exist in Toronto?

In the cities in Europe that these studies looked at, tourists had already been traditionally targeted by pick-pockets. So the casino mainly provided a focal point for criminals looking to target tourists.

Something tells me that Toronto is somewhat more immune to this problem in the sense we're not like Europe: we don't have a well-ingrained criminal culture that's grown up around targeting tourists.
We don't have a pick-pocket culture *yet* but I can see that changing and it will have nothing to do with construction of a casino.

In the last few years we have seen a certain group of nomadic people arriving in Canada in record numbers as refugee claimants (the claims are usually rejected but that just forces them underground). These nomads are infamous in Europe for their pick-pocket proclivities. I find it ironic that the Councillors that are claiming that a casino will cause an increase in crime are the very same Councillors that voted to make Toronto a "sanctuary city", i.e. to make Toronto a haven for people who have a propensity to commit crimes.

2013-Dec-05, 00:29 #58
Most of these criminals are from families that came to Canada as refugees. For reason's I don't quite understand our political leaders in Ottawa felt that Canada had an "obligation" to grant asylum to the largest number of Somalia refugee's in the industrialized world! For instance the Somali diaspora in the United States is numbered at about 100,000. We have that many in Toronto alone! A casual look at crime reports would seem to indicate that at least 50% of the violent crimes including murder involve people from within this group. Of course none of this should come as any surprise. Somalia is the most lawless country in the world where piracy and extortion crimes are a way of life for many. Of all the places in the world why did they choose Canada - a country with a hostile winter climate - to settle? For the same reason that Minnesota is popular with them. Easy and very generous welfare benefits and social services.

2013-Dec-05, 01:45 #59

Quote Originally Posted by nfitz View Post
1) Why do you think Canada allows immigrants in with a criminal record?

2) How did (does) Doug Ford have a US green card, given his criminal activities?
1) Canada grants asylum to refugees from war-torn lawless countries whose criminal records - if they have one - are impossible to verify. Even if they commit crimes once in Canada we cannot deport them because their "lives would be at risk". Canadians are paying a big price for this policy. Don't kid yourself!

2) Doug Ford has never been charged much less convicted of an indictable offense in Canada so why would he be denied a green card? Because the Globe and Mail came out with an unsubstantiated story that Doug sold drugs when he was in high school? smh!

That's why. And UT is a moderated forum - per the Forum Rules. This is not *your* view - it is THE view.

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The Stalin/Nazi stuff is an unproductive tangent/way off the mark...

It's commom for people to pull out Hitler/Nazis since they are generally understood as an example of a fascist/fascism. Just like Stalin for communism even though it was Stalinism, and not quite communism, it was closer to collectivism.

If you want to find a good example of fascism then look at any former colonising country, and determine if they are using capitalism to bring other countries "industry", "economy", or "democracy" (for a few examples). In a nutshell, today's fascism in yesterday's imperialism.
I'd be more surprised of Ford didn't perjure himself.

Considering we already have the police report of this incident which has always conflicted with the Mayor's account, more so every time he opens his mouth lately, that tee's up the 'cops & media in cahoots against us' narrative the Fords have been turd polishing for a while now...
This will get ugly.
TL: Thanks for this clarification about British health care and the Thatcher government...

I agree with the thought about how Thatcher abolished London's unified government - can the same happen
in the case of today's City of Toronto noting how that some citizens would like to see it eliminated?


Maybe in the sense that the Fords want to reduce the size of council, and if they were looking to give the mayor more powers, but it never really went beyond a campaign soundbite and it's not something they're in a position to do anything with now.
Re Peepers: seeing the obnoxious comments about having unknowingly been served Halal meat etc I'm getting a clearer picture of why he's bye bye (no one would be complaining about having accidentally eaten kosher meat, would they?) Oh, and btw, Popeye's is halal too, and I love them (at least compared to KFC, and I couldn't care less which religious standard they're meeting).

As for Ford, I hope that Dale gets him; it's not just the interview, it's the pattern and refusal to apologize. Vision and Black should have known better too.
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