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I'm not here for your entertainment. I'm here to state the facts. Think of me as a kind of reverse or anti MetroMan.

I just find it funny that there are folks here who openly admit to participating in the illegal drug industry yet Gary Giroux (GG) isn't out there wasting millions in taxpayer dollars playing peeping tom with these folks or sneaking pictures of their kids in their backyards. Interesting coincidence isn't it?

In the end actions always speaks louders than words and on the third day of the fourth month of 2014 the police finally stepped up to the plate, manned up, and admitted they were wrong.

After 14 years of having his life vivisected and turned sideways, Rob Ford was ultimately vindicated and found innocent of all charges and not guilty. End of story.

Because I don't know how to quote the entire 10,000 page thread in one post, I will show some humility and spare everybody my nfitz I told you so moment.

I hope this whole sad episode teaches an important lesson to the hero worshippers in the cult of MetroMan. Wishful thinking and bigotry is no substitute for cold hard facts and reality.

The bottom line: Despite what the journo hacks in this town say, Rob Ford's life isn't a spectacle, so stop treating it like one. It's time to let the man get back to living his life and doing his job with the dignity any human being deserves. Have some respect people.

[Falsettovoice]Getting warmer[/falsettovoice]

Full props to the nfitz-specific troll). Could maybe used a "boom. done.", but "End of story" is acceptable. "innocent of all charges and not guilty" is among your best lines ever.
I start to feel to feel for DoFo, and then I remember that he has a lot of responsibility in the events that has transpired.

or His Whoreship Dufus of Ford. :p

I'd love to know where Ford spent the night on Saturday/Sunday, or what time he arrived home. After being at Muzik, there's no reference to his whereabouts. I highly doubt he returned home. I wouldn't particularly care that much, but the whole going to Muzik for 15 minutes thing seems a little odd to me. Was he picking something up? Dropping something off? There's a lot more to the story of RoFo's Saturday night on the town than we know.

Does anyone know if guests to city hall, especially after hours, need to be signed in? The security at my office keeps a log of whoever comes and goes. When we were located in a different building, we had to show ID and sign in and out. This is also important because in the event the building needs to be evacuated, they need to know who they're looking for. I'd find it a little incredulous that people can just come and go at city hall in the wee hours of the morning without anyone knowing who they are.

To answer that question, I was told today that "he feels comfortable there."
The question I asked was "why does he keep running back there?"
And you people have the nerve to call me a troll LOL

Case dismissed.

I'm not a troll. That was unkind. I may be new to this site, but I'm not a mindless bottom-dwelling Ford Nation moron!
Another awesome Di Giorgio spit-take line:
“In fairness, he was somewhere in between (sober and drunk),” said Di Giorgio. “I think some people feel much more comfortable if they’re somewhere in between.”

Edit: and another.

“I lost him in essence,” said Di Giorgio, who called him on his cell phone a short time later. Ford wouldn’t tell him where he was, and told him to go on his own.
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To answer that question, I was told today that "he feels comfortable there."
The question I asked was "why does he keep running back there?"

Hmm I wonder if RoFo will be crouched under his office couch, in the fetal position, a la Jim Bakker, after he loses the election?
Maybe the cops will have to quickly construct a straight jacket out of duct tape and bungee cords (Casita said the regular ones wouldn't fit RoFo.) They will pry him from the office, and lead him out, as RoFo wails in gibberish tongues.
Phil, you piece of garbage. This is what 25 years of friendship means to you? Barb comes in five hours late, reeking of your cheap zellers cologne. Think I wouldn't notice?

Got news for you, pal: better stock up on rice cakes and Emory boards, and I hope you like The Voice, cause she's your problem now.

Best part? I still got your pants.

This pants thing is gonna blow up huge! Ticking time-bomb.
GFI has a history of low-balling the first contract to get in with a given municipality. They bought Turtle Island to take over the contracts that they held, and cut staff and trucks to pad the profits. When everyone got used to the slightly lower service, they cut more staff and trucks. Around the time of the ice storm, they were so close to the bone in northern York Region that when a couple of trucks wouldn't start a couple of days they ended up 3 WEEKS behind before catching up. Look for a significant jump in the second contract, unless they are still gunning for the rest of Toronto, then look for service levels to drop. Olivia is right to be cautious, by looking around outside of Toronto to see what was going on.

Don't know much about GFI but I do know that TI wasn't in any great shape either. Their offices were appalling and I suspect there were safety issues to be found all over. I do know that their WSIB experience was not good and their trucks were in serious need of maintenance. Was not unusual to see a disabled truck.
And you people have the nerve to call me a troll LOL

Case dismissed.

The case of vodka you just finished?

I don't need nerve to call you out as a troll, it's as natural as the alcohol squirts you suffer from.


Application of the term troll is subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial. Like any pejorative term, it can be used as an ad hominem attack, suggesting a negative motivation.

What is your preference then for next time ....

Grand Master of Universal Ceremonies on Gorn!:p
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