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Reporting facts about Fords can get tricky
By Jackson Proskow

I work in the business of facts.

Unlike the supermarket tabloids, reporters live or die by their reputation. You won’t get far by getting things wrong, or worse, making them up. Sorry, Wolfboy.

The problem is, those basic tenets of journalism put the media in an awkward state of conflict with Rob Ford and his brother Doug, who so often play fast and loose with the truth. (This, by the way, is fact.)

Almost daily we have to figure out how to report on two politicians who, when asked to account for their behaviour or claims, often resort to personal attacks on reporters instead of answering the questions.

I experienced it first hand when Doug Ford used the brothers’ weekly radio show to accuse me of “ambushing†him for an interview, the day The Globe and Mail reported allegations he was a hash dealer in high school.

In reality, while I did show up unannounced at the family business, there was no chase, and everything that followed was done with Doug’s consent. I found Doug sitting in his car outside. I spoke to him politely, and he invited me to come in for a 15 minute sit-down interview. During the interview he responded to questions about his own past with drugs by accusing me of doing drugs. The facts would tell you there was no ambush here, and also no answers.

The Toronto Star’s Daniel Dale has had it so much worse. Accused of being a pedophile by the mayor, accused of peering over the mayor’s fence, accused of hiding in the bushes and taking pictures of the family home. Dale has said repeatedly that this is all categorically untrue. Police investigated and agree. Yet Rob and Doug continue to spread their version of events as gospel. There can be no reason for this, other than to damage the reputation of a reporter who was simply investigating and reporting the facts.

As the mayor has said of his own investigation by police â€If I’ve done something illegal, I’ve told the police to arrest me.†Curiously he does not expect Daniel Dale, who was investigated and cleared of any wrongdoing by police, to be held to the same standard. Why would he?

The unfortunate reality is that facts only matter if they are believed. There are still people who don’t believe the mayor ever smoked crack (which, is a fact that he himself has admitted to). Faced with the truth, bluster is a powerful tool at which the Fords are incredibly adept at using.

The sad thing is, this unfairly creates the perception of a war between the Fords and the press. From the outside it looks like us versus them.

I can assure you that it simply not true. It has never been personal.

Faced with the fact that my job puts me at odds with the Fords, I will continue to hold the brothers to the same standard as any other elected official. No more, no less. We worry about the facts. If that means calling out a lie, or a distortion of the facts we will, because, that’s what any reporter would do. Even if sometimes the facts are messy.
Ya, of the three threats I'm aware of, two were from crazed Ford fans and one was MacIntyre.

Are you referring to the incident in which MacIntrye showed up at Ford's home, or to another one that flew under the public radar?
So Kathy's stealing toothbrushes? How very trailer trash of her. If the Fords do end up starring in their own reality tv show, it should be called "Deeply Ugly Human Garbage."

You know, this is an excellent point. Where the hell was Daddy when the boys began their burgeoning careers as l'il criminals? And why didn't any of this make the papers back then? Wouldn't this have made for nice, juicy scandal fodder back in the day? The sons of a prominent Tory politico involved in drug dealing, kidnapping, general thuggery (and God knows what else)?

As for Mel Lastman, who knew a future Mayor was waddling along that would make Mel look like Charles DeGaulle by comparison? Yes, Mel was something of a cartoon character himself, but he wasn't a bully or a thug, he wasn't a bigot or a hater, he didn't associate with low level street criminals, and he actually seemed to like Toronto.

Daddy was busy being a businessman, building the company* slapping secretaries asses*, having 3 martini lunches* and trying to figure out how to cut out the partner, when the boys were dabbling in the shallow end of the dealing pool. By the time Daddy was a politician, Doug was already nearly running Deco and Rob was 'book-keeping' there too. Daddy was a one term back-bencher that was too conservative for Harris. When Daddy couldn't get re-elected, Robbie stepped up and jumped in.

*may or may not have happened.
Don Peat / Sun: "Olivia Chow will repeat pledge to cancel the Scarborough subway & its tax hike"

Ugh. FFS. "Cancel the Scarborough subway". Is it really that hard to put a more positive spin on these things? Is that the messaging the Chow campaign is using, or is it the media twisting it in this way?

To your typical low-information voter this sounds like she'd be doing away with the Scarborough line entirely, and I have no doubt Ford will spin it as such.

If it was Ford's promise, the headline would be something like "Ford will repeat pledge to upgrade Scarborough line to LRT and cancel billion dollar tax increase".
I wonder if RoFo has been having medical problems? It could explain him being MIA lately.
Heart and liver issues usually catch up to obese alcoholic drug users. Add in the stress of 24hr police surveillance, and with the cherry on top of his wife leaving him, RoFo is ripe for a medical emergency.

The City has him on Modified Duty at full pay. He can check himself into Bellwood. They have programs for everything.

Ugh. FFS. "Cancel the Scarborough subway". Is it really that hard to put a more positive spin on these things? Is that the messaging the Chow campaign is using, or is it the media twisting it in this way?

To your typical low-information voter this sounds like she'd be doing away with the Scarborough line entirely, and I have no doubt Ford will spin it as such.

If it was Ford's promise, the headline would be something like "Ford will repeat pledge to upgrade Scarborough line to LRT and cancel billion dollar tax increase".

That's what Don tweeted.

( The pic of the old bus was just me making a little joke. )
The City has him on Modified Duty at full pay. He can check himself into Bellwood. They have programs for everything.

"The City has him on Modified Duty at full pay" is this "official" and is this due to his being stripped of powers?
If it was Ford's promise, the headline would be something like "Ford will repeat pledge to upgrade Scarborough line to LRT and cancel billion dollar tax increase".

And that is in a nutshell one of the big reasons Ford continues to enjoy an absurd level of support. It's like the other candidates are afraid to commit to their policies and put their full weight behind SELLING them. For a large segment of the population, Ford's confidence and hyperbole makes people think they know exactly where he stands. It's easy to have doubts that other candidates when they constantly use long-winded and wishy-washy language that obscures their message.

I'm not following the campaign closely because I don't live in Toronto any more, but if Chow isn't out touting how on her FIRST DAY in office she'll cancel the billion dollar "FORD TAX" and bring better transit to Scarborough then she's missing a huge opportunity. She should be repeating this in every single conversation, and at the start AND end of every speech and interview.
"The City has him on Modified Duty at full pay" is this "official" and is this due to his being stripped of powers?

From my recollection, the City does not interfere with your pay when on Modified Duty.

As far as RoFo's situation, I just know what I read in the paper.

'On Thursday, Minnan-Wong wouldn’t rule out that Ford will continue to do the job until next October.
“I think the mayor can keep up his modified duties,†he said. “They are significantly less than they were in October and so I think his workload has been significantly diminished.†'
I wonder if RoFo has been having medical problems? It could explain him being MIA lately.
Heart and liver issues usually catch up to obese alcoholic drug users. Add in the stress of 24hr police surveillance, and with the cherry on top of his wife leaving him, RoFo is ripe for a medical emergency.
Did Renata really leave him?
( The pic of the old bus was just me making a little joke. )

Tangent: The old bus is actually a rare old TTC bus that was used by some choir in the US. It's a 1970 Western Flyer model that didn't fare too well in Toronto. There were only 23 of them and most rusted out by 1980. This is the only one that survived. This type of bus was the same body as used for the electric trolley buses (which I'm sure RoFo would like because they don't run on tracks, thus not blocking his Escalade).
Here's a thought...Kathy could donate all those hot toothbrushes to Rob's campaign and they could be given out at Ford Nation gatherings. Seriously; have any of you seen the state of dental care amongst the acolytes? It looks like the front row at a Lynyrd Skynyrd show when they all smile...
Tangent: The old bus is actually a rare old TTC bus that was used by some choir in the US. It's a 1970 Western Flyer model that didn't fare too well in Toronto. There were only 23 of them and most rusted out by 1980. This is the only one that survived. This type of bus was the same body as used for the electric trolley buses (which I'm sure RoFo would like because they don't run on tracks, thus not blocking his Escalade).

I drove this rebuilt TTC bus for years. It's a 1961 GMC "fishbowl" or "New Look" type.

After "Princess" retired, I spent most of the rest of my career on Orions.
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Here's a thought...Kathy could donate all those hot toothbrushes to Rob's campaign and they could be given out at Ford Nation gatherings. Seriously; have any of you seen the state of dental care amongst the acolytes? It looks like the front row at a Lynyrd Skynyrd show when they all smile...

Is this is a valuable way to think of Ford's supporters? Plenty of people with impeccable teeth will at the drop of a hat say things which sound just like Ford talking points.

Ford's teeth, on the other hand, are both fair game - he's our top elected official and an admitted user of heavy drugs which will take a toll on his teeth and his health in general - and the basis for an excellent new alternative curse, as in: "Oh, Ford's teeth! Not another round of transit inaction!"
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