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As forumers get over the holidays, their lives put back together and show up here (or the ice storm thread) I'd suggest we need to hear their stories and impressions of what hell they went through without power or water through the past week's cold spell, and whether they think in retrospect that a SOE should have been declared. I was also blissfully unaffected but I remain unconvinced by any argument why an SOE should not have been called, but I'm all ears...
CBC reported back in November that Fabio Basso is the voice in the background. Makes sense. He obviously must have been in on the production of the crack video. Dixon Bloods must've promised him a cut of the extortion money.
That would make sense, then, why Ford/Lisi sent goons to rough him up, looking for it.
BUT Ford said he doesn't remember what was on the video or when it was taken, as he was in a drunken stupor.
So that was another lie (surprise surprise) if he knew it was Basso.
That would make sense, then, why Ford/Lisi sent goons to rough him up, looking for it.
BUT Ford said he doesn't remember what was on the video or when it was taken, as he was in a drunken stupor.
So that was another lie (surprise surprise) if he knew it was Basso.

So Basso didn't get the "Friends don't throw friends under a bus" memo?

If CBC determined it was Basso (although not with 100% certainty, maybe?) why was Donovan asking about it so persistently? My assumption was that he knew whose voice it was, had figured it out. And further, that he has info about the dynamics of the relationship between that person and RoFo vis-a-vis this whole video thing.
I wish the 3 D's, Donovan, Doolittle, and Dale, would hold a tete a tete, sharing the info that they know, but perhaps can't strictly publish.
Any other letter of the alphabet with info to share would be welcome, of course. :)
I'd suggest we need to hear their stories and impressions of what hell they went through without power or water through the past week's cold spell

We didn't get power and heat restored till the 29th at 10pm. It was a big inconvenience, uncomfortable, but not any sort of hell.

and whether they think in retrospect that a SOE should have been declared.

He has been posting in other threads
We didn't get power and heat restored till the 29th at 10pm. It was a big inconvenience, uncomfortable, but not any sort of hell.


dont waste your breath.

nobody in this thread has provided any evidence backed up by professional/experts in the field of emergency response or management who would of supported S.O.E.

The large consensus of emergency experts all sided with Rob Ford including both Chief of police and Toronto Hydro.

This is simply a case of Rob Ford did something, so i must be against it regardless of common sense.
dont waste your breath.

nobody in this thread has provided any evidence backed up by professional/experts in the field of emergency response or management who would of supported S.O.E.

The large consensus of emergency experts all sided with Rob Ford including both Chief of police and Toronto Hydro.

This is simply a case of Rob Ford did something, so i must be against it regardless of common sense.

So every professional/expert agrees that an SOE would not have been in order or did you just pick and choose two names in the 'large consensus'? I think time will tell once the facts have been analyzed and debated.

Some here do give Ford credit when due, he's just such a mess that he doesn't accomplish a whole lot of positive for the city. Good he's losing weight though, so there's a sincere positive.
dont waste your breath.

nobody in this thread has provided any evidence backed up by professional/experts in the field of emergency response or management who would of supported S.O.E.

The large consensus of emergency experts all sided with Rob Ford including both Chief of police and Toronto Hydro.

This is simply a case of Rob Ford did something, so i must be against it regardless of common sense.

Right now the S.O.E. debate has been reduced down to a "he said, she said", time will tell what actually went on during the talks on Saturday and Sunday.

Even the SNN has blamed Wynne for not calling for a S.O.E. to sidestep the issue of dealing with the greater decisions made by the people in charge of the operations.

Ford has a record of not being able to make decisions in an emergency situation, beating him with a stick, or rather a hydro pole, for it will not solve anything. He did do a good job of Master of Ceremonies, although, he appeared too much like a robot, and that didn't bolster peoples confidence. And this is the main problem, Hydro, etc. only spit out numbers, it was up to RoFo to make those numbers into faces; Robbie turned the photo ops and at least one interview about him. I think that handing out fridge magnets amidst a distaster, even if it was a BBQ, shows RoFo's comitment to himself, and not the people of Toronto. "The whole "I'll support you, but only on my terms." garbage has to stop, it's his and the counsel's job to support and protect people, not beating ones breast and making statements akin to "We will give up our holidays for you."

People are paid to do their jobs, and the workers out on the streets have and are doing theirs, can everyone involed with this disaster say the same?
A clip from the pro Ford Nation freak's facebook page. Warning: you may feel the urge to scream.

Shakil Savji i take full credit for finding this video
November 24 at 12:02am · Unlike · 1

Pirasteh Gatchpazian shak nobody cares
November 24 at 12:03am · Like

Bring back Rob Ford He has made mistakes, but its not our right to judge what people do in their spare time, or even their friday nights right?
November 24 at 12:04am · Like · 2

Shakil Savji RIGHT!
November 24 at 12:05am · Like · 1

Brandon Hammond Are you delusional? Where do you get your standards and who is paying you!? And if Ford actually kills someone drinking and driving, then what?
Yesterday at 12:11am · Like

Shakil Savji That's when we draw the line!!!
Yesterday at 12:13am via mobile · Like

Shakil Savji Ford More Years!!!
Yesterday at 12:14am via mobile · Like

Brandon Hammond Rob Ford has admitted to telling a man to take his wife back to Iran where she can get raped and shot, and he is recorded saying "we should have a public lynching before having a meeting about a homeless shelter in my ward". And this was before he was elected as mayor. It's gotten worse ever since.
Yesterday at 12:22am · Like

Brandon Hammond Shakil SavjiYou look like a smart nice young guy. Why, why would you choose to follow such a horrible person as Ford?
Yesterday at 12:24am · Edited · Like

Shakil Savji I am a young guy = why i find rob amusing
Yesterday at 12:24am via mobile · Like

Shakil Savji Not why I support him
Yesterday at 12:25am via mobile · Like

Bring back Rob Ford Brandon i believe i have answered what you said before. He said that before he was elected. Why should it matter what he said before when people are saying the same things now? Before he was just like us and now hes a mayor, he doesnt say that anymore and what he does IN HIS OWN TIME is none of our business the same way i dont are how many times you jerk yourself off in your house.
Yesterday at 11:13am · Like · 1

Bring back Rob Ford And also Brandon is that the only argument you have against Ford? It seems that everything you say and have against Rob Ford you start your paragraph by using that incident.
Yesterday at 2:41pm · Like · 1

Brandon Hammond I use that example because it is only the very tip of the iceberg, yet it should be enough for any decent person to make a judgement on Ford's character. I would be typing here for a very long time if were to touch on every breach of basic decency Ford has undertaken. Google will reveal all, I don't need to repeat the obvious here.
16 hours ago · Like

Brandon Hammond Bring back Rob Ford What kind of logic is that?! By the way - he was a an elected city councilor when he said those things - he was caught because he handed out his card to someone - otherwise he would have continued to deny the incident. The kind of person who says things like that to people at any time in their adult life is not fit to serve as Chief Magistrate.
16 hours ago · Like

Brandon Hammond Another thing he did before he was elected was utter death threats to his wife. That's your hero! You have to be a sick #uck to support this guy.
16 hours ago · Like

Bring back Rob Ford Thanks for your feedback Brandon however you keep on giving us facts about what he did before being elected as mayor then you are saying that you have to be sick to support him, clearly the majority of Toronto is sick if thats what you are saying and even now about half of Toronto would be "sick" as well. Everyone in this world has insulted someone else, not everyone has done drugs but I would say half of the people if not more than half have done drugs in their life. There are millions of people with alcohol problems, Rob Ford is one of those people but I ask you; Has Rob Fords drug and alcohol problem had an effect on his work? No, he is getting paid to do his job and that is exactly what he is doing. He's also doing what he promised to do , keep taxes low and not increase the wages of politicians, he himself declined a 5000$ raise when he started out being mayor. Please Mr. Brandon I see you're point however it doesn't prove Ford is a bad Mayor, it proves that he has a problem. A problem which is getting fixed! He's lost weight and is working on his drug and alcohol problems.And to the death threats to his wife? Well we all know Ford has enough to eat at home so why would he do that?
10 hours ago · Like

Brandon Hammond Alcohol is the least concerning of Ford's failings. The heavy drugs however shows a profound lack of judgement, but even that isn't his most noxious characteristic. It's his profound simple-mindedness, stupidity, and dogmatic approach to everything he says and does. He's an aggressive, mean, bullying liar. And he's stupid as nails too, but that is a plus, because it makes him less dangerous.
6 hours ago · Edited · Like

Brandon Hammond He hates bikes - says they are for kids and belong in parks, "not on the streets, which are for cars trucks and buses". To Ford, people who ride bikes are written off as 'pinkos' - aka the enemy. The 'waster'. How utterly stupid is that?
7 hours ago · Edited · Like

Brandon Hammond Cyclists relieve congestion, pay taxes, and are every bit as hard working as any car driving 'taxpayer'. Maybe more so - they have the wherewithal to get off of their asses and move. Ford has attempted to disassemble cycling infrastructure from day one. Succeeded and wasted considerable money in the process. His actions and attitudes contradict those of virtually every city in the developed world.
7 hours ago · Like

Brandon Hammond "I need fucking 10 minutes to make sure he's dead!" - Rob Ford.
7 hours ago · Like

Brandon Hammond Ford attempted to derail Waterfront Toronto, calling it the 'biggest boondoggle Toronto's ever seen'. This would have effectively thrown away billions of dollars in value to the city, caused major disruptions to business, urban planning, environmental stewardship, jobs, and future prosperity. Compare this to Ford's greatest accomplishment - Woodbine Live (google search Rob Ford Woodbine Live ) He made big promises of getting things done because he says 'he knows how to talk to big business'. It fell completely flat on it's ass. I bit like Ford throwing a football. It went out with not even a whimper. That's your hero. A big fat lying loser.
7 hours ago · Edited · Like

Brandon Hammond Ford has been selling off city assets to 'balance his budget'. That's a bit like ripping the plumbing out of your house and selling it for the value of the copper. Ford would have failed economics 101. Now that I think of it, he DID fail economics 101, but not before he dropped out of university.
7 hours ago · Edited · Like

Brandon Hammond During the subway debates in council it became evident that Rob Ford did not have even a basic understanding of what an LRT system was. Josh Matlow posed the question and Ford could not answer, but insisted that an LRT would interfere with traffic - this is completely false and reveals the fact that Ford has no idea of what he's talking about. Ford spent Billions of taxpayer dollars without doing even the most basic homework. If Ford insists Subways are the answer then he at least better know WHY they are the answer.

Mayor Ford clueless about LRT during debate on Jul 16 2013
Mayor Rob Ford demonstrating limited knowledge of LRT and facts surrounding his own motion during LRT vs Subway debate at council on July 17, 2013. Mayor mad...
7 hours ago · Edited · Like · Remove Preview

Bring back Rob Ford Well I cannot argue with facts can I? I support Rob Ford for the good things he does. For him to be called a liar is outrageous because unlike all the other politicians he does most and if not all of what he promises to do . He has his problems and they are being helped, I cannot not argue over what he thinks about the waterfront because that is his opinion the same way I respect that you dislike Rob Ford (however its not shared mutually..). I support Ford for most of what he does but I cannot defend him for the Things that are unacceptable. When he insults other people its not at all good but I have to see it in a way which isn't biased like you. If it were any random person saying the same things would people care just as much as if it was Ford? No, even if Ford has higher authority he should be treated like any other Human. I am Pro Rob Ford just like a lot of people in the city. And I say Bring him back to full power, and Ignite the revolution!
about an hour ago · Like

Brandon Hammond The guy is a fucking pathological liar and you must be insane.
33 minutes ago · Like

Brandon Hammond No, you can't argue with facts, yet you do. Ford does not do good things, he only tells people he does, and fools like you believe him. I can't respect you - someone who is as incapable of critical thinking as you have shown yourself to be is not deserving of respect. I think you are a fool - and not just a fool but a dangerous fool.
14 minutes ago · Edited · Like

Brandon Hammond "If it were any random person saying the same things would people care just as much as if it was Ford?" - No, if Ford were some random guy doing and saying the things he does, people would walk the other way, they would want nothing to do with him. They would be right in thinking he was a criminal and someone to be avoided. They might call the police.
12 minutes ago · Like

Brandon Hammond Ask yourself - why are you pro Rob Ford? Why do you defend the indefensible?
10 minutes ago · Like
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This is simply a case of Rob Ford did something, so i must be against it regardless of common sense.

To be fair, historically Rob Ford isn't the greatest decision maker so I can hardly blame people for assuming he cocked up again. That's what happens when one earns a reputation as a total fucking idiot.
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I walked around downtown Sunday morning and did my shopping at the grocery store, LCBO, and on Yonge Street with no interruption or any knowledge of power outages. I even made a post here about my puzzlement about what happened to streetcar service as there was no power loss or visible storm damage at all in my travels.

But with the specific discussion here about response mobilisation of Sandy vs. this storm: the incoming destructive power of Sandy was known well enough in advance that Manhattan shut down before the storm hit on Monday. Stock exchanges and banks announced on Sunday they would be closed on Monday. Amtrak pre-emptively cancelled all trains. Flights were cancelled too. States of Emergency and evacuations were declared before the storm arrived. People knew Sandy would be a massive disaster requiring a major national and community response well before it happened. It was much different from an ice storm which doesn't form in an ocean 1,000 miles away and is 2 degrees celsius away from being just a rain storm or a snow storm. You don't prepare for it in advance. And most relevantly as noted above, people don't respond to the potential of risk to life as they do to obvious life in crisis from cable tv broadcasting live footage of a thousand houses flooded with 10 feet of water while simultaneously burning down.

Sandy was bigger blahblahblah.

Here in Toronto, it was clear by Monday that tens of thousands of people were without power and would be for another couple days at least, that it would be very cold over the next few days and so on. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to figure out that some people would be at serious risk. And yet the response, both official and otherwise, was pretty weak.

The person freezing to death alone in their apartment certainly doesn't think "oh well, this wasn't as big a deal as Sandy/Katrina/Haiyan, so it's OK that no one has checked on me or offered any help".
Sandy was bigger blahblahblah.

Here in Toronto, it was clear by Monday that tens of thousands of people were without power and would be for another couple days at least, that it would be very cold over the next few days and so on. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to figure out that some people would be at serious risk. And yet the response, both official and otherwise, was pretty weak.

The person freezing to death alone in their apartment certainly doesn't think "oh well, this wasn't as big a deal as Sandy/Katrina/Haiyan, so it's OK that no one has checked on me or offered any help".

Hundreds of thousands had no power or heat in the city of Toronto, let's keep the numbers a little closer.
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