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Rob Ford says he's the best father around. It'll be interesting to see how he handles this when he shows up to City Hall. You'd think if someone who calls themselves the "best father" would be willing to have a serious, heartfelt discussion with these kids but I'm guessing he'll either ignore them or ask if they like football, give them signed Ford Nation t-shirts and then leave.
Yeah it is a no brainer that Deco is a front. Especially given Doug Jr's background.
I always thought lsd or other similar substances would be easy with the labels.
I think Fords are sort of middle men for the transportation. The men making the big bucks are using Deco just for distribution, and those are the guys who are paying off the police/feds.
I also think Deco is mixed up in prostitution.
But of course, this is, as someone said earlier, wild speculation. :D

I think if the Fords themselves were involved in anything like that, it would be too difficult and time-consuming to really run a legitimate business and look after the criminal operations. So they have a few people doing the actual running of Deco the label firm but the brothers just provide the required signatures when they're not tending to whatever illicit stuff really provides their income.

Rob can't extricate himself from whatever his role is in the 'business', which is why so much of his activity as mayor is taken up with 'personal time' (parcel drops with Lisi). He has an obligation to the family, in the person of Diane, to fulfil his role as figurehead of the Ford political dynasty. But he also owes Doug something that he can't get out of. Doug probably never gave up dealing in/with drugs and basically merged his criminal persona with his businessman/politican role. Doug needs Rob to be the nice-guy face of the whole operation, but Rob is weak to the substance aspect of the business and he isn't really committed to politics. That tension is really eating at him.

Also wild speculation, of course.
I have had similar discussions with my 7 year old daughter. I was going to avoid the topic of the Crackmayor, but she specifically asked about him - why he does drugs and why he is the leader of our city if drugs are bad.

Rob brought the kids into this with his reprehensible behaviour. He's forcing parents to have these conversations with their kids.

Yep. You can't really expect kids not to hear about this sort of thing or not to have questions. Except the Ford kids.
And many of the immigrant communities responded positively to his open and undisguised homophobia, so they were apparently willing to overlook his similair stance towards them. It's insane, but when people's motivation to vote is straight out of Fantasyland, they tend to be very selective in the facts they're willing to acknowledge.

This is indicative of the divide and conquer behaviour these guys display. I don't think it is a strategy as much as it is in their personalities.

And I fully expect Deco and Doug and Randy to be involved in charges once this all goes down.
Doug at city hall addressing the protest "ladies":

BenSpurr 11:26am via TweetDeck
Protester says mayor is a bad role model. "I know, I know," says Doug. "But there are thousands that love him."

And then this whopper:

KatieSimpson24 11:29am via Twitter for iPhone
Cllr Doug Ford says reporters don't have the moral authority to question the Mayor's whereabouts/schedule.
So bad role models are ok so long as some people still love them?

Do I as a taxpayer (I hate that term) have the moral authority? Because I'd sure like to know where the Mayor is and what he's up to when he's working on my dime.
Doug at city hall addressing the protest "ladies":

KatieSimpson24 11:29am via Twitter for iPhone
Cllr Doug Ford says reporters don't have the moral authority to question the Mayor's whereabouts/schedule.

Rob Ford doesn't have the moral authority to evade accountability!

Doug Ford doesn't have the integrity to be able to make that kind of statement.
His "flag flap" on Friday sure influenced a lot of people. I don't know about anyone else but the pure hate that popped up in "comment sections" on news sites was more than stunning to me, it upset me to my core. I know there are haters out there and I know there are many others who just disagree with equal rights however some of the comments I read had me more upset than I've been about anything in a very long time. I saw the story hit CNN just once, I wonder what people who are (were) planning to come to Toronto for World Pride think about traveling here now thus affecting one event, and the economic benefits that come from that? How many other ways has he negatively affected business and the economy of the city?

Also, the Doug Ford description a page or two back absolutely nailed it.

The hate is scary isn't it? It is the same hatred FN people, women (always always women), gays and lesbians, immigrants, unions and public servants are subjected to every single time austerity and\or economic woes appear. This appeals to all of those who think with their 'gut' and are completely incapable of critically analyzing themselves and why they hate/fear the 'other'. Everything is measured against some stupid idea of the 'simple man', usually white, male (clearly), working class, low education, low to mid level paying job. Everything is measured against how this simple man responds, assuming some norm that doesn't actually exist. It is maddening it happens, and worse that The Star (especially the Star because it is a tiny bit 'left') allows this hatred to flourish in their comments section

Ford, Hudak and Harper have the market on fostering and promoting extremes in everything. Every single time there is a far right CON government, public discourse, tolerance and acceptance are set back a couple of decades. The target of Mike Harris was single moms, teachers and unions. Again the same with Ford and Harper, well he is the pimp for the oil company and embodies everything that is wrong with our electoral system.

I cannot read the comments. The depression and despair I feel are far too deep. Knowing there are so many vocal haters, and just how much of these play a huge part in getting these psychopaths elected.

I wish all these no tax loving, Ron Paul supporting throwbacks would go move to an island and devour themselves in their dog-eat-dog utopia of libertarian insanity.
Katie Simpson:

"Cllr Ford says he doesn't know where his brother is this morning. Mayor's press secretary says Ford will be in this afternoon."
but it's weird that Ford gets support from people like Sue-Ann Levy, who has nothing to gain from being governed by someone bigoted against her.

Ah...but Levy represents the dogmatic conservative thinking crowd, which trumps any conflict she may have with his views regarding her sexual orientation. People tend to forget that being conservative is motivated by being against something (liberal society)...not for something (Rob Ford). Levy doesn't like Ford....she hates Liberals, and Ford is the anti-Liberal. Levy is an extreme narcissist, so she doesn't give two craps about the plight of the gay community, just because she is one is kind of beside the point. She probably had to do some interesting moral mind-shuffling to get around the inconvenient fact that it was Liberals who are responsible for making her life as a gay person pretty easy.

SAL represents the worse kind of A-hole there is.
Even if you thought it was a bit kooky at the time, I'd be interesting in hearing what you heard. DM me if anything comes to mind!

Ditto, please and thanks. It definitely isn't new to those who've been around Etobicoke a while.
Katie Simpson:

"Cllr Ford says he doesn't know where his brother is this morning. Mayor's press secretary says Ford will be in this afternoon."

So reporters don't have the authority to question Rob's schedule/whereabouts, mostly because Doug doesn't know either. Okay.
Ah...but Levy represents the dogmatic conservative thinking crowd, which trumps any conflict she may have with his views regarding her sexual orientation. People tend to forget that being conservative is motivated by being against something (liberal society)...not for something (Rob Ford). Levy doesn't like Ford....she hates Liberals, and Ford is the anti-Liberal. Levy is an extreme narcissist, so she doesn't give two craps about the plight of the gay community, just because she is one is kind of beside the point. She probably had to do some interesting moral mind-shuffling to get around the inconvenient fact that it was Liberals who are responsible for making her life as a gay person pretty easy.

SAL represents the worse kind of A-hole there is.

She's not unlike a former UT poster whose username was dichotomy: that guy would say things (mostly on other sites) to the effect that because gay people had already gone through their civil rights struggle (and apparently because a cop told him at the time that cops actually didn't care who was gay or not, it's just that they had to do their job), no one should have anything to complain about now.
I don't see why it matters anymore if Rob is at the office or not. All his powers that could possibly be taken away have been taken away. We wanted him to resign or take time off. Kelly is handling the business of the city. Those of us who oppose Ford should be consistent on this. It's better that he's not there - he's just an impediment and a distraction when he is. Yes, focus in the campaign on the fact that Ford when he was fully mayor wasn't working full days, that he was instead coaching football and hanging out in the woods getting high like a teenager. But tracking his whereabouts now is nothing more than paparazzi detail.
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