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I'm seeing some comments on social media along the lines of "since Alex Rodriguez was banned from baseball for a year for drug use, why can't Mayor Ford also be banned"?

NEW YORK (AP) — Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has been suspended for the entire 2014 Major League Baseball season, including the playoffs, for the use of recreational drugs. The punishment, announced by MLB commissioner Bud Selig today, is the most severe in the history of baseball's drug agreement.

"I am saddened by Mr. Ford's admission on November 5th," Mr. Selig said in a statement issued Monday. "Under our current drug program, if you are caught using drugs, you will be punished. Since 2005, every player who has tested positive has been suspended for as much as 50 games." Mr. Ford is not currently under contract, nor has he ever played in the league, but Mr. Selig vowed to "leave no stone unturned" in tracking down offenders.

Mr. Ford reacted during an impromptu press scrum, claiming "That motherf***er! I have never, ever, ever tested positive in a MLB drug test. If Selig is so perfect, I invite him to take the test himself and I'll even pay for it." The Mayor walked away miming a baseball bat swing and yelling over his shoulder, "any time, buddy, any time! Hell, you know what, f*** it, go Argos go!"

Mr. Ford's lawyer, Dennis Morris, only responded to e-mails with a novena from Mother Teresa, requesting that the message be forwarded to 20 people within 48 hours.
DTGeek's parody of a real newspaper article is golden. I would easily believe that it is the real thing.
Ford just told the media this morning's behaviour was embarassing. He wasn't talking about himself, either. Says the others were grandstanding, which seems to be his new favourite word.

It sounds like Karen Stintz was quite upset earlier. Doug jumped all over her for falling apart. What a jerk.
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Rob Ford really needs to stop questioning councillors' whereabouts during the storm. Is he unaware that his brother was in Florida for more than a week?
I've known Sandro for 20 years. He's known for ratting on guys. That's why his nickname is literally Rat.

I knew it!!!! The ITO screams "confidential informant". Thanks for the confirmation Jimmi T.

The ITO details Lisi's criminal history (p. 44). Although he's been charged five times for "marihuana", including getting caught with more than a quarter pound, he's never been convicted. In most cases the charges have simply been withdrawn. I remember at the time thinking either he's got the best lawyer ever or he's trading information for freedom. The latter seemed the more likely.
Rob Ford really needs to stop questioning councillors' whereabouts during the storm. Is he unaware that his brother was in Florida for more than a week?

This really bugs me. RoFo seems to think that by going in front of TV cameras every chance he gets and reading off news releases means he is doing his job. Never mind that he was NOT in the chain of command and was completely out of the loop.

The thing that bugs me more is that many people who don't follow events closely seem to agree with him. Witness the bump up in his approval rating after the storm.

RoFo and DoFo are getting coverage for every little thing they say and do. I wonder what's up with that. Is is because the media catches on that readers are clicking/reading this or are they just being lazy? As someone mentioned earlier, they are getting a ton of free publicity. If the election hinges on familiarity/name recognition, then they are pulling away from the rest of the field!

I am completely disgusted!
I'm agreeing with the sentiments of fear if RoFo makes it to the election.

More than half of the folks I'm talking to plan on reelecting him. 50% because they believe in his fiscal responsibility and 50% because they think he is a rockstar.

And controversy is ratings. Ask a tough question and get blacklisted. It's in their interest to carry on as they are.
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They are already ALL essentially blacklisted and played for idiots constantly. Carrying on in this climate is ridiculous.
Shhh. Be vewy vewy quiet, it's troll hunting season.
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