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Sorry; I didn't intend to imply that you thought that, although I can see how my quoting you might have made it look as though I was. My plan was simply to chime in with my experience, i.e. that it seems normal to me to have met and known such people.

The people I knew certainly weren't paranoid in the way described here, so perhaps my point isn't that useful.

I certainly do think that knowing drug dealers is unremarkable. How much of the support the Fords still enjoy is explained by that contention I couldn't rightly say. I still think that "saving money", a simple lack of checking to see whether Ford is really doing a good job or just talking about it, coupled with a sense of putting a stick into the eye of the privileged liberal latte-sipping downtown cliché, explain most of their remaining supporters... although that's just my opinion.

Is there any word on the escort story? I'd love to enjoy breakfast tomorrow with a newspaper describing Ford using escorts to procure sex & drugs. Will my dream come true?

I hope so; I'm having withdrawal symptoms (hangs head in shame).

Re Ford drug connections etc - I think the lack of recording etc is just due to media paranoia - every time Ford opens his mouth trouble follows. I also tend to think people still support Ford because (right or not) they think he's saving them money and sticking it to the downtown. I doubt the Ford family's surrounded by a web of dealers so large/powerful that votes are affected.
As MTown points out, the meme of the drug dealer as a gang signing, bandanna-wearing, heat-packing menace on the corner isn't really that useful if you wish to understand how illegal drugs get from person to person. Ford hanging with the Dixon Bloods merely underscores how relentlessly stupid he is; addicted or not, he could get his drugs some other way, but...

^So unimpeachably true
Again, I am not saying that censoring Peepers is illegal in Canada. I'm just saying it's wrong.

Just so we get one thing straight about peepers...I never saw him as a "Ford supporter" at all...he was on a bigger mission, and was just using the forum and it's topics as a vehicle. He was a true troll with a capital T, and loved doing it...that was obvious. Nothing insults our intelligence more than this.

Also we're at the point now where being pro-Ford is an untenable position. Ford is a compulsive liar, and supporting him is completely irrational, unless of course one applies cowboy logic.

I'm afraid this applies to your basic garden variety "Ford supporter", and is more empirical than just a matter of opinion. This is why whatever pro-Ford people that are out there may interpret this as a "double standard". The price for being pro-Ford is steadily rising. Time to rethink your purchase.
My question to Doug would have been "What interest do The Sun, Globe and Nat Post have in helping the Star sell newspapers?"

Maggots of a feather get as low as you can get together!

Logic & reason don't come into it; it's a media campaign to drive these honest men from office, at which point the tax & spend gravy train will bleed us all dry.
True enough. Logic and Reason went out to the corner for a jug of milk three years ago, and haven't been seen since but...
Doug always tries to come off as the 'successful businessman'... Someone has to ask him, as a Businessman, would he actively aid a competitor to better their sales? When he answers No, that's crazy talk. Ask him why 3 competing newspapers, other print media businesses, and broadcasters would do that. And capture the close-up of the pregnant pause for the rest of us.
When he answers No, that's crazy talk. Ask him why 3 competing newspapers, other print media businesses, and broadcasters would do that. And capture the close-up of the pregnant pause for the rest of us.

Well the only logical answer to that is a wide ranging conspiracy involving the media party, the police, the judiciary, gawker and 70% of the people in Toronto. Clearly.
Is there any word on the escort story? I'd love to enjoy breakfast tomorrow with a newspaper describing Ford using escorts to procure sex & drugs. Will my dream come true?

Re: The Ford Escort story
Perhaps the Toronto Star is holding it for a number of reasons?
Seeing escorts is not illegal, but it would certainly would be hard to get one of the ladies on the record. Any person who did go on the record would be sabotaging her career.....and perhaps endangering her life.
Certainly no one would admit to supplying Ford with illicit substances, unless it was part of a deal with the cops after having been caught.

I was wondering about it last night, but I think it got overlooked with the peepers debate.
I don't know that we will hear more about it.
My question to Doug would have been "What interest do The Sun, Globe and Nat Post have in helping the Star sell newspapers?"


Back when the Dale vs Ford park fiasco happened one of my conservative friends told me to stop reading the Star. I was more than happy to oblige (by not sharing Star links), as the Posted Toronto section of the National Post might actually have more Ford stories than the Star! I generally only share out Sun/Post Ford links on social media now, and it's silenced a lot of opposition. Actually Ford's behaviour has really helped with that, it's obvious to even my most conservative friends, even those that seldom read the news, that Ford is not what he claims.

I mostly read the Post, and the Star, with a sprinkling of G&M. I find the Sun really hard to read because of the one sentence paragraphs, and their general disdain for reason.
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Back when the Dale vs Ford park fiasco happened one of my conservative friends told me to stop reading the Star. I was more than happy to oblige (by not sharing Star links), as the Posted Toronto section of the National Post might actually have more Ford stories than the Star! I generally only share out Sun/Post Ford links on social media now, and it's silenced a lot of opposition. Actually Ford's behaviour has really helped with that, it's obvious to even my most conservative friends, even those that seldom read the news, that Ford is not what he claims.

I mostly read the Post, and the Star, with a sprinkling of G&M. I find the Sun really hard to read because of the one sentence paragraphs, and their general disdain for reason.

This reflects my own Canadian newspaper consumption to a degree. Sometimes I find the Post a little far to the right for me to feel entirely comfortable, but I take that as a sign that I should continue to include it in my intake; after all, I still read the Star despite Mallick & Di Manno's periodic attempts to reclaim that "Canada's Most Infuriatingly Obtuse Columnist" title...

As for sharing links, I agree that National Post & Sun links are a useful way to get past the old "It's in the Star therefore left-wing conspiracy!" canard. Like you, I find the Sun's Plain English difficult to read; I'd say it's the literary equivalent to standing on a crowded streetcar driven by one of those operators who delights in braking harshly at every opportunity.
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"We are aiming to raise $2000 to give Rob a small boost." Lulz. Apparently 2 ounces of crack only gives Rob Ford "a small boost". What does it take to actually get him "high", one wonders.

It does seem like an excessively small amount of money to aim for. That pays for what... like 3 hours of legal representation? They should have went big - there's more than enough Ford Nation people willing to contribute I'm sure.

Also the other thing that caught my eye from the campaign:
"Whatever you think of the Mayor's policies, we can all agree that bullying and harassment is not Canadian."

This idea that Rob is being "bullied" has become one of the central rallying cries of Ford's support base and I find it incredibly absurd.

It's as if people no longer really understand what bulling actually is. By definition it implies some kind of power imbalance - the weak, friendless kid being picked on in class by the stronger kids. No such imbalance exists with Rob Ford of course - he's a rich, white guy elected to the highest political position of this country's largest city. Furthermore, this idea that you can "bully" a politician by making factual, legitimate criticism of his/her actions... is so ridiculous it makes my head hurt.
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Indiegogo campaign to contribute to Rob's legal defense:

Wow, those are some Grade A perks right there! A handwritten letter of thanks from some misguided Ford supporter and their children? A chance to see Rob Ford be given money he doesn't need? A chance to personally hand Rob Ford a giant cheque of my own money? What an honour!

I'm pretty sure if I want to give Rob Ford money, all I have to do is approach him and start peeling off twenties... no need for giant cheques or indiegogo campaigns.
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