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If Rob truly keyboarded that last email - response to a critic - his staff would have been correct to take his computer away from him and forbid him to attempt any further correspondence himself from that moment onwards.

That last one is about the same flavour of English that was in the official twitter feed for a while (at about the same time. I suspect a staffer who has since moved on.)
Oh the Sun. Technically tonight/tomorrow is the Crackiversary. I'm really hoping there's a new big bombshell, but I suspect it will be a lot of rehashing of the last year and what a year it's been.

"The people who swore — the f-word and s--- were apparently top choices — were able to tolerate the pain of the ice water significantly longer than those only permitted to say neutral words."

They subjected volunteers to pain and found that swearing helped relieve the stress. Big surprise.

"Swearing appears to trigger a flight or fight response, said Stephens, which then releases endorphins that diminish the pain."

In polite mixed company with people you don't know very well, and would prefer not to offend, is triggering the fight or flight response a wise idea?

I suppose with the internet being, somewhat anonymous, swearing is more common than on the city streets. But, does that make it right?

Swearing appears to trigger a flight or fight response, said Stephens, which then releases endorphins that diminish the pain.
Don't tell me you think using gendered language and swearing is somehow unintelligent. Or do you oppose saying "HE'S a jerk" because HE implies HE's male? Some of the most intelligent people I know swear like sailors. They hold PhDs and would beat you at any trivia night.

If the mods think we shouldn't swear for whatever reason and that's why my posts got deleted, whatever. Let *them* tell me directly exactly what and why I did wrong. I'm willing to play by the rules, it's not MY forum. But don't *you* dare tell me I'm using language inappropriately like you're out of the fucking 19th century. Or is that too fucking offensive?

I defended the Ford girl and that tweet she posted COMPLETELY did the same thing I was trying to defend her from, and my reaction was "That bitch!". Don't like it? *Deal with it*.

Calling a man a bitch promotes negative stereotypes about women so I don't use the word in that fashion. It's not *what word you use* it's *what you mean by it*. I don't know if you're a man or woman and I don't care, but let me tell you that other than my mother there is not a single woman I know that would bristle at calling someone a bitch, and I know a lot. They use it more than I do!

Once, at my last job, I got pulled into a meeting because I had said "fuck" to a friend (in a non sexual way) on the phone at lunch. They said that my language was offensive and someone could complain about sexual harassment. This was no place to be glib, but I said anyway, "Are you fucking serious?" Their smile betrayed their serious tone. Good thing my profession is in high demand. Regardless, I was only cautioned, but I thought that was ridiculous. Now I work at a company where shits and fucks and damns fly around the office all the time, and you know what? People are happier. No one complains about this company, whereas literally everyone complained at the old one. Correlation is not causation but I think people are happier in general when they're allowed to be colourful. There's nothing wrong with swearing. Or, if you think there is, you need to listen to more George Carlin.
Euler, I am not sure why you had such a huge emotional reaction, but to my perspective, your post was unnecessarily aggressive. I did not single you out, and yet it seems like you are attacking me personally.

To me, targeted swearing and name calling is a form of bullying; a posturing to assert dominance. You may think that you were just ranting above, but it seems like you were trying to win some non-existent argument, to me. It has nothing to do with being 'colourful'. I am an artist, and work exclusively with 'colourful' artists. No one swears as much as you did above.

Meditation helps to still the mind and emotions. It shows that the mind tries to fill itself with a bunch of extraneous detritus, and it works to fill those gaps with....silence and awareness. To my perspective, swearing is like that extraneous detritus. It's unnecessary, and, as research has shown, can be used to illicit a negative emotion in the listener.

This is my opinion, of course. But I always go back to the rule about what Rob Ford would do, and then do the opposite. He swears like a sailor a drunken stupor. lol

Anyway, if you would like to continue this conversation, it would be more appropriate as a PM.
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Hah. You know damn well you singled me out. I disagree with you, but whatever. The past is the past, right?

This thread needs more cats.
"The people who swore — the f-word and s--- were apparently top choices — were able to tolerate the pain of the ice water significantly longer than those only permitted to say neutral words."

They subjected volunteers to pain and found that swearing helped relieve the stress. Big surprise.

"Swearing appears to trigger a flight or fight response, said Stephens, which then releases endorphins that diminish the pain."

In polite mixed company with people you don't know very well, and would prefer not to offend, is triggering the fight or flight response a wise idea?

I suppose with the internet being, somewhat anonymous, swearing is more common than on the city streets. But, does that make it right?

To my perspective, it also makes a difference if the swearing is targeted, or directed at someone. There would also be a difference if the swearing was used in a high emotional state or if the tone was jovial.
Saying something is 'fucking funny' would not illicit as much of a flight or fight response, as calling a woman a 'bitch', complete with exclamation mark. (denoting more emotion.)
However, either could be triggering to people who have experienced abuse accompanied by lots of swearing.
We are definitely in mixed company on the internet, and we don't know how our words will impact others.
The one thing that I have appreciated about UT is that it is polite. There is so much aggressive posturing, and 'verbal violence' all over the internet, it is nice that there is a place free from that.
Some idle searching has sent me down a rabbit hole... hence my being up at 4:40 am even though I have to go to work in a few hours.

So, I happened upon this old tweet:
@lulu_much Jul 31
I walk into Gourmet Express to get soup and who is sitting there? Rob Dixon...just eating Chinese food Lmao
---> that's July 31, 2013, 6:25 pm

So I look up the restaurant. It's at 1735 Kipling, at Dixon, a few minutes from the Windsor Rd house.

So I think to myself: "That's interesting. I wonder if the ITO has any surveillance for July 31, 2013." I find it on pg 276 of my version of the doc (that's the number on the bottom of the page -- it's pg 284 of 474 of the PDF).

The only blue Ford Escape I can think of is Ford's other car (i.e. Renata's car). Sure enough, the plate is BEYW 660.

It's called "the known blue Ford Escape" but not identified as belonging to Mayor Ford. (I tried to look back to see if it's mentioned earlier in the ITO, but didn't see anything. It's a lot of pages though; and some aren't searchable).

Anyways, as highlighted, the driver "was not observed" and Lisi drives off with "an unknown male".
(then on pg 280 (listed as Aug 1) the Escape was described as being in the Edenbridge driveway next to the Escalade. Lisi visited Ford at home for half an hour.)

But who was driving the blue Ford Escape and meeting with Lisi on July 31? :confused:

Now that. Was fun to read :D
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