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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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He's wearing the same suit, shirt and tie as he was when he got the jaywalking ticket. Michael Cooke doesn't know who the people are, maybe that's Renata on the left?

That's a pretty beefy man-hand there. I'm pretty sure she's got way smaller hands *without looking that up*

That is Renata on the left in black jacket. The hand belongs to man in brown suit, sitting closer to Ford, at same table.
That is Renata on the left in black jacket. The hand belongs to man in brown suit, sitting closer to Ford, at same table.

That makes sense. So the question is, who was with the kids? Michael Cooke said he didn't know the people at the table when someone on Twitter asked him.
I think what pisses me off the most about Ford (aside from his homophobia, drug abuse, drunk driving, misappropriation of city resources, criminal associates, general thuggery, entitlement - OK, every fucking thing about him) is the fact that I work 12-14 hour days in a professional job and do my best every day to make a small difference in this city, and here's this imbecilic, lazy, fat fuck logging two hour "work" days (if that), coaching football on the time I pay for, and making a point to spread bigotry when he does show up. And then he preaches "respect for taxpayers", while nothing in this city moves forward in a meaningful way.

You know what, Rob? Fuck. You. I'm resentful and angry, and there really is nothing left to say.
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That is Renata on the left in black jacket. The hand belongs to man in brown suit, sitting closer to Ford, at same table.

Unless the guy is sitting in her lap, there isn't enough table. Besides, who's looking after the kids if she's there too?

Can't wait to see the article tomorrow!


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There is a silent majority out there who hates pride and hates all government/institutionally-sponsored LGBT outreach.

if you bothered to dig a little deeper you'd see that outside downtown Toronto most people do not at all relate to the LGBT cause.... they perceive the contemporary gay movement as distant, obnoxious, and alienating.

The point is that while raising the pride flag in Toronto for the duration of the Olympics is a completely understandable and even commendable thing to do, it is unfortunately still an act that makes a large percentage of the people in this city uncomfortable.

First...facts to back any of those claims up?

Second...why should we ever not do the right thing so as not to upset bigots or homophobes? (that was a rhetorical question in case you hadn't clued in)
Whenever you see someone talking about what 'most people' or 'ordinary Americans/Canadians' or 'a large percentage of the people in this city' feel, you can just replace those phrases with 'me' to find out what the person is really saying.
Somebody help me out. Did DoFo say yesterday on Newstalk1010 that RoFo had quit drinking, or am I imagining that?
I would not compare Robbie to Putin. Putin has power, Putin has respect, Putin has connections, and Putin has an army and nukes. Robbie has an Escalade and a mickey of Russian Prince.

Re the mickey part at least, Robbie's more Yeltsin than Putin.
Whenever you see someone talking about what 'most people' or 'ordinary Americans/Canadians' or 'a large percentage of the people in this city' feel, you can just replace those phrases with 'me' to find out what the person is really saying.

Of course he's projecting his personal feelings onto these phantom people. There is no other explanation.
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