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Remember guys Blair may not be Ford but he's far from an angel. The enemy of our enemy is not our friend in this case.
My guess is it will be something along the lines of "I was just covering all the bases because you never know with these guys, they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar and they're so entitled they might just arrest an innocent man because they're playing politics."

That is dead on Doug. I can't not read that in his voice.
I think it's priceless that there isn't a credible competent campaign manager willing to take on managing the train wreck of a mayor. I'm sure there has to be somebody somewhere who would want to make a name for themselves in the odd chance they could manage Rofo to an election win - but at the same time who wants that kind of blood/bad karma on their hands inflicting that much pain on the city?

The only snake greazzzy enough to do this is Kouvalis, and even he won't touch him... He got some cash from Ford, and the database of Ford Nation supporters to use in future elections for his other candidates... Now he's out, and workin' for Tory.

It really saddens me that democracy has been reduced to the scripted science that Campaign Research has made it. I'm all for science, but I don't like that the playing field can be slanted by big data.
Remember guys Blair may not be Ford but he's far from an angel. The enemy of our enemy is not our friend in this case.

Presumably you're talking about G20. I've had very mixed feelings about TPS since G20, but if you're not already aware of the RCMP's prime role providing, shall we say, "thought leadership" for the bizarre, horrid and illegal treatment of hundreds and hundreds of Torontonians at the hands of the police during G20, I heartily recommend read "Upholding the right" in the Walrus.

I'm still very disappointed in Blair, but I do not believe that he was the evil mastermind of the G20 disaster that he is sometimes made out to be.

Of course, I'm making some assumptions here, both about what you wrote and about the truth of what happened at G20, and I apologise if I've misinterpreted your comment.
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If you're on Team Ford, it's easy enough to drop a hint to a couple of chatty lawyers that you know that Chief Blair is into <whatever> in his private time, or that you have a photo of him <something>. I don't buy it, even with the Ford's presumably corrupt links to 23.

In any case, if true (from the Ford PoV, at least) it may very well be Doug's complaint. Everything we know about Doug points to Doug's main ingredients being bullying, fabrications, bluster and self-delusion. So Doug is presumably far enough detached from reality to believe that everyone will see things his way once the complaint is in process.

I'm inclined to agree that the origin of such a rumour is likely bluster on the part of the Ford camp. But I'm not sure if I'd agree that Doug's modus operandi is merely what we see in his media persona. The reliance on the threat, or application of violent intimidation seems to run in the family.
Meaning: He's like an adopted son to me.

reporterdonpeat 5:26pm via Web
"I've never talked to Sandro Lisi in my life & I have no desire to talk to Sandro Lisi" Doug Ford
I'm inclined to agree that the origin of such a rumour is likely bluster on the part of the Ford camp. But I'm not sure if I'd agree that Doug's modus operandi is merely what we see in his media persona. The reliance on the threat, or application of violent intimidation seems to run in the family.

I agree with you that "media Doug" and "gettin' sh*t done by layin' down some f*ckin' threats Doug" are two different things, but I hoped I had covered that by including "bullying" in the list of ingredients.
You know, in the Ford's world, it's possible that they thought they "had something" on Chief Bill Blair with the whole fishing trip thing.

In their view, they are always being hauled up in front of the integrity commissioner for nothing. Rob almost got tossed from office for "just raising money for some kids!"

The fishing trip is actually nothing, but Doug Ford thinks it's the same kind of "nothing" that almost got Rob thrown out.

They really have no understanding of ethics, or integrity, and why those things are important for public office. So in that kind of twisted logic, it makes sense.
You know, in the Ford's world, it's possible that they thought they "had something" on Chief Bill Blair with the whole fishing trip thing.

In their view, they are always being hauled up in front of the integrity commissioner for nothing. Rob almost got tossed from office for "just raising money for some kids!"

The fishing trip is actually nothing, but Doug Ford thinks it's the same kind of "nothing" that almost got Rob thrown out.

They really have no understanding of ethics, or integrity, and why those things are important for public office. So in that kind of twisted logic, it makes sense.

Why Lisi would know about the fishing trip? Doesn't sound like something Rob would bring up with him, so maybe Lisi's threat was more of the "don't you know who I am" kind. He thought he had protection because of Rob.
I don't get what you're implying here; didn't Blair say that Ford didn't say most of the things he had been accused of saying on the Mary Walsh 911 call? How is that "having something on Blair"?

Yes, Blair defended Ford. But it's a harder sell than ever that Ford didn't say those things.

I always assumed that Blair was lying and I was shocked Blair not only waded into that Fordian mess, he also put his reputation and credibility on the line.

I figured it was in exchange for some kind of implied future favour and that he was fairly confident he would be able to lock the tapes away forever. Certainly he wouldn't expect Ford to come clean. But threatening to tell the truth about that day just to embarrass the chief is not something I would put past Rob-fucking-Ford or his "Robbie would get away with murder, that's how much the people love him" brother. Blair would have way more to lose than Ford.

In any case, just idle speculation on what the "something" the Fords would have on Blair might be.
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Blair is also giving an interview to CP24 this afternoon. Something has changed, I just can't figure out what that something is.

After watching the extended vid of Blair's interview, sounds to me like he's mainly concerned with the tone of the news articles about Doug's complaint. I'm not reading to much into it.
Why Lisi would know about the fishing trip? Doesn't sound like something Rob would bring up with him, so maybe Lisi's threat was more of the "don't you know who I am" kind. He thought he had protection because of Rob.

I agree. He may have been under the impression that the mayor actually has some kind of power over the police chief.
Why Lisi would know about the fishing trip? Doesn't sound like something Rob would bring up with him, so maybe Lisi's threat was more of the "don't you know who I am" kind. He thought he had protection because of Rob.

I think he would. They were both aware of the surveillance and the police helicopter last summer.

Lisi: So, the cops are watching us.
Ford: Yeah? Let 'em. Blair won't do shit.
Lisi: Oh...?

Or something like that. Remember Lisi was described as his best pal; Rob probably wanted to impress him with how he's "got something" on the chief.

Whether he has something or not is another matter. I don't think you can get to be a police chief (and then stay one) and not have some skeletons/issues (sorry for the cynical "all politicians lie" sort of outlook, but it's probably true). Whether that "something" is substantial or not, I don't know.
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