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Here's a weird thing about Tory's comments today.

On June 13th, the day of the Project Traveller raids, Tory had Blair on his show. After the interview, a few callers complained because... I don't know, they're callers to 1010, so they are pretty much by definition morons. Anyway, Tory apologized. He apologized for asking basic questions of the Chief of Police on the day of the biggest raids in the city's history.

But suddenly - after 60 years - he decides to grow a backbone?

I'm inclined to agree that he knows something is coming around the corner.
Something about the Florida DWI incident that gets overlooked: as he was saying to the officer, Go ahead and take me to jail, he threw his wallet on the pavement. Weird attempt at a bribe?

What else could it be?

"According to police reports, when he was pulled over he got out of his car and threw all of the money in his wallet on the ground."

He actually pulled the cash out of his wallet, and threw that cash on the ground ( in front of the cops )? Am I reading that right?
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Didn't he say he was drinking wine with his wife at dinner? Did he drop her off and then go on the prowl? Sounds like he's been living a certain lifestyle for a long time.

I'll have to re-read that chapter in "Crazy Town", but it's possible that he either dropped Renata off and went back out, or that was never out with her at all that night. I mean, he left Renata in the hotel room in Vancouver while he partied downstairs. And by "partied" I mean, got drunk off his ass and did drugs in the staff bathroom.
Just thinking out loud here, but it can't be a coincidence that this Blair/Fords dust up comes the very week that the police finally got the data from Lisi's iPhone.
What else could it be?

"According to police reports, when he was pulled over he got out of his car and threw all of the money in his wallet on the ground."

That's what his Daddy did when his spoiled brats got into trouble, bought them out of it. What a screwed up family.
As for the A-day pool: I'm going to go with Friday, March 29. A year and a day after Anthony Smith's murder and the night of the 2014 Garrison Ball.
In Crazy Town it said

Ford fumbled his way out of his car, threw his hands in the air and slurred "Go ahead. Take me to jail" He pulled out a handful of cash, chucking the money onto the pavement.
I'm inclined to agree that he knows something is coming around the corner.

I wouldn't say "knows." I would say "assumes." It's pretty obvious that the noose is tightening, and it's also a very easy political point to be pro-chief and pro- cops doing their job. It seems like a very easy way for Tory to distinguish and distance himself without risking much (if any) support.
Just thinking out loud here, but it can't be a coincidence that this Blair/Fords dust up comes the very week that the police finally got the data from Lisi's iPhone.

It's no coincidence. I watched the videos of Blair and while he has a great poker face, I noticed a very brief look on his face, not quite a smirk. I remember seeing the same look just before he announced they had the video. Blair has access to some very good legal people and there is no way that he would say anything that hadn't been vetted before he spoke. Blair is a man with self-control. Ford is toast.
I'm in too, I don't think he'll make to May, so I'll take April 19th, a great day for an arrest.;)

April 4th. That'll be the day.

Another amusing (to me only, I'm sure) game I play with myself is to try and guess which page the thread will be on for the next major breakthrough. I'll take 3,816 for the arrest.
April 4th. That'll be the day.

Another amusing (to me only, I'm sure) game I play with myself is to try and guess which page the thread will be on for the next major breakthrough. I'll take 3,816 for the arrest.

As we're already at 3100, you must be thinking that we won't have too much of bat shit crazy from the Ford brothers. You're more optimistic than I am, I'll take 4,333, hopefully they dial down the crazy a bit.
I am going to go with St. Paddy's Day weekend. So March 14th or 15th. Historical significance for Ford....and remember: beware the ides of March. :)
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As we're already at 3100, you must be thinking that we won't have too much of bat shit crazy from the Ford brothers. You're more optimistic than I am, I'll take 4,333, hopefully they dial down the crazy a bit.

I was just thinking what a reasonable but high-ish number of pages to go through in a month would be. I thought 700+ seemed about right. They can't keep the crazy ratcheted up to today's levels for the next 34 days running, can they? CAN THEY??
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