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Well, we finally got power at 6:40 am (it went out about 10 am Sunday), Ford's house got power at 10:30 pm Sunday.

I'll chime in that Ford FUBAR'd the city by ignoring a class 2 or 3 emergency, it does not matter if he is totally responsible or not, one of his remaining powers as Mayor was and is to protect the people of Toronto, in which he has failed. The buck stops at the Mayor's office, no matter what RoFo says or who he will try to blame after the truths come out.

This will allow RoFo to shine at the only thing he is truly efficient at, apologizing for a short coming, of which he has many.

As I understand, the powers that be were fully aware of the impending storm, and the problems it posed. One fact I see is that there was/is an arrogance that prevented the powers that be to aquire extra feet on the ground. Doing so would have shortened response times and shortened peoples' wait for power. That said, I agree that by Monday afternoon, not Sunday night, it could be seen as too late to take proper action since emergency crews were "making progress", although, 24h to 36h later than they should have been at that point. The number of boots on the ground was/is the real factor to look at first, and they failed.

Oh ya, to quote Denis Leary, "Merry Fucking Christmas".
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I emailed him and he said it satirical. So much of it looked legit while other parts looked made up but when it comes to Ford's behaviour, how many times have our jaws dropped at his words and actions?
Yes. This is exactly what is happening. The pro-Ford, Tea Party right is now heaping scorn on Wynne. When asked why, the answer was simply because she is a horrible person. Oh and coal. She is making us shut down coal plants. There is no global warming. It is a left wing plot. There is something seriously wrong with these people. I have a couple in my family. No logic works.

Well, if I may play Peepers for a sec, today's Star (i.e. the House Organ for the Unelected Premier) confirmed what I suspected: that the Wynne/Rounthwaite household was itself blacked out until Xmas. So, she had a vested interest in this here emergency recovery--unfair! (Never mind that Hudak/Hutton also maintain a residence in North Toronto--whether or not they fared better than Wynne, propinquity means a lot.)

And all you people harping over Ford's home life--at least his family's still together! Whereas Wynne left *her* good family to live with a woman! Double standard!
Well, if I may play Peepers for a sec, today's Star (i.e. the House Organ for the Unelected Premier) confirmed what I suspected: that the Wynne/Rounthwaite household was itself blacked out until Xmas. So, she had a vested interest in this here emergency recovery--unfair! (Never mind that Hudak/Hutton also maintain a residence in North Toronto--whether or not they fared better than Wynne, propinquity means a lot.)

And all you people harping over Ford's home life--at least his family's still together! Whereas Wynne left *her* good family to live with a woman! Double standard!

hahahaha, yes, that will be the response.

I always have to remind myself that these same pro-Ford people are pro Alex Jones, pro guns and pro absolute anarchy (libertarians). They also have a massively unhealthy fixation on the end times and biblical rule. I seriously blame this on way way too much Alex Jones. I can't even talk to them any more, they are so far gone.
hahahaha, yes, that will be the response.

I always have to remind myself that these same pro-Ford people are pro Alex Jones, pro guns and pro absolute anarchy (libertarians). They also have a massively unhealthy fixation on the end times and biblical rule. I seriously blame this on way way too much Alex Jones. I can't even talk to them any more, they are so far gone.

The whole Alex Jones scene is fascinating to me. I check his YouTube channel every so often just to see what the current rant/outrage is and what angle has been taken on a recent event. It's informative, in its way - useful for understanding how a segment of the population views the world. These people live in our community, they can vote, so we must take them seriously and try to understand why they are attracted to the Alex Jones way of thinking, out of all the possible options.
Personally, I'm glad Rob Ford distanced himself from the ice storm.

I'm not so sure he has. I've regularly turned on CP24 over the past few days for a quick look at weather updates, and whenever they've been covering the various press conferences dealing with the ice storm, Ford's been right there. Usually peeking over the shoulder of whoever's speaking to the press, as if he had anything to do with the efforts to restore power to the city. As if he had anything useful to contribute at all. I've noted a significant lack of grandstanding from other government officials, but Ford, as usual, is grabbing whatever self-promotion he can from the situation. Wotta saint.

I realize it's debatable as to how much worse he made things by refusing to declare a SoE, but it's worth noting Ford would be the first one pointing fingers against another Mayor in the same boat. If he had anything to gain from doing so, natch. Particularly if it was an enemy. And I don't think he'd handicap himself by strictly adhering to the truth in such an eventuality. Do you?

And didn't he pull yet another of his patented disappearing acts for a while there? More shady behavior, or did the unreliable son-of-a-bitch just not feel like responding to a city emergency? "Nobody could have known how bad the storm was going to be," indeed.
I'm not so sure he has. I've regularly turned on CP24 over the past few days for a quick look at weather updates, and whenever they've been covering the various press conferences dealing with the ice storm, Ford's been right there. Usually peeking over the shoulder of whoever's speaking to the press, as if he had anything to do with the efforts to restore power to the city. As if he had anything useful to contribute at all. I've noted a significant lack of grandstanding from other government officials, but Ford, as usual, is grabbing whatever self-promotion he can from the situation. Wotta saint.

I realize it's debatable as to how much worse he made things by refusing to declare a SoE, but it's worth noting Ford would be the first one pointing fingers against another Mayor in the same boat. If he had anything to gain from doing so, natch. Particularly if it was an enemy. And I don't think he'd handicap himself by strictly adhering to the truth in such an eventuality. Do you?

And didn't he pull yet another of his patented disappearing acts for a while there? More shady behavior, or did the unreliable son-of-a-bitch just not feel like responding to a city emergency? "Nobody could have known how bad the storm was going to be," indeed.

Oh but of course, Ford is always there to hog the limelight and grab some publicity, like taking the Manitoba Hydro crew to the Guild area for a photo op while their power was still out. What has His Uselessness actually done, besides sit around and try to get some TV time? I'd be interested in what he has actually done.
The whole Alex Jones scene is fascinating to me. I check his YouTube channel every so often just to see what the current rant/outrage is and what angle has been taken on a recent event. It's informative, in its way - useful for understanding how a segment of the population views the world. These people live in our community, they can vote, so we must take them seriously and try to understand why they are attracted to the Alex Jones way of thinking, out of all the possible options.

Weirdly enough most of the people I know who are now into the far right loon theories started out on the left, then went into Alex Jones territory, then started on with the end times/biblical crap. They were also Ron Paul supporters. They all fit the same mold - young white males in their 20's. Not sure if that means anything. They now also believe the UN is out to destroy the world. It is quite disturbing, as these are not dumb people, just far far out there. Also, same people are heavily into the Freeman On the Land movements.
I'm surprised we haven't heard from Doug Ford yet. Where is he to brag about his heroic achievements? Maybe in a few days we'll hear about how he had 80 families staying at his house.

I'm watching the mayor on CP24 right now and these are the type of press conferences that he can tolerate. Let the professionals do the talking. He knows the media won't go off topic and ask him a question about crack or Lisi or whatever. In terms of asking what Ford has done, what if he had done more? He would have been criticized for it as grandstanding. If Miller had been on the street directing traffic, he would have been applauded. But if Rob was doing it, he would have been laughed at and criticized. We all know that to be true.
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Weirdly enough most of the people I know who are now into the far right loon theories started out on the left, then went into Alex Jones territory, then started on with the end times/biblical crap. They were also Ron Paul supporters. They all fit the same mold - young white males in their 20's. Not sure if that means anything. They now also believe the UN is out to destroy the world. It is quite disturbing, as these are not dumb people, just far far out there. Also, same people are heavily into the Freeman On the Land movements.

The explanation I've most often heard for why young white males are attracted to these movements is that they feel the most ripped off by society. They were raised - by the culture, not necessarily their parents - to expect to sail into good jobs and high status. But the whole economic trend is towards INequality - hardly anyone gets those jobs and most are slipping downward. Women, visible minorities, etc never had those expectations and so aren't as upset, don't feel that their birthright has been snatched from them. I think this explanation has some merit.
I'm surprised we haven't heard from Doug Ford yet. Where is he to brag about his heroic achievements? Maybe in a few days we'll hear about how he had 80 families staying at his house.

I'm sure we will hear his heroic efforts to save a box of puppies. Succumbing to a hang nail while fighting off some rabid "common folk" children, forcing him into seclusion to rest and recuperate. :p

In reality? As owner and president of Deco he would probably have been looking after the business.

Or RoFo ate him when the power went out... that would explain RoFo's absence Sunday morning, instead of just being at the cottage.
The explanation I've most often heard for why young white males are attracted to these movements is that they feel the most ripped off by society. They were raised - by the culture, not necessarily their parents - to expect to sail into good jobs and high status. But the whole economic trend is towards INequality - hardly anyone gets those jobs and most are slipping downward. Women, visible minorities, etc never had those expectations and so aren't as upset, don't feel that their birthright has been snatched from them. I think this explanation has some merit.

This is exactly what's happening, those people just aren't *quite* bright or rather observant enough to figure out who's really fucking them. They're legitimately pissed but unable to articulate why.
I would guess Doug is outta town on vacation. That is why we haven't heard from him. Maybe in Florida. The mayor of Hamilton is on vacation in Florida and wasn't able to reassure people who lost power there.
I am personally holding Rob Ford responsible for the man in Scarborough who died trying to keep warm in his car (by not declaring a SOE.)
But at least he was here in town.
Didn't we recently pass a by-law to increase the tree canopy above streets and parks.

I wonder if this contributed to the number of branches that should have been removed, but were left precariously above hydro wires waiting for the right opportunity to come crashing to the ground - and taking the wires with them.

Another example of Ford's incompetence and short term thinking.
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