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Hmmm.... Not sure what you're referring to. I don't remember. Anything else?

Sorry. I should have gone back and checked, but I've never been able to properly avail myself of the search function in thousand thread. Apologies for misremembering, being too technically inept to verify, and jumping the gun.
Ford treats him as his bitch/punching bag.

I can't say it surprises me to hear that. Lisi is "loyal" to Ford because Mayor Assclown is his meal ticket, and their association is likely the highest Lisi is ever going to climb on the social ladder...but people do have their limits when it comes to tolerance of abuse - especially thugs like Lisi, who's almost certainly more used to dishing out gratuitous nastiness than receiving it - and if he senses the end is near, it's certainly possible his "loyalty" is just about used up. Mayhaps ol' Sandro just might go to the cops with whatever he knows after all? What a lovely thought...

As for His Oafship, we know he likes to playact at being a gangsta and a tough guy, so he probably appreciates Lisi for the real-life elements the rotten creep brings to whatever depraved fantasy is playing out in Ford's overflowing toilet of a mind. But in the end, I'm sure he probably considers his 'good buddy' to be nothing more than a butler, and probably about as disposable. Whatever crap Ford may spout, in any realistic sense he must view Lisi as expendable. A little fact of which I'm sure our Sandro is well aware.
You can call me "Ms". :)

I drive 20 minutes and buy lobster from the guy (with 6 teeth) who pulled it out of the water.

Sounds like Uncle Ron. It's not a matter of cash (Lobstering can be good $). He's afraid of 'them dentists from Dalhousie. Butchers all of 'em'.
VTB: I think most journalists actually give him the heads up when they are about to print the story. Even though he treats them like crap, they ask him if he wants to comment or see what they have before the go to print. Not sure if G&M did so in this situation.

I'm fairly certain newspapers are obligated to request comment from people they're writing about. This came up in that hearing thing-y at Ryerson about the Globe and Star stories. The one where Doug opined that the judges were all somehow wanting to work for the Star. Think about that: before every single story that's been published about these goombahs, they've been contacted by media in advance to let them know what's coming down the pipe. It's not like they wake up blindsided by crazy headlines.
None of this rings true. It's all too pat. From the hurried L.O.A and hasty departure to parts unknown as new revelations emerge, to the 'crack pipe' images - taken while Lisi and his sister were present, no less. Nor does Doug's 'emotional' presser do anything to alleviate the sense that this is not some grand bit of political theatre. It all feels like so much stage blocking in service of some narrative like 'redemption' or 'return of the wiser hero'.

Where's Doug been for 8-10 days? What was he doing; stage management? Why were Kathy and Lisi there while the video was being recorded? After all, isn't Lisi some master of evasive manoeuvres who would be canny enough to realize recording was happening? Has he ever been identified as a user of crack? This video conveniently emerging all of a sudden, is it not? In tandem with the audio (which does in fact, as mentioned backthread, seem to have DoFo waving his baton in the b.g. there.) The Bieber/Muzik stuff is just icing on the cake (although the whole Muzik/Number One Customer thing, if true, is supremely rancid).

It all feels like a stunt. Or, fingers crossed. maybe the TPS/Giroux et. al were getting ready to bring the hammer down, word got out to the friendlies at the local division and heads up were given. That at least believably explains the haste.

Of course, perhaps tinfoil headgear I'm jauntily sporting is too tight. It all could really be as it appears on its face. But, as has been repeatedly demonstrated, nothing these characters do should be taken at face value.

I know I'll get told off (but not by BviewDforth ;) ) for this bit of putting-the-dots-together, but it seems to me like the powers that be might have made their decision and then set the man up. DoFo was laying groundwork and Lisi/Cathy (aided by the crown and the police) was puttin' in work.
For anyone who has ever doubted the impartiality of Forum polling. :p

DavidNickle 6:29pm via Tweet Button
Ford has to win swing voters says Forum Research's Lorne Bozinoff. http://

“People tired of the Rob Ford drama and his personal chaos are drifting to other candidates. But I’m not convinced that attachment is too great. He still has most of Ford Nation. Those he doesn’t have, he can get back,” Bozinoff said of ardent Ford supporters. “What will be more challenging for him will be swing voters. Those people who shared in his efficiency in government and keeping taxes low values.”
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Long time lurker and avid reader of this forum. I usually refrain from posting to internet forums but I wanted to highlight something that hasn't been addressed here since the latest revelations came to light.

View attachment 25551

First, if you look closely at the picture you can see the right honorable Mr. Ford looking directly into the camera; as if to check if he's correctly in the frame. This, along with the fact that his sister and earnest former driver and fellow narcotic aficionado were present, may be an indirect confirmation that it is a willful self-destruct by Ford. In a way, it may be his desperate attempt to present his family with the fait-accompli that he's done with being mayor.

The other interesting thing about the latest video is that the seller took a picture of another phone as a time-stamp. From prior reports by Jimmy T we know that people who hang out with Ford since the crack scandal broke are required to hand over their phones. How can someone take a picture of another phone without being seen? This may lend further credence to the idea that this latest leak has been orchestrated by Ford to provide him with an out without any equivocation by his brother or his supporters. You can also add to that the fact that Robin said it was some 8 minutes of video that was presented to them. That's an awful long time for a very risky activity.

Edit 2: the angles from the first three pictures are all the same, then we get a nice clear shot of Ford talking on the phone, and finally the time-stamp picture. It's awfully convenient to think that this much snooping was done surreptitiously.

The other topic I wanted to address is the reaction from city council. It's true that most Councillors are still reluctant to dive into the muck by calling for his outright resignation. We've all heard the same refrain that he needs to deal with his issues and it's a good thing that he finally decided to do that, but when it comes time to vote to excuse his absence from council, the choice will be forced upon them. Can we discuss the likelihood of him not being excused and thus triggering the 3 council absence countdown, effectively ending his reign as the best mayor in the history of the world?

Edit: is the 3 absence rule contingent on council excusing it or does it get counted regardless of the vote?

/goes back to lurking

I've been totally outclassed by a Lurker. I doff my tinfoil cap to you, sir or madam.
I don't for a second believe any of the high level TPS/Cathy/Lisi conspiracy stuff. No way. I think Rob's been going off the rails since new years; Doug knew it; went to Chicago to make some plans for Rob to hide out for a month. That's it.

As for the coincidence of all the stories yesterday, well: the Sun & Globe stories are certainly serendipitous, but you can tell Donovan has been working HARD since St. Paddy's day getting the info on the Muzik stuff. Same deal as last year: Cooke saw the Sun & Globe stories going, so he green-lighted Donovan's story that they'd been waiting on. Full of anonymous sources & grimy details, it would have garnered more criticism than praise if the Star's hand wasn't forced. De ja vu all over again!
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