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1. I'm Calgary-born, but lived in Toronto for 30 years. One of the reasons for the 'resentment of attention' issue is that even big city Canadians really don't grasp the concept that Greater Toronto is basically 1/5 of the country by population (if you include places that a Calgarian would call Toronto, even if a Torontonian wouldn't). There's just a lot more people doing things that get on the news (good or bad.)

That's true, but I haven't the foggiest idea why they blame people who live here. We have nothing to do with what's reported in the media. I have upon occasion challenged people when they say "I hate Toronto!" by first asking if they've ever been there. Some haven't but the ones who have generally gripe about traffic and crowds. I think they feel a little panic when they try to drive in the city. I end up sounding the the tourism board when I tell them that they missed all the best parts.

2. Really? Where have you been travelling? Except for the one time when I used Ford as a specific example in a team meeting (somebody was trying to get us to use the 'open question' conversation technique by saying 'Anything else?' over and over and I cringed), I have not been asked about Ford once in my recent, pretty wide-ranging, travels.

Yes, really. Who said you need to travel to talk to people outside of Canada? There is this amazing thing called the Internet; let me tell you about it! From the comfort of your computer, people from all over the world can write to each other on these things called "message boards". You can speak to someone in the U.K., or Japan, or South America, anywhere - instantly! Although I have done my fair share of travel and I've heard some interesting perspectives about Canada during face to face interactions, most of my conversations with people outside the border is done this way. People will say the darnedest things when they think they are anonymous. ;)
And yet when we were in Barbados (yes, really!) in November, not only was he all over the news, when someone asked us where we were from, and we said "Canada", at least half the time Ford's name would come up in response. We were very quick to point out we lived no where near Toronto. Sat in a restaurant in Bridgetown and there he was on the big screen TV.

(That said, this was in the wake of him admitting to smoking crack, so I think he was pretty much on the news everywhere. People we spoke to seemed rather amused by the whole thing, and our quickness to distance ourselves from him.)

Maybe it's just died down. I've been on Barbados only for the last couple of weeks, and for the month before that it was the Cayman Islands. Not a word on Ford.
Yes, really. Who said you need to travel to talk to people outside of Canada? There is this amazing thing called the Internet; let me tell you about it! From the comfort of your computer, people from all over the world can write to each other on these things called "message boards". You can speak to someone in the U.K., or Japan, or South America, anywhere - instantly! Although I have done my fair share of travel and I've heard some interesting perspectives about Canada during face to face interactions, most of my conversations with people outside the border is done this way. People will say the darnedest things when they think they are anonymous. ;)

Despite your sarcasm, message boards where people talk about Ford are not representative of what random people in another country are talking about.
You mean you seriously don't understand how local people and businesses earning money has broader benefits? I'm not sure I can help you.

They are arguing from the perspective that the notion of earning a living is a specious, I think you're right.
EXCLUSIVE FORD NATION CONTEST: All those attending the first Rob Ford Fund-raiser on May 8th will be entered into a draw to win a date with the Mayor's beautiful niece Krista Ford !!!

I'm surprised that they didn't pimp out Kathy and Diane for dates too.
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11:00 Doug says that Rob will be there
12:00 Parade officials release public letter saying that Ford isn't invited
14:00 Doug says that Rob is the mayor and can go wherever he wants
15:00-16:00 Lawyers talk
16:05 Rob shows up at work, fakes a back spasm and ignores reporters
16:08 Rob calls it a day
16:30 Doug says that Rob has decided not to attend the parade, because he doesn't want to steal baby Jesus' thunder. "I can't count how many people have stopped me on the street to say that Rob is the White Jesus".
16:31 Reporter asks if they meant "purple Jesus"
16:32 Doug gives everyone the finger and storms off
22:00 Joe Warmington publishes story about how healthy Rob looked when he walked in next week's parade

Bravo! Bellissimo!
What is money?

the current item in use to exchange for goods and services.

so therefore, not having the current item that society uses to exchange for goods and services, one is unable to access said goods and services except for those small instances where bargaining with what goods you do have and what services you can offer are applicable.

But most people want money. One can purchase many peanuts for $20.00.
In Ford news: Mayor spotted this morning at the Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care. Let's hope he doesn't leave a fridge magnet on anyone's pacemaker while he's fishing for votes:


'Such a nice man, he was ... wait a minute, where did my pills go?!'
Fire sprinklers for seniors = Gravy!

I disagree. Family of five killed in this one. Dufferin and Bloor area.

Please don't watch if at all squeamish. But, it's the reason we used to take councillors on ride-outs:

I'm a great believer in smoke alarms and sprinklers.

Also, MADD and mandatory seat-belt laws. Laminated and tempered glass, crumple zones, side impact protection beams, collapsible steering columns and padded dashboards, improved fuel system integrity and fire retardant materials.
I’m very serious and it has gotten worse. Ignore JWBF. He suffers from the painful delusion that he is witty.
Again, there have never been the kinds of crude personal attacks on this thread that are becoming increasing common. People were here to engage.
And JWBF is one of the main perpetrators, doing thinks like--you know--attacking the very thoughtful contributions of new members in entirely sexist terms.

More recently of course, he was out there defending a very offensive image-macro involving the genitalia of Renata Ford that several members asked to be removed. Even the person who posted it knew it was a mistake.

At best, the guys a jerk. i'll leave it at that.

And we have a new troll, your comments would be genuine if you bothered to quote in context, but alas you haven't seen fit to do so, pity. It was a nice try though, however, you should not be discouraged, practice makes perfect.:)
EXCLUSIVE FORD NATION CONTEST: All those attending the first Rob Ford Fund-raiser on May 8th will be entered into a draw to win a date with the Mayor's beautiful niece Krista Ford !!!

I'm surprised that they didn't pimp out Kathy and Diane for dates too.
Don't give them any ideas
EXCLUSIVE FORD NATION CONTEST: All those attending the first Rob Ford Fund-raiser on May 8th will be entered into a draw to win a date with the Mayor's beautiful niece Krista Ford !!!

I'm surprised that they didn't pimp out Kathy and Diane for dates too.

Have you seen Kathy and Diane!? Then there's your answer ...

I guess if you'll play football or whatever it was in your underwear then what's a celeb date for charity, right?

That said, and despite the fact that given everything else, I wouldn't put it past the Fords, I honestly can't believe it isn't another parody scam.

Call me naive ....
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