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Also explains that little hospital stay which some thought was medical detox. Did he already know McRobb or did he meet her at Greenestone?

It's not clear. With her being a local and family connected to tourist trade, would she have been connected to Muskoka area tourist party scene over the last 15-20 years or so? Perhaps in the division with the heaviest drinkers and heaviest drug users? Could have been an opportunity to make an acquaintance way back, if nothing more.
It's not clear. With her being a local and family connected to tourist trade, would she have been connected to Muskoka area tourist party scene over the last 15-20 years or so? Perhaps in the division with the heaviest drinkers and heaviest drug users? Could have been an opportunity to make an acquaintance way back, if nothing more.

Muskoka is a big place, cottagers tend to hang pretty close to there cottage, one town, maybe two away with a really cool draw*. The Ford Cottage is half way between Huntsville and Bracebridge. McRobb's world is way the hell on the other side of 'the big lakes' (an hour-ish drive). If RoFo was a big enough fan of a band playing the Kee* on a Canada Day long weekend, (they do get pretty good (or famous anyway) bands for big weekends) AND McRobb happened to be there that night there is a chance they met, ago.

*The Kee, in Bala, might be a cool enough draw (with the right band playing) to drive for an hour each way. Rob doesn't strike me as a big fan of contemporary Canadian music though...
Oh, and if Rob Ford is that way in rehab: imagine how he'd be in handcuffs, in custody, incarcerated, etc.

Well, as I've said in the past: he could well wind up as the first elected Mayor in a contemporary Western democracy to be taken down by a police bullet.

I think the chances of the above happening is extremely low.
While anything is almost possible when the subject is the Ford Crack N' Criminal Circus.

Rofo and Dofo seems to be creatures of habits. Rofo is a huge walking Id. He acts the bully to the max, when he knows he can get away with it.
The rare times when he realizes that he's dealing with someone\something he can't bully, bluster, or intimidate.
Rofo usually either tries to run away, or crumples pretty fast. (See his Florida arrest.)

Dofo usually triples down, continue his not so veiled threats, until he comes up with a new lie
and or gets called on his threats and lying. Then flashes the ole' Dougie
psycho smile.

So Unless Rob goes full tilt nuts, and has a shootout with the cops.
Or takes a random person hostage. Or tries to outright kill an officer during arrest.
He's probably not going to get shot by TPS.

Now Rob getting shot by one of his sketchy criminal associates ,during
say a drug and booze bender gone wrong...that might be slightly more probable.

But this is IMO morbid wishful thinking territory.

Ford is not likely to be arrested during the 'Camping' period.
Personally I have little faith or trust that TPS would arrest him at all by now.
But if that miracle were to happen, it would likely be after the election date.

Anyhow thank you citizen protesters, all of you.
Seeing Rofo get knocked off his lying script today, is amazing.
Muskoka is a big place, cottagers tend to hang pretty close to there cottage, one town, maybe two away with a really cool draw*. The Ford Cottage is half way between Huntsville and Bracebridge. McRobb's world is way the hell on the other side of 'the big lakes' (an hour-ish drive). If RoFo was a big enough fan of a band playing the Kee* on a Canada Day long weekend, (they do get pretty good (or famous anyway) bands for big weekends) AND McRobb happened to be there that night there is a chance they met, ago.

*The Kee, in Bala, might be a cool enough draw (with the right band playing) to drive for an hour each way. Rob doesn't strike me as a big fan of contemporary Canadian music though...

I hear ya. Both are of an age where a mid-90s Kim Mitchell at The Kee might fit tho. (Assuming the Triumph album on RoFo's office wall means he likes klassic hard rock.)

Sometimes people meet thru knowing the same dealer. Also some people might drive further to see a dealer than to see a band.
I think one can test The Star story by asking how it concerns the public interest.
It speaks to the question "what kind of man is Rob Ford?"

When forced into rehab, I imagined him trying to talk his way out of it, or working some kind of charm or charisma, such as it is.
More "I don't really *need* to be here", rather than "I shouldn't be here".
Instead he was a major jerk to his fellow patients.

I didn't think he'd be so callous, childish, or clueless. :eek:
I also didn't think my opinion could sink lower.
Muskoka is a big place, cottagers tend to hang pretty close to there cottage, one town, maybe two away with a really cool draw*. The Ford Cottage is half way between Huntsville and Bracebridge. McRobb's world is way the hell on the other side of 'the big lakes' (an hour-ish drive). If RoFo was a big enough fan of a band playing the Kee* on a Canada Day long weekend, (they do get pretty good (or famous anyway) bands for big weekends) AND McRobb happened to be there that night there is a chance they met, ago.

*The Kee, in Bala, might be a cool enough draw (with the right band playing) to drive for an hour each way. Rob doesn't strike me as a big fan of contemporary Canadian music though...

I don't see him being a 'homebody' when he's at the cottage. Think about how Rob behaves at home (in T.O.). He never wants to go home. Even when you think he's been out all day, is drunk/high enough, ought to be tired (especially lugging that giant frame around all day) -- he still doesn't want to go home. He ducks out to Muzik for an hour or so, or Sully Gorman's.

If his past family cottage outings have included his wife and kids being there, then I suspect he jumped into that Escalade and driove around somewhere -- anywhere -- quite often. He's not comfortable hanging out with his family for too long.
I think one can test The Star story by asking how it concerns the public interest.
It speaks to the question "what kind of man is Rob Ford?"

I get people's hesitation about the story - investigative journalist spend most of their careers enticing people to violate confidentially (and sometimes even to break a legal oath, a la Woodward and Bernstien and the grand jury in reviews in '72), but this seems to feel different because it's "rehab" and a medical thing.

The problem for those folks is that Rob Ford can't come back from rehab, make his campaign on how great he did and how much he grew and changed, give interviews FROM rehab, and still have any expectation of privacy when someone shows up and says his story is a pack of lies. My god, the man appears to have seriously negatively impacted people that were actually trying to get their lives back on track, and frankly, he started everything by breaking confidentiality on his first day there. Or, is that fact that all his rehab stories were lies protects him from violating confidentiality?
This report might push people to have more sympathy for Ford since his recovery confidentiality was breached.
Not sure if it was a good call by The Star.
It's the flip side of taking day passes from rehab and posing for selfies and calling Warmington to tell all his readers that rehab is "fantastic, like football camp".

“With regards to Mayor Ford’s conduct and how it affected other residents at GreeneStone we simply cannot comment"
LOL, "Robbie does not play well with others".
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I'm not surprised by his behaviour and lies. But lots of addicts act out in rehab. This is just another sign that Greenstone isn't capable or interested in providing proper treatment.

Rehab facilities should provide different levels of treatment. My relative is in a programme that offers primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Primary care is in a hospital environment during detox. But staff will send disruptive patients back to primary care if they aren't ready for group therapy in secondary care.

His whole stay was a PR nightmare for GS. This is definitely damage control. But it's too little, too late.

Recall someone (Jimmy T?) also said that he was shopping around and went to CAMH or Bellwoods? Can't imagine he would be able to fit into those programs.

I wonder if this whole business with the escalade parked in the woods is at all related to the "errands"Ford had Lisi doing?
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